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Settlement Disclosure
Final Settlement

Year -
Maker/Model -
Serial (VIN) # -
Plate Number:
Driver Name: (called driver A in this document)

Year -
Maker/Model –
Serial (VIN) # -
Plate Number:
Driver Name: (called driver B in this document)

In the afternoon of Nov. 7th, 2007, car B hit the back of car A.

The driver B has paid
1. Bumper repair: $
2. Other Compensation: $

driver A and driver B agree to make a final and permanent settlement of this
accident. Driver A has received the above amount of money. And Driver A agrees
with this final settlement and is forever giving up the right to claim any
responsibility of driver B or to proceed to judicial review by a court,
concerning any result of this accident for damage of car A or injury of anyone
in it.

Driver A:

Signature Date:

Driver B:

Signature Date:


Signature Date:
Sign in and Reply Report

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 车祸私了的收据样本。这个样本平时放在车里,以备急用,谁也不能保证雪天不出事故。这是从前在本栏目中查到的,略有改动,欢迎补充和修改,感谢前人的努力。
    Sample of Traffic Accident

    A hit B, and A pay B

    This release completed all liability of A. B has no further claim against A in the future.

    A has responsible for the accident at ××Ave/××St. on (Mon/Day/Year).
    B has received $×× from A under the following conditions:
    B did not report to Collision Center and won't claim to Insurance. Otherwise, A has the right to refund.

    • 谢谢, 很有帮助!
      • 刚花了半个多小时,读了你的《故事》,促发此文,另深表同情!
        • 感谢!危急时刻得到这么多的朋友的帮助和理解, 一天的着急上火也值了。
    • Well Done!
      Can we change a bit?

      A is fully responsible for the accident at ××Ave/××St. on (Mon/Day/Year).

      B has received $×× from A as compensation for the damage on his vehicle and release A of his full responsibilty for any consequences of the accident.

      Under no circusmstances B will report the accident to Collision Center, his car Insurance Agency, and Police.

      • 羡慕!, 为什么你们的英文这么好? 自愧不如...也收藏了!
        • 看看我收藏的这个版本
          Settlement Disclosure
          Final Settlement

          CAR A:
          Year -
          Maker/Model -
          Serial (VIN) # -
          Plate Number:
          Driver Name: (called driver A in this document)

          CAR B:
          Year -
          Maker/Model –
          Serial (VIN) # -
          Plate Number:
          Driver Name: (called driver B in this document)

          In the afternoon of Nov. 7th, 2007, car B hit the back of car A.

          The driver B has paid
          1. Bumper repair: $
          2. Other Compensation: $

          driver A and driver B agree to make a final and permanent settlement of this
          accident. Driver A has received the above amount of money. And Driver A agrees
          with this final settlement and is forever giving up the right to claim any
          responsibility of driver B or to proceed to judicial review by a court,
          concerning any result of this accident for damage of car A or injury of anyone
          in it.

          Driver A:

          Signature Date:

          Driver B:

          Signature Date:


          Signature Date:
          • 对,要加上双方的信息, 是否漏了车保险的policy#?
          • 再问一句,私了时对方说他现在手上没有现金怎么办?我的一个朋友他遇到私了的事,对方是一个白人小伙子, 说没有现金,要等2周后发工资后再给, 不知道怎样处理, 如果相信他, 会有一些risk的,对吗?
    • 一直有一个疑问. 如果他(她)报了collision centre 却仍贪心:-))收了责任人的钱, 假使不多千八百的, 是否我们需要请律师凭这个收条把钱要回来? 律师费贵吗?
      • 私了也是合法的,只要双方签了字,特别是无人身方面争议的话。
        • 谢谢. 我想也是这样. 只是低于一千的话, 如另一方耍赖, 不知是要靠律师给要回来 还是自己上即可,就象电视里的那个节目一样:-))).
      • 好像有个小额法庭不用自己请律师。
        • 谢谢, 解决疑问:-))
    • 不太清楚如果>(假使)1500, 交规规定要报police, 我们在字据中又声明不可以报, 这可以override 交通法规吗, 法律上有效吗??还是说大于一千的这么干就看对方的良心了??
    • 感谢楼上二位提供修改意见(版本)。
    • 这种东西是写的好,但是最好不带,以前看到有修车窗玻璃的广告电话,就留心记下来,后来真的挡风玻璃被打了个洞,ld 抱怨说“为什么要记那个广告电话,生活很邪,想什么什么来”,
      • 嗯,保险就更不要买了