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I have heard from so many friends who are still in China said MBAs are hard to find a job in North America. I just wonder where is this rumor come from.

Since I have not start my MBA study yet ( it will begin this fall ), I can't tell you whether it is easy to find a job for an MBA. But the truth is:

1. From MBA statistics, over 90% of the MBA students find a job within 3 months. This figure maybe different from school to school, the top MBA programs have even better figure.

2. The competetion of entering an MBA program, especially the top ones became harder each year. The top programs can only admit 10%-20% of their applicants, this means MBA are getting hotter and hotter in Canada.
Besides, the tuition fee rose dramatically these years. For example, the tuition fee of York MBA was $8,000 3 years ago, $15,000 two years ago and $30,000 now.

Please see my post under #35476 to get some information of MBA in Canada.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 问个问题,想到加拿大读研究生,用不用考GRE?
    • 当然要。
    • 不一定,很多学校不要.当然有比没有好.
    • 大多数学校对PR和公民不要求考GRE 但留学生必须
      • 不是这样的,学校仅对大学在加拿大读书的申请者免GRE。PR也需要GRE的成绩。
    • 建议到各个大学的网站去看看Graduated Studied Admission Requirements.
    • 很多学校都不要求GRE, 我已拿到几所学校的offer, 我递交的就只有ielts成绩。
      • 你在哪里?我想去了再申请读MBA,可行吗?
        • 当然可以,both Bill & I applied MBA after landing.
          • PR申请MBA需要考TOFEL和GMAT吗?有无part time念MBA的?因为我还需要照顾一个念二年级的儿子,这种情形下,还想念书可行吗?
            • 好象都需要TOEFL和GMAT。
            • Most MBA programs need both Toefl and GMAT no matter you are PR or not. There are part time MBA programs. If you live in Toronto, I think both U of T and York have part time programs.
              I don't know much about part time MBA, just remember seems York 's part time can be finish in 5 terms(I am not not sure) and 4 months each term. part time students take courses on week day night, 2 to 3 times, and whole weekend.
      • Please tell yur experience of application for MBA to us, thank you!
        • why you choose mba. i was told mba is not easy to find a job in canada. can you give me your opion of advantage and disadvantage in mba?thanks.i will be a great help for my decision.
          • 我的观点。
            看到很多朋友都在问,MBA 在加拿大是不是好找工作啊?我感觉,这样的想法就和很多北美商校的理念就是冲突的。MBA 不过是对职业经理人的一种专业培训,而作为经理人的很多素质不是通过课程就能学会的。所以 MBA 并不是毕业后找到工作的保证。北美商校,特别是比较好的商校,它们认为培养出来的 MBA 毕业生应当是创造者、应当是引导潮流、改造社会的中坚,而不是仅仅在某个方面学有专长的技术人员。MBA 没有职业,MBA的工作就是给自己创造工作。
            • MBA 没有职业,MBA的工作就是给自己创造工作。 David, 你简直天生就是MBA的料,真的佩服!!!!
              • Managemental experience is very important for an mba graduates.
                Management is a combination of crafts, skills and knowledge. The education of mba can give you the knowldege and the ways to find problems in management and the ways to solve them. But your capability in management is usually decided by your experience, knowledge, skills and sometime talents.
              • You guys are really "night cat"!
                • and early bird as well.
            • About 'MBA 没有职业,MBA的工作就是给自己创造工作'
              You can understand MBA like that way. But from another aspect, some industries, such as consulting and investment bank, have a special preference to MBA graduates, and these are all dream careers for even Canadians. From the history data, we can see that about 1/3 of the student went to consulting firms, another 1/3 entered investment bank and fiance.
              • 比如 摩根斯坦利,它的所有 Consultant 都是它的合伙人。
              • Bill 分析过学习 MBA 的人的多种目的,我是很同意的。我发表这篇谬论就是告诉大家,别对 MBA 期望太高。毕业后真能去 I-bank 或者做 consulting 的有多少人呢?如果仅仅用工作和钱来衡量,未免有些狭隘。
                • David, that's just some thing for others who are considering MBA for reference. I know you are an entrepreneur from your heart. BTW, I have some question on personal tax, may I call you on that? Thank you in advance.
          • I have heard from so many friends who are still in China said MBAs are hard to find a job in North America. I just wonder where is this rumor come from.
            Since I have not start my MBA study yet ( it will begin this fall ), I can't tell you whether it is easy to find a job for an MBA. But the truth is:

            1. From MBA statistics, over 90% of the MBA students find a job within 3 months. This figure maybe different from school to school, the top MBA programs have even better figure.

            2. The competetion of entering an MBA program, especially the top ones became harder each year. The top programs can only admit 10%-20% of their applicants, this means MBA are getting hotter and hotter in Canada.
            Besides, the tuition fee rose dramatically these years. For example, the tuition fee of York MBA was $8,000 3 years ago, $15,000 two years ago and $30,000 now.

            Please see my post under #35476 to get some information of MBA in Canada.
            • hi, david, if you don't mind my asking, which university will you enter
      • 你是申请GRADUATED吗?移民类雅思成绩可不可以?需要多少分?
        • yes, i applied for graduate studies. ielts for immigration cannot be used for this.
        • ielts should be at least 6, some universities want 7
      • 请教:据你所知,有哪些好点的学校(多伦多,滑铁卢。。)可以不用GRE,直接申请COMPUTER SCIENCE MASTER?谢谢!
        • 基本不可能!
        • 我这几天看了,多好象不用G成绩,但waterloo要G,但没要求要多少分。alberta好象也不用。
    • 這麼簡單的道理: 有mba不代表可以牛, 沒有mba就幾乎肯定牛不起來, X現在稍微高層的管理,都必須有MBA. 還要看你是什麼mba. 如果是哈佛的, 你說你用擔心找工作嗎?