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let it be


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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / Tears - Donde Voy
    All alone I have started my journey
    To the darkness of the darkness I go
    With a reason, I stopped for a moment
    In this world full of pleasure so frail

    Town after town I travel
    Pass through faces I know and know not
    Like a bird in flight, sometimes I topple
    Time and time again, just farewells

    Donde voy, donde voy
    Day by day, my story unfolds
    Solo estoy, solo estoy
    All alone as the day I was born

    Till your eyes rest in mine, I shall wander
    No more darkness I know and know not
    For your sweetness I traded my freedom
    Not knowing a farewell awaits

    You know, hearts can be repeatedly broken
    Making room for the harrows to come
    Along with my sorrows I buried
    My tears, my smiles, your name

    Donde voy, donde voy
    Songs of lovetales I sing of no more
    Solo estoy, solo estoy
    Once again with my shadows I roam

    Donde voy, donde voy
    All alone as the day I was born
    Solo estoy, solo estoy
    Still alone with my shadows I roam
    • one of my old favorite... so sad, though.
    • Last one: 魔力大道 -major154(苏挽泪); 8.10 14:44 (401 bytes. #4609451@0)
      • 所有的歌曲从头听过,方知从开始便注定了结局,

        • 过去了就让它过去吧,一切都是天意。
          • can‘t agree,
        • 阿苏向前看
          • 苏姐姐怎么了?
            • 苏苏犯文学女青年通病:胡思乱想
        • 111~
        • 拜托!不要再潜水啦,要学会照顾一下别人的情绪
        • 如果已成定局那是天意,如果事情还在发展中那就该反省自己,把握方向,以免遗憾终身。
      • Why so familar?
    • 真是不错的歌,以前还真没听过
    • nice one....thanks.....
    • 把心情都清空了, 在河底蛰伏一些时候吧, 看得到惊涛骇浪潮来潮往, 但不会给个卒不及防. BWY, 歌很好听, 画面尤其美.
      • 钉住,省啦改啦又改
        • 就你个小妮子眼快! 那是不想让阿苏潜水才改的
          • 错,大错!是给你提鞋的小老头儿
            • :P ------- 大话王!
      • 你好像是这里的熟人,是谁的马甲?谁揭发一下。。。。
        • 有奖么? 俺自投罗网行不行? 哎, 见钱眼开, ...
          • 晕,居然还有这事~~~~奖励当然有了,
            • 激动得语无伦次...俺得赶快到时尚去, 掘地三尺也得找了那美容密笈出来...化腐朽为神其
              • 美容密笈?嘿嘿,找偶啊~~
                • 你妈妈给的那美容不能算密笈滴. 俺得找河西问问有啥猛药~~~救死扶伤
                  • 牙医河西
                    牙医河西每次给病人治牙前总要同他们谈一会儿话,尽可能解除他们的紧张感。 有一次她同一位病人谈了几句后,便问他是否有什么问题。“我只有一个问题,”病人不安地说,“自打从你给俺治牙后,我的牙变得锋利。”河西问:你怎么知道?病者答:我昨晚做了个梦,梦见有一头牛吃草。河西便说:你放心,这很正常,每个人也会梦到,梦境和现实是不一样的。只见那位病者很紧张的说:可是……可是……我起床时发现我床上的草席不见了一半~~~
                    • 哈哈, 这是典故呢还是聊斋?
                    • 草啊,是否今夏不热,草席积压,你在搞市场推销,
                  • 我有啊,今夏刚把女儿的满脸青春豆给治好,也许对你有帮助
                    • 哈哈, 河西这牙齿利得~~~
                      俺可不敢来讨药了, 呵呵, , 怕你了~~~
              • 和你说过多少次了,不要搞个人崇拜,,,呵呵~~~
                • 偶像阿, 挡不住的诱惑, 挺致命...
    • A good one.
    • Very smooth song......
    • Chyi Yu, no wonder so familiar, was the only Chinese female voice can be compared to westerns.
      • 同喜齐豫
    • su su bao bao~~~
    • 淡蓝色的忧伤...
    • Nice song.
      "You know, hearts can be repeatedly broken"

      So sad......