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两个人最后对梦想追求的差距,让他们的婚外情显得是如此的微不足道。很喜欢 John Givings 这个角色。He triggered the funnies exchange in this movie

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT

In Revolutionary Road, the funniest exchanges involve John, the son of the Wheelers' neighbour, Mrs Givings, the real-estate broker who first found them their "sweet little house". John Givings, supposedly "doing marvelously well as an instructor of mathematics at some Western university", has in fact been confined in the local "insane asylum". Now he is allowed out for the day. Medical advice is that he might be taken to "the home of some close friend" - neutral territory, rather than his parents' own house. "There still does seem to be a good deal of hostility concerning the, ah, home atmosphere and whatnot," observes the doctor, a nice professional pause before reaching for his euphemism.

The Wheelers - young, modern, broad-minded - are chosen and agree. In one way this is a very old dramatic trick. There is scarcely a Jacobean tragedy that does not find space for the verbal capers of a madman, alone liberated to mock the tragic characters. John similarly obliges, saying what goes unsaid. As soon as he meets the Wheelers, unnerving with his jaunty cap and parody smile, he is spilling the beans as his appalled parents look on. Frank self-importantly tells him that he is quitting his job and "taking off". John recalls his mother saying something about this. "She didn't say why, though; she just said it was 'very strange'." He splits the air with "a bray of laughter".

The Wheelers, thinking themselves intellectual rebels, find it oddly congenial and Frank chats happily about "the hopeless emptiness of everything in this country". John is delighted. " 'Wow,' he said. 'Now you've said it. The hopeless emptiness'."

He and the Wheelers are comically pleased with each other. On his second visit, however, he finds that his hosts have abandoned their Paris plans and mad complicity turns to mockery. "You figure it's more comfy here in the old Hopeless Emptiness after all... Am I getting warm?" John is removed, lobbing cheerfully devastating (and accurate) observations about the Wheelers' disastrous marriage as he goes. Serious stuff更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 推荐电影 Revolutionary Road
    • Sofa!
      Give a link, pls!
    • 建议广大有“稳定生活幸福家庭”的同学不要看。
      • 可能看了会被触动,接着困惑,最后还没有答案...
        • 一个人没有梦是不可以的,但不能拿梦当作生活。这和我周围一些朋友比较类似。 其实每个家庭都很类似,有这样那样的问题,两只浆划船总会有不同布的时候。Commnication is KEY!
          • 你说的都对。。。但很多时候讲道理也讲不通。。。 那种执着,或者说是固执,以及来自心底深处的想望,都不是‘理智’两个字可以cool down的。。。人们可能会问:what is wrong with it? 只有John没有问。。。
            • 是啊 互相理解一下, 沟通一下 慢慢的做一些改变
              • 很久以前提过一本书‘巴别塔之犬’,讲得也是沟通。。。。。。个人觉得这部更有共鸣,因为大家多少会找到一些触动自己的地方。。。值得推荐,让人不要步其后尘。。。:-)
    • 看过了,沉重但是很现实。中年妈妈那种想要“越狱”的心理刻划得很真实。女人总是有一些不切实际的幻想。但也许生活正因为女人的理想才更有意义和希望。
      • 啊啊 是啊梦和现实的界限很难分清楚,对任何人都是一个挑战。梦想人生活有希望。但梦过了就是灾难了。特别是家庭生活。长期的生活是枯燥的,需要梦调节,但是又不能过。
      • 就冲你这句话我决定去看了
        • 我觉得这部片子最适合家庭主妇看。
          • 那这部片子的中文名是不是“动什么别动感情”?
            • 我觉得这部片子讲的更多的是人对梦想的态度。这对夫妇一直认为自己在intellectual上高人一等,在云云众生无聊生活中努力保持其dream不死, 当女主角最终梦想破灭时...此片主题其实和婚外情无关
              • 记得他们常说‘we are special。。。’
                • 然后当他们发现自己其实并不那么special,或者说Frank发现being special的代价太高,而April却无法放弃being special时, 悲剧就产生了
    • 这种灰暗的骗子看完要速忘, 搞成心理暗示就麻烦了. 不过得承认男女主人公和神经病演得很好
      • 理性思考
    • 电影通过两对不同年龄的夫妻告诉我们,革命之路要早走,否则有心无力。。。
      • 现在的主旋律不是走“革命之路”,而是“不折腾”。。。
        • 人到中年或国家成形了,就没有精力或不值得折腾了,否则。。。
          • 简言之:折腾要趁早~~~
            • 折腾要有度
              • 很同意上面几位。中年人折腾之前先得好好想想。不能像年轻人一般头脑一热。。。夫妻之间不能拉得太远,比如Frank的升迁和April走向家庭主妇。
                • Frank 的升职使得他决定在原来的轨道上继续。。。而有了孩子却让April 更加陷入作为家庭主妇的生活。。。一个要stay, 一个要change。。。只有fall apart。。。真不知道该怎么解决了。。。
                • 两个人最后对梦想追求的差距,让他们的婚外情显得是如此的微不足道。很喜欢 John Givings 这个角色。He triggered the funnies exchange in this movie
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT

                  In Revolutionary Road, the funniest exchanges involve John, the son of the Wheelers' neighbour, Mrs Givings, the real-estate broker who first found them their "sweet little house". John Givings, supposedly "doing marvelously well as an instructor of mathematics at some Western university", has in fact been confined in the local "insane asylum". Now he is allowed out for the day. Medical advice is that he might be taken to "the home of some close friend" - neutral territory, rather than his parents' own house. "There still does seem to be a good deal of hostility concerning the, ah, home atmosphere and whatnot," observes the doctor, a nice professional pause before reaching for his euphemism.

                  The Wheelers - young, modern, broad-minded - are chosen and agree. In one way this is a very old dramatic trick. There is scarcely a Jacobean tragedy that does not find space for the verbal capers of a madman, alone liberated to mock the tragic characters. John similarly obliges, saying what goes unsaid. As soon as he meets the Wheelers, unnerving with his jaunty cap and parody smile, he is spilling the beans as his appalled parents look on. Frank self-importantly tells him that he is quitting his job and "taking off". John recalls his mother saying something about this. "She didn't say why, though; she just said it was 'very strange'." He splits the air with "a bray of laughter".

                  The Wheelers, thinking themselves intellectual rebels, find it oddly congenial and Frank chats happily about "the hopeless emptiness of everything in this country". John is delighted. " 'Wow,' he said. 'Now you've said it. The hopeless emptiness'."

                  He and the Wheelers are comically pleased with each other. On his second visit, however, he finds that his hosts have abandoned their Paris plans and mad complicity turns to mockery. "You figure it's more comfy here in the old Hopeless Emptiness after all... Am I getting warm?" John is removed, lobbing cheerfully devastating (and accurate) observations about the Wheelers' disastrous marriage as he goes. Serious stuff更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 我同意,john是个滑稽的角色。他那句wheelers on revolutionary road or revolutionaries on wheeler road, 呵呵。


    • any reasons?
      • Kate & Leo are together again......how is that?
    • 对这段台词很有感触:A man only gets a couple of chances in life. If he doesn't grab them by the balls, it won't be long before he sitting around wondering how he got to be second rate.
    • 革命道路?讲牛娃到将军的故事?刚看了半个小时的《桃花运》,给人的印象好像全社会的大龄单身者都变态似的,呵呵呵呵
    • 如果女人没有在流产后死去,他们的生活又会是怎样的呢?象许多夫妻一样貌似美满,却又波涛暗涌吗?谁又能彻底原谅彼此的出轨?梦想的破灭,生活的无奈,也许死去是导演能给予的最好的结局。