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my wife herself is

a team leader. at first she is a "lead hand" (work cell coordinator). basically the title involves both technical aspects and management.

langunage proficiency is a must. strong managemen ability =planning + implementing + controlling + interacting + coordinating.

dealing with people is even more important than with tech or machine. other "know-how": meeting with upper leaders, documentation, everyday work report (brief emails), ...

like i said, it is a nice job, but I may think the language ability that has been verified in previous position is the most significant (if you, or i, think your English is good, it will likely not count, coz your upper leader is the real boss).

good luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问已经工作了的朋友,TEAM LEADER都干些什么?英语要求很高吗?有个AGENT说要给我介绍个TEAM LEADER的工作,我觉得他有点搞笑,可又觉得除了英语,自己做TEAM LEADER完全合格。大家说说,可能吗?
    • 与其他TEAM开会讨论, 协调本TEAM里的人力和技术资源,跟进项目进程。英语水平不应在老中平均线之下。 我只是瞎说, 激昂不是搞开发的。
      • 那老中平均线如何?描述一下?
        • 不好说, 大概激昂和EGG那水平。
          • 可是对答如流,巧舌如簧?
            • 你不是指EGG昨晚跟舞娘说话时的水准吧?那时是超水平发挥。平均水平之上。
            • 比如说,激昂看到漂亮姑娘就犯结吧。他昨晚的英文在老中平均水平之下。
        • 俺婆姨已经听了你的建议上BARBARA的CAREER STEPS 班了。 谢谢。
          • 不客气,刚开始感觉可能有点慢,但坚持下来的人全都觉得收获不小。而且可以交到不少朋友。而且还有意外收获,上完了她就知道了。
            • 在哪里?我回来后也想去。
              • 780 Birchmount Rd., Unit #3. Scarborough. Tel. (416) 757-7010 ask for Barbara.
                Career Step Program
                Job Search Strategies
                Resume Preparation, Cover Letters and Applications
                Computer Training (MSWords, Internet, e-mail)
                Interview Techniques
                Canadian Workplace Rights and Responsibilities
                Canadian Geography, History, Government, and Current Events
                Cross-Culture Communication
                Advanced ESL Instruction(Grammer and Pronunciation)

                Next Classes Begin May 7 and July 3
                • Thanks.
    • my wife herself is
      a team leader. at first she is a "lead hand" (work cell coordinator). basically the title involves both technical aspects and management.

      langunage proficiency is a must. strong managemen ability =planning + implementing + controlling + interacting + coordinating.

      dealing with people is even more important than with tech or machine. other "know-how": meeting with upper leaders, documentation, everyday work report (brief emails), ...

      like i said, it is a nice job, but I may think the language ability that has been verified in previous position is the most significant (if you, or i, think your English is good, it will likely not count, coz your upper leader is the real boss).

      good luck
    • A team leader should practice leadership, knowing how to motivate ppl and make decisions, focusing on the outcome of team activities.
    • it depends on the company structure. Most companies have cross structures. Vertically, managers assign jobs and evaluate employees. Horizontally, team leaders deliver projects.
      As a team leader, the most important is to know to whom you are responsible for and what deliverables you are accountable for.