Hhorse, 谢谢你的回答. 但是我查看了Appendix A Residency Obligation, 上面明明写着."If you have been a permanent resident for five years or more: you must have been physically present in Canada for a minimum of 730 days within the past five years.....
Hhorse, 谢谢你的回答. 但是我查看了Appendix A Residency Obligation, 上面明明写着."If you have been a permanent resident for five years or more: you must have been physically present in Canada for a minimum of 730 days within the past five years. If you have been a permanent resident for less than five years: you must show that you will be able to meet the minimum 730 days in Canada at the five-year mark." 我可以在拿到RENEW 的枫叶卡后的第三年进入加拿大,或许不用
三年.我可能会来加选择读个我喜欢的专业.但现在我还不能选择回加. 总之,觉得现在放弃了真的可惜. 还有哪位有经验分享一下么?
成为移民五年,不是枫叶卡RENEW五年.即使2008/01回来,past five years,也就是2003/01到2008/01之间的五年你要住满两年,你才不失去身份.你只有2003/01到2004/08住了1年8个月,即使2007住了一个月(renew卡),你还是没有住满两年.越往后你前面住的越没用.