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雪天驾驶关键字:慢!转贴一文DEADLY DRIVER MISTAKES,大家参考,安全第一切勿害己害人。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Deadly driver mistakes
Forbes.com - Hannah Elliott
The holiday cheer may be over and done with, but there's still plenty of winter left to go. Which means icy roads, reduced visibility and probably more than one near-miss. Or worse.

But there's no cause for concern if you have four-wheel drive, right? Wrong. That won't bail you out of a dangerous situation on a slick road. In fact, almost all of the worst hazards of winter driving have more to do with the driver than the car.

"If you get caught on an icy road, four wheels skid just as easily as two wheels," says David Salmon, the director of traffic services for the New York State Police. "A lot of people have a false sense of security when they're in a four-wheel drive vehicle in the winter."

A false sense of security, in any type of car, often leads to other mistakes during compromised road conditions. In other words, it's the simplest errors that create the most dangerous situations. And the most common and potentially most dangerous mistake of all, experts say, is driving too fast.

Geoff Sundstrom, an Orlando, Fla.-based spokesman for AAA, says one way to lessen the pressure to drive too fast is to anticipate impending road conditions, and, given those conditions, to allot extra time to reach a particular destination.

"If you have a cellphone and you can communicate with the family that you're driving to see and give them a reasonable ETA of when you're going to get there, that helps lessen that stress and that pressure," Sundstrom says. "The No. 1 issue that motorists contend with in bad weather is the failure to control their vehicle. And that primarily stems from driving too fast and [being] in a situation where they're suddenly braking, essentially losing control."

Difficult Conditions
A study from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health reports that poor weather is associated with 7,000 fatalities, 800,000 injuries and more than 1.5 million car crashes nationally each year, with an estimated economic toll of $42 billion.

Adverse weather is involved in nearly 20% of highway fatalities, according to the report. And the most dangerous day to drive is the day after the first winter storm of the year, when people are unprepared to avoid driving or don't adopt safer procedures as completely as they will later in the season.

In addition to driving too fast, many drivers follow other vehicles too closely for inclement weather conditions, says Ted Plank, the road supervisor for Colorado's Boulder County. A former snow-plow operator who has lived in Colorado for 45 years, Plank manages all maintenance and snow removal operations for 700 miles of county roads. He recommends using double the following distance under normal, dry conditions.

"Another thing along those lines is to allow at least 200 to 300 feet between you and snowplow equipment," Plank says. "Give them room to maneuver. It may be a little slower than you want to go, but it's always a good thing."

Slippery Situations

If you do start to slip, stay calm. Take your foot off the gas and brake gently. Most cars have anti-lock brake systems, so apply steady, constant pressure on the brakes and expect some bucking--that's normal. For vehicles without anti-lock brakes, remember the old adage about pumping your brakes.

"If you do start skidding in one direction or another, you need to turn your wheel gently in the direction you want your front end to go," Plank says. "It does seem like common sense, but it's amazing how many people, when they get in that situation, panic or freeze, and they slam on the brakes, which only makes the situation worse."

If the car starts to slide on a corner, smoothly accelerate to transfer the weight to the rear wheels, which lets you steer toward the skid and regain control. If the car uses rear-wheel drive, don't accelerate too quickly, or the tires may over-spin completely out of the turn.

Practicing in an empty parking lot will help the right reaction come more naturally when you hit ice or snow on the road. Specialized driving classes are another good investment. Bridgestone Winter Driving School in Steamboat Springs, Colo., for one, offers winter driving classes and personal coaching sessions. Half-day safety courses start at $270.

Know Before You Go

One way to prevent simple mistakes from causing major problems this winter is to get your car prepared--inside and out--before facing the elements. Even drivers who fastidiously maintain oil levels and monitor tire pressure should have a mechanic check battery strength, tire treads, antifreeze levels and belts to make sure the car can withstand another winter of wear and tear.

"In the long run, it's going to cost you more money if you don't have your vehicle maintained, because then you'll have in all probability parts that actually break or wear out, which could lead to even more expensive repairs and of course the possibility of an unsafe situation on the road," Sundstrom says.

Preparedness inside the car is important too. Carry warm clothing, blankets, flares, a flashlight, matches, traction devices, a spare tire, a first-aid kit, an ice scraper, nonperishable snacks, water, a shovel and a charged cellphone for extended trips. The extra weight may decrease fuel efficiency, but you'll be glad you have these things if you need them.

It all may seem simple, but safety measures work only if they're followed. They're "the things that kill people because they didn't pay attention," Salmon says.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 雪天驾驶关键字:慢!转贴一文DEADLY DRIVER MISTAKES,大家参考,安全第一切勿害己害人。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Deadly driver mistakes
    Forbes.com - Hannah Elliott
    The holiday cheer may be over and done with, but there's still plenty of winter left to go. Which means icy roads, reduced visibility and probably more than one near-miss. Or worse.

    But there's no cause for concern if you have four-wheel drive, right? Wrong. That won't bail you out of a dangerous situation on a slick road. In fact, almost all of the worst hazards of winter driving have more to do with the driver than the car.

    "If you get caught on an icy road, four wheels skid just as easily as two wheels," says David Salmon, the director of traffic services for the New York State Police. "A lot of people have a false sense of security when they're in a four-wheel drive vehicle in the winter."

    A false sense of security, in any type of car, often leads to other mistakes during compromised road conditions. In other words, it's the simplest errors that create the most dangerous situations. And the most common and potentially most dangerous mistake of all, experts say, is driving too fast.

    Geoff Sundstrom, an Orlando, Fla.-based spokesman for AAA, says one way to lessen the pressure to drive too fast is to anticipate impending road conditions, and, given those conditions, to allot extra time to reach a particular destination.

    "If you have a cellphone and you can communicate with the family that you're driving to see and give them a reasonable ETA of when you're going to get there, that helps lessen that stress and that pressure," Sundstrom says. "The No. 1 issue that motorists contend with in bad weather is the failure to control their vehicle. And that primarily stems from driving too fast and [being] in a situation where they're suddenly braking, essentially losing control."

    Difficult Conditions
    A study from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health reports that poor weather is associated with 7,000 fatalities, 800,000 injuries and more than 1.5 million car crashes nationally each year, with an estimated economic toll of $42 billion.

    Adverse weather is involved in nearly 20% of highway fatalities, according to the report. And the most dangerous day to drive is the day after the first winter storm of the year, when people are unprepared to avoid driving or don't adopt safer procedures as completely as they will later in the season.

    In addition to driving too fast, many drivers follow other vehicles too closely for inclement weather conditions, says Ted Plank, the road supervisor for Colorado's Boulder County. A former snow-plow operator who has lived in Colorado for 45 years, Plank manages all maintenance and snow removal operations for 700 miles of county roads. He recommends using double the following distance under normal, dry conditions.

    "Another thing along those lines is to allow at least 200 to 300 feet between you and snowplow equipment," Plank says. "Give them room to maneuver. It may be a little slower than you want to go, but it's always a good thing."

    Slippery Situations

    If you do start to slip, stay calm. Take your foot off the gas and brake gently. Most cars have anti-lock brake systems, so apply steady, constant pressure on the brakes and expect some bucking--that's normal. For vehicles without anti-lock brakes, remember the old adage about pumping your brakes.

    "If you do start skidding in one direction or another, you need to turn your wheel gently in the direction you want your front end to go," Plank says. "It does seem like common sense, but it's amazing how many people, when they get in that situation, panic or freeze, and they slam on the brakes, which only makes the situation worse."

    If the car starts to slide on a corner, smoothly accelerate to transfer the weight to the rear wheels, which lets you steer toward the skid and regain control. If the car uses rear-wheel drive, don't accelerate too quickly, or the tires may over-spin completely out of the turn.

    Practicing in an empty parking lot will help the right reaction come more naturally when you hit ice or snow on the road. Specialized driving classes are another good investment. Bridgestone Winter Driving School in Steamboat Springs, Colo., for one, offers winter driving classes and personal coaching sessions. Half-day safety courses start at $270.

    Know Before You Go

    One way to prevent simple mistakes from causing major problems this winter is to get your car prepared--inside and out--before facing the elements. Even drivers who fastidiously maintain oil levels and monitor tire pressure should have a mechanic check battery strength, tire treads, antifreeze levels and belts to make sure the car can withstand another winter of wear and tear.

    "In the long run, it's going to cost you more money if you don't have your vehicle maintained, because then you'll have in all probability parts that actually break or wear out, which could lead to even more expensive repairs and of course the possibility of an unsafe situation on the road," Sundstrom says.

    Preparedness inside the car is important too. Carry warm clothing, blankets, flares, a flashlight, matches, traction devices, a spare tire, a first-aid kit, an ice scraper, nonperishable snacks, water, a shovel and a charged cellphone for extended trips. The extra weight may decrease fuel efficiency, but you'll be glad you have these things if you need them.

    It all may seem simple, but safety measures work only if they're followed. They're "the things that kill people because they didn't pay attention," Salmon says.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 有道理, 感觉4论驱动车也就是在雪地不容易陷入,在防skid方面确实作用不大。
      • 是,车身高看的远点,容易脱困而已,刹车啥的都一样,甚至失控时由于车身重可能比轻车滑得更远。
    • 这一点我掌握最好,一向是开得慢。。。
      • 该快则快,该慢则慢。总是慢,也不对。
        • 太深奥,能正确掌握并使用了就无敌了。
      • 不该慢的 时候慢,1.阻碍交通,耽误大家时间,降低道路使用率;2.令后边的人心烦,不小心还会撞到你。所以,慢,不是最安全的,合乎交通状况,保持合适的距离,跟着车流走,才是安全的,也是合理的
        • 太深奥,能正确掌握并使用了就无敌了。 -dedade(陆地飞行);
        • +1
    • 不要断章取义了,如果4个轮子都在冰面上,不错8驱也没用;但实际路面情况是多样的,4驱这时候就会有作用,没看很多人冬天把2驱的车停在车库,只开4驱;他们都是傻子啊!
      • 冬天最大的危险就是打滑从而失控,打滑最主要的肇因就是急加速和刹车,加速造成的打滑很简单,把脚从油门上拿开就行了。刹车打滑就不好办了,4驱,顾名思义指的是驱动,跟刹车没关系,你可以找个空地试试看刹车时2驱4驱有啥分别。当然四驱不是没用,
        车身高看的远点,容易脱困而已,刹车啥的都一样,甚至失控时由于车身重可能比轻车滑得更远。 -dedade(陆地飞行); 1.19 11:14 (#4992376@0) Reply
      • 与刹车没关系。冬天开四驱的原因是不容易陷在雪堆里。
        • 俺码那么多字,让你寥寥数笔搞定了。以后麻烦你早点动手,别等俺忙乎完了你再气俺。哈哈~
          • 刚才出去加油去了,70.9,加满
            • where?
            • 不可能。