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中国牛年之牛的特性更贴近于OX - 被训练用于工作的牛,所以有勤劳,忍耐的优点等等。(see reference)

Oxen (singular ox) are bovines trained as draught animals. Often they are adult, castrated males. In New England and Maritime Canada, the term oxen refers to trained steers at least four years of age. Prior to age four they are referred to as handy steers. Oxen are used for ploughing, transport, hauling cargo, threshing grain by trampling, powering machines for grinding grain, irrigation or other purposes, and drawing carts and wagons. Oxen were commonly used to skid logs in forests, and sometimes still are, in low-impact select-cut logging. Oxen are most often used in teams of two, paired, for light work such as carting. In the past, teams might have been larger, with some teams exceeding twenty animals when used for logging.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 再问兄弟姐妹一个文化问题了,嘿嘿。看到报导说,越南和中国一样也过农历年,但中国的是THE YEAR OF OX,而越南的是THE YEAR OF BUFFALO,没有中文字典,看英文解释,BUFFALO就是OX-LIKE MAMMAL,所以,区别是什么呀
    • as far as i knew, BUFFALO is ox which likes to stay in water, 越南 has lots pool
    • 为啥不用 COW , COW 是最能被全世界接受的阿。。。。
      • Co- COW.
        • cow - milk . co-cow, second milk ? thats very interesting indeed. ....
          • go back to your work, do not get too excited !
            • 笑死啦,嘿嘿
              • language. still in festival.
                • 今天初五,大家一起发财
                • 嘿嘿,抱歉了,什么时候结束呢?我看香港那边的股市都开了呢
                  • 香港 ? culture dessert
                    • 瞎说
      • 为什么不用 bison,人家有发型的哦,很帅啊
        • Rhino 是否更牛?
    • 文化问题?? 闲话问题!!!
    • 小松鼠问题真多,呵呵
      • 参见这里的讨论
        • 谢谢啦,嘿嘿,都怪报导,如果没有那些报导,我没有看到,就不会有疑问了
    • 中国牛年之牛的特性更贴近于OX - 被训练用于工作的牛,所以有勤劳,忍耐的优点等等。(see reference)
      Oxen (singular ox) are bovines trained as draught animals. Often they are adult, castrated males. In New England and Maritime Canada, the term oxen refers to trained steers at least four years of age. Prior to age four they are referred to as handy steers. Oxen are used for ploughing, transport, hauling cargo, threshing grain by trampling, powering machines for grinding grain, irrigation or other purposes, and drawing carts and wagons. Oxen were commonly used to skid logs in forests, and sometimes still are, in low-impact select-cut logging. Oxen are most often used in teams of two, paired, for light work such as carting. In the past, teams might have been larger, with some teams exceeding twenty animals when used for logging.
      • 你牛!
        • 俺也想给中国牛正身,就放狗搜了一下,dissapointing, but well, what can I say?
      • 谢谢啦,不过突然觉得有些残忍,嘿嘿
        • that's another issue ~ are you vegetarian?
          • 嘿嘿。我不是素食者,但觉得那样来对待牛还是有些不忍的
    • OX 一是指 耕地的牛;另指牛的总称,不管是BULL还是 COW。俺觉得这很符合中国传统。越南用水牛,当然也很合适国情。
      • 牛的总称? so it is not neccessary "castrated" ? good. that had been bother me a bit.
    • 1,越南人看到OX容易联想到XO从而丧失斗志。。。。。2,有人说单词越长越显得深奥有文化。。。。。松鼠是不是就是因此把问题归类到文化圈的。。。。。。?
    • 越南的12生肖跟中国的不一样。据说当然传过去的时候发生了变异。
    • 乱猜的啊,越南多稻田,基本天天和水牛WATER BUFFALO打交道,所以用BUFFALO。中国以黄牛为主,就用OX了,但后来倒卖票的也称自己是黄牛,还说今年是他们的年,老外又疑惑了,既然是GOD,怎么就能FIXED呢?牛年的牛没有神性,OX出自OXEN
      • agree!
      • 这么想来,OX 也没什么不妥,神是不需要性的,更贴切了;到了凡间,人总是会想东想西的了