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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我希望通过 C# code 以 late binding方式访问COM组件, 需要hook C# event sink to the COM server event source。 (early binding没问题)。


// Obtain the COM object type by late binding, "Handler.Task" is the COM progID
string progID = "Handler.Task";
Type objectType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(progID);

// Create Instance of COM object
object objHandler = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);

// Get the event info, "OnStatusUpdate" is the method name inside the event source dispinterface in COm
EventInfo statusEvent = objectType.GetEvent("OnStatusUpdate");

// Create the the event sink
SampleEventSink statusSink = new SampleEventSink();

// "OnStatusUpdate" is the implementation method in the sink
MethodInfo invokeMehtod = statusSink.GetType().GetMethod("OnStatusUpdate");
Delegate eventSink = Delegate.CreateDelegate(statusEvent.EventHandlerType, invokeMehtod);

// Hook the sink to the source
statusEvent.AddEventHandler(objHandler, eventSink);

// Invoke method from the COM object
object hrTaskHandler = objectType.InvokeMember("Execute", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, objHandler, new object[] { taskName, taskArg });

1。 我的实现方式对否?
2。 按以上代码, objectType.GetEvent("OnStatusUpdate")返回null. 我尝试用GetEvents返回所有Event, 也是null. 我估计该Event包含在nested的type中, 尝试GetNestedTypes, GetInterfaces等方法先返回次级Type, 都是null。
请大家帮忙看看, 谢谢。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / How to hook C# event sink to the COM event source in late binding
    • 具体问题如正文:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我希望通过 C# code 以 late binding方式访问COM组件, 需要hook C# event sink to the COM server event source。 (early binding没问题)。


      // Obtain the COM object type by late binding, "Handler.Task" is the COM progID
      string progID = "Handler.Task";
      Type objectType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(progID);

      // Create Instance of COM object
      object objHandler = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);

      // Get the event info, "OnStatusUpdate" is the method name inside the event source dispinterface in COm
      EventInfo statusEvent = objectType.GetEvent("OnStatusUpdate");

      // Create the the event sink
      SampleEventSink statusSink = new SampleEventSink();

      // "OnStatusUpdate" is the implementation method in the sink
      MethodInfo invokeMehtod = statusSink.GetType().GetMethod("OnStatusUpdate");
      Delegate eventSink = Delegate.CreateDelegate(statusEvent.EventHandlerType, invokeMehtod);

      // Hook the sink to the source
      statusEvent.AddEventHandler(objHandler, eventSink);

      // Invoke method from the COM object
      object hrTaskHandler = objectType.InvokeMember("Execute", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, objHandler, new object[] { taskName, taskArg });

      1。 我的实现方式对否?
      2。 按以上代码, objectType.GetEvent("OnStatusUpdate")返回null. 我尝试用GetEvents返回所有Event, 也是null. 我估计该Event包含在nested的type中, 尝试GetNestedTypes, GetInterfaces等方法先返回次级Type, 都是null。
      请大家帮忙看看, 谢谢。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • COM Interoperability in .net
      • <a href="http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/cscpplatebind.asp" target="_blank">Read James Brannan's Late-Binding DLLs in C#</a>