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Some helpful info

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You'd better stay at China and develop your course
作者: forever
日期: 03-29-01 12:12

Why come to Canada,you'd better stay at China and develop your course.
According to your scores, it's a bit difficult to be admitted by the universities. The base level is B. 60-70 should rank at C or D.

Coming to Canada is not the only way to develop yourself, perhaps you could not imagine the retreat of the job market here. so many smart guys not only from China, but from England, from Germany, from France, from US, from India and etc. Most of them possess excellent English communication skills and solid professional background, on the other hand, the market is so bad ; the result is the violent competition. Are you ready to be an excellent communicator; are you ready in your professional skills such as UNIX; (I could tell you that a C++ programmer with 5 years of experiences is considered as a intermediate programmer; could you pass the professional test required by the interviewer ?

Consider your background, and have your own point of view. Coming to Canada is not the only way. Many people come here without any preparation, and can not get used to the life here. They just see others going aborad, so they want to go abroad too. You know, person is different from person.

Also some immigration agencies only told you the positive side about immigrating to Canada, they ignored the other side. They did not told you how difficult it should be to land your first job here. They did not told you there are so many hi-tech guys working in the factory (with only 8-10 Canadian Dollars per hour). These people could only get about 1000 $ per month after TAX. (You should know the TAX is very high in Canada. ) 1000$ per month, can only keep living in Canada !

You know the true situation here? You really don't know. If your monthly salary is about 10000 and you are working in an foreign-invest company OR you have the chance to go to US, don't come to Canada.

The above is my own point of view. May or may not be right.
Actually, what Canada really need is the labour workers with high quality. If you go to factory and find a labour job, it's easy. But with a low rate payment.

Imagine your future life in Canada, and how about you can not land a job and
could not easily go to your ideally university?

good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问一下,被子怎么带呢?这么大一堆,还有你们的鞋子有没有装盒子,我的鞋有点多,衣服也比较多。还有请JJMM门指点,你们除了普通的东西外,还带了些什么女士专用的?
    • 加拿大的被子并不贵啊, 我在zellers看到好多20, 30加币一条的. 有空间还不如带点书. 如果一定要带被子就用真空袋先压一下吧. 鞋子不用装盒, 里面撑上袜子, 小药盒什么的小玩意, 再用塑料袋套上,既干净又省空间.
      我个人感觉没有什么特别的女士用品要从国内带的. 香水, 化妆品, 内衣, 卫生用品这里都有, 价钱也和国内差不多.
      • 加拿大被子很贵,如果你的房东是华人而且房租在300左右就可能暖气不足
        • 我弄糊涂了,加拿大被子到底贵不贵?
          • 杜邦中空棉化纤被20-90$(plus tax), 羽绒被90-250$. 不包括被罩. 按国内价格, 低档货不算贵, 但质量次. 40-50$左右的化纤棉被应该较实用. 供参考.
    • 你算问对人了,被子用真空压缩袋,我和我家领导也有许多鞋子,方法是先在箱底平铺一层衣服,盖上一层塑料膜,再把袜子等小衣服塞入鞋子(塞紧),再把鞋子象七巧板一样铺上,再盖一层衣服。用这个方法我们一次带了30多双。也可以用纸箱。
      • 你准备是鞋店吗?
        • 非也,非也,此乃领导与劳工的共同爱好!
          • 领导爱好穿鞋子,劳工爱好擦鞋子。
            • 错!劳工的鞋比领导的多。
      • 你的真空压缩带是在超市买的吗?大慨多少钱?你把30双鞋子全部放在17寸的纸箱里还是放在皮箱呢?
        • 压缩袋是在上海家乐福买的,我没用纸箱,全放在牛津旅行箱内。
          • Beibei, should I bring 'Yu Rong Yi'? I'll land on Toronto on April 6.
            • 羽绒衣现在是用不到了,但来年冬天还是用的到的呀。现在在上海买很便宜。上星期我刚买了一件。
    • 被子贵不贵:SEARS买的, 原价打5折, 申请了SEARS卡, 又少收我十快, 最后支付110多。 有便宜的, 好象40左右。 正宗印巴花色。估计是特供。单被子无配套床单, 在WINNERS 见过ESPRIT的, 50块不到。
    • 还有请问我一个人带几床被子合适?我很怕冷。
      • 两床足够了吧
        • 若是碰上减价的话,我刚买了一床新被子king size, 可机洗,才$27.99
    • 加拿大需要的是民工
    • Some Massage Toy for Woman. I mean the SEX Toy which can make you FLY...
      • really? do u try them ? how is your feeling? i want to fly....
    • Some helpful info
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You'd better stay at China and develop your course
      作者: forever
      日期: 03-29-01 12:12

      Why come to Canada,you'd better stay at China and develop your course.
      According to your scores, it's a bit difficult to be admitted by the universities. The base level is B. 60-70 should rank at C or D.

      Coming to Canada is not the only way to develop yourself, perhaps you could not imagine the retreat of the job market here. so many smart guys not only from China, but from England, from Germany, from France, from US, from India and etc. Most of them possess excellent English communication skills and solid professional background, on the other hand, the market is so bad ; the result is the violent competition. Are you ready to be an excellent communicator; are you ready in your professional skills such as UNIX; (I could tell you that a C++ programmer with 5 years of experiences is considered as a intermediate programmer; could you pass the professional test required by the interviewer ?

      Consider your background, and have your own point of view. Coming to Canada is not the only way. Many people come here without any preparation, and can not get used to the life here. They just see others going aborad, so they want to go abroad too. You know, person is different from person.

      Also some immigration agencies only told you the positive side about immigrating to Canada, they ignored the other side. They did not told you how difficult it should be to land your first job here. They did not told you there are so many hi-tech guys working in the factory (with only 8-10 Canadian Dollars per hour). These people could only get about 1000 $ per month after TAX. (You should know the TAX is very high in Canada. ) 1000$ per month, can only keep living in Canada !

      You know the true situation here? You really don't know. If your monthly salary is about 10000 and you are working in an foreign-invest company OR you have the chance to go to US, don't come to Canada.

      The above is my own point of view. May or may not be right.
      Actually, what Canada really need is the labour workers with high quality. If you go to factory and find a labour job, it's easy. But with a low rate payment.

      Imagine your future life in Canada, and how about you can not land a job and
      could not easily go to your ideally university?

      good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • thank you for your information, but i'd rather go to Canada,because i have no back-way.
    • 忘说了: 俺领导说被子的价钱俩边差不多。
      • 多谢大家热情帮助,小妹感激不尽。
      • 替我谢谢你家领导^_^.