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各位Php大侠, 请帮忙看看Php setup 问题在IIS server

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我的机器装Window XP Pro (正版, 原装Lenovo), IIS server 5.1. 我下载php-5.2.5-win32-installer.msi from www.php.net and Installed as follows:
1) install the php into C:\PHP5, which includes all extensions and extras, select ISAPI modules
2) copy php.ini into C:\windows so there are two copies of php.ini under c:\php5\ and c:\windows\ respectively
3) add C:\php5\ext to environmental variables (C:\php5 already there), and add new variable "PHPRC", set this vaiable to c:\php5\
4)under Home Directoy tab on IIS, Execute Permission is "Scripts and Executables", under configuration, I clearly add "C:\php5\php5isapi.dll" to mapping with .php. And checked "Script Engine" and "Check that file exists"
5) Under the Authentication Method, I even change account to administrator for anonymous Access, don't use Iusr_machine account
6)restart the computer, try to load http://localhost/test.php , It always gives http 500 error. The test.php just try to retrieve the php info. if I use http://localhost/test.html
no any problem
It's obvious that the some php setting is wrong. By the way, in php.ini, I already modified extension_dir="C:\php5\ext"
I repeat uninstall/reinstall IIS server and reinstall php 5.2.5 several times. Not lucky at all.
I really don't know what happens. Can anyone give some help? Greatly thanks in advance! By the way, I already check registry, under PHP, the key InstallDir has "C:\PHP5\", the key WebServerType has "iis4ISAPI". I try to add key "iniFile" and set value "C:\PHP5\", it seems this new does not affect at all.

Thanks again!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / 各位Php大侠, 请帮忙看看Php setup 问题在IIS server
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我的机器装Window XP Pro (正版, 原装Lenovo), IIS server 5.1. 我下载php-5.2.5-win32-installer.msi from www.php.net and Installed as follows:
    1) install the php into C:\PHP5, which includes all extensions and extras, select ISAPI modules
    2) copy php.ini into C:\windows so there are two copies of php.ini under c:\php5\ and c:\windows\ respectively
    3) add C:\php5\ext to environmental variables (C:\php5 already there), and add new variable "PHPRC", set this vaiable to c:\php5\
    4)under Home Directoy tab on IIS, Execute Permission is "Scripts and Executables", under configuration, I clearly add "C:\php5\php5isapi.dll" to mapping with .php. And checked "Script Engine" and "Check that file exists"
    5) Under the Authentication Method, I even change account to administrator for anonymous Access, don't use Iusr_machine account
    6)restart the computer, try to load http://localhost/test.php , It always gives http 500 error. The test.php just try to retrieve the php info. if I use http://localhost/test.html
    no any problem
    It's obvious that the some php setting is wrong. By the way, in php.ini, I already modified extension_dir="C:\php5\ext"
    I repeat uninstall/reinstall IIS server and reinstall php 5.2.5 several times. Not lucky at all.
    I really don't know what happens. Can anyone give some help? Greatly thanks in advance! By the way, I already check registry, under PHP, the key InstallDir has "C:\PHP5\", the key WebServerType has "iis4ISAPI". I try to add key "iniFile" and set value "C:\PHP5\", it seems this new does not affect at all.

    Thanks again!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 在PHP.ini文件里面把显示错误信息的option打开,然后你就可以在Windows的Event Viewer中看到错误信息。500是服务器执行script产生的错误,你换一个没有错误的script 试一试,比如index.php: <?php phpinfo(); ?> 看还有没有错误。
      • Thanks for your information. After one week's search, I think the problem is from 5.2.5-win32-installer.msi . don't use this, just uninstall PHP5 and manually reinstall in zip file. Everything works fine.