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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You'd better stay at China and develop your course
作者: forever
日期: 03-29-01 12:12

Why come to Canada,you'd better stay at China and develop your course.
According to your scores, it's a bit difficult to be admitted by the universities. The base level is B. 60-70 should rank at C or D.

Coming to Canada is not the only way to develop yourself, perhaps you could not imagine the retreat of the job market here. so many smart guys not only from China, but from England, from Germany, from France, from US, from India and etc. Most of them possess excellent English communication skills and solid professional background, on the other hand, the market is so bad ; the result is the violent competition. Are you ready to be an excellent communicator; are you ready in your professional skills such as UNIX; (I could tell you that a C++ programmer with 5 years of experiences is considered as a intermediate programmer; could you pass the professional test required by the interviewer ?

Consider your background, and have your own point of view. Coming to Canada is not the only way. Many people come here without any preparation, and can not get used to the life here. They just see others going aborad, so they want to go abroad too. You know, person is different from person.

Also some immigration agencies only told you the positive side about immigrating to Canada, they ignored the other side. They did not told you how difficult it should be to land your first job here. They did not told you there are so many hi-tech guys working in the factory (with only 8-10 Canadian Dollars per hour). These people could only get about 1000 $ per month after TAX. (You should know the TAX is very high in Canada. ) 1000$ per month, can only keep living in Canada !

You know the true situation here? You really don't know. If your monthly salary is about 10000 and you are working in an foreign-invest company OR you have the chance to go to US, don't come to Canada.

The above is my own point of view. May or may not be right.
Actually, what Canada really need is the labour workers with high quality. If you go to factory and find a labour job, it's easy. But with a low rate payment.

Imagine your future life in Canada, and how about you can not land a job and
could not easily go to your ideally university?

good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我这里有个问题盼大家出出注意,我是主申请人我丈夫是乙肝大三阳,他不准备申请,怕身体过不去,有没有办法,不办离婚,他又不会影响我申请的办法? 望各位热心人给我出出主意
    • 别无他法。只要你们是夫妻,不管他去不去,都要参加体检。他的健康状况会影响你的申请结果。
    • 治好你丈夫
    • 恐怕不好治,看来只有离婚了。 如果我通过中介公司,他们是否有好办法呢?
      • 就为这个离婚?假离婚?中介不是万能的!他们经常想的都是歪着。
        • 谢谢你的劝告,有些婚姻本来就不应该存在的,也许这正是我们一个解脱的机会,也谢谢各位热心的朋友
          • 其实你心中已有决定,何必到这里来牢神?
          • 其实这种事情也只能自己决定,祝你好运!
          • 婚姻与移民应该没有什么必然的关系,如果你因为你的丈夫影响你办理移民就要离婚的话,那即使不移民你们也应该考虑离婚了。离与不离都没有错。
            • 婚姻真不值,看来身体真是革命的本钱啊
          • 勇敢的人。
          • 找您这样的婆娘,真该小心啊!大难来时各纷飞,有如禽兽。
            • CHAOF先生,想必您是位先生,因为大概女性是不会这么说的。我丈夫并没病入膏肓,而且即使我们离婚了,我也愿意继续照顾他,同情不等于爱情,我们的事情你又知道多少,离婚对哪个女性都不是小事。可惜这里不是探讨婚姻家庭的地方,否则我倒想和大家好好聊聊。
    • 我的意见:先申请,到时如果真的“大三阳”检查成为事实,再离婚。 不过是补充材料的问题,就当老公死了办。如果你还留恋他,就事先说好, 拿不到LP再复昏。
    • 各位朋友,昨天打电话问亨瑞公司,为什么他们说根本不检查乙肝,到底怎么回事?
      • 我办移民时也一度GPT值过高(后未查出有肝炎),曾问过出国移民体检处,他们也说不查肝炎。另加拿大移民部长确有提出对新移民要查肝炎病菌,但似乎还在讨论阶段,并未实施。
        • anne, 既然想离婚的话,为什么不早办呢?要不就厮守一辈子。全靠你自己决定了。
      • See in
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You'd better stay at China and develop your course
        作者: forever
        日期: 03-29-01 12:12

        Why come to Canada,you'd better stay at China and develop your course.
        According to your scores, it's a bit difficult to be admitted by the universities. The base level is B. 60-70 should rank at C or D.

        Coming to Canada is not the only way to develop yourself, perhaps you could not imagine the retreat of the job market here. so many smart guys not only from China, but from England, from Germany, from France, from US, from India and etc. Most of them possess excellent English communication skills and solid professional background, on the other hand, the market is so bad ; the result is the violent competition. Are you ready to be an excellent communicator; are you ready in your professional skills such as UNIX; (I could tell you that a C++ programmer with 5 years of experiences is considered as a intermediate programmer; could you pass the professional test required by the interviewer ?

        Consider your background, and have your own point of view. Coming to Canada is not the only way. Many people come here without any preparation, and can not get used to the life here. They just see others going aborad, so they want to go abroad too. You know, person is different from person.

        Also some immigration agencies only told you the positive side about immigrating to Canada, they ignored the other side. They did not told you how difficult it should be to land your first job here. They did not told you there are so many hi-tech guys working in the factory (with only 8-10 Canadian Dollars per hour). These people could only get about 1000 $ per month after TAX. (You should know the TAX is very high in Canada. ) 1000$ per month, can only keep living in Canada !

        You know the true situation here? You really don't know. If your monthly salary is about 10000 and you are working in an foreign-invest company OR you have the chance to go to US, don't come to Canada.

        The above is my own point of view. May or may not be right.
        Actually, what Canada really need is the labour workers with high quality. If you go to factory and find a labour job, it's easy. But with a low rate payment.

        Imagine your future life in Canada, and how about you can not land a job and
        could not easily go to your ideally university?

        good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 移民不验血,但如果验尿不正常,会要求做进一步的检查.比如检查乙肝病毒. 是乙肝,尿里的指标也会不正常.躲不过的.
    • 我是99年12月体检的,问过体检医生(香港人,听说他同时任职于香港领事馆的体检部门),他说是不检查乙肝,主要是肺结核,性病。加拿大移民部是准备将乙肝列入黑名单,但没有听说现在已经执行了。
    • 我问过新西兰移民局,你独自申请移民时你丈夫不必参加体检。加拿大可能也会如此吧?问问吧。要不,治治大夫?