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CNN采访的这个小人物:As he shows me the damage to his community, I ask how many have died. Tears flow down his cheeks, and he makes no effort to wipe them away. He says that as many as 500 are dead, including his parents, his wife and their two children.

In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio. He's needed again, and he runs off -- with apologies -- to go back to work 采访在视频的结尾,现实情节要比余杰的“活着”生动得多。这哥们和咱们年纪差不多吧。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / CNN采访的这个小人物:As he shows me the damage to his community, I ask how many have died. Tears flow down his cheeks, and he makes no effort to wipe them away. He says that as many as 500 are dead, including his parents, his wife and their two children.
    In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio. He's needed again, and he runs off -- with apologies -- to go back to work 采访在视频的结尾,现实情节要比余杰的“活着”生动得多。这哥们和咱们年纪差不多吧。
    • 中国人的脊梁!!
    • 电视里看到很多的平民英雄. 很多周边地区的平民自己开车把吃的送进去,说,"这只是最平常的爱心." 国内每个人都想为他们做点什么.我3岁的女儿也去捐了200人民币,说,"房子也倒掉了."
      • 我让我儿子把他的零花钱给我,借信用卡给他去红十字捐了25块
    • two children?