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其实,买电器不一定非要到future shop or 大超市,这些地方几乎不能还价。

我的32寸彩电是在一个小不及眼的dealer店中买的,经过一阵的bargaining,(呵呵,用蹩脚的english 讨价还价满有趣!^&^)最后连stander 一共才$1000(两年前, 是RCA的, 我在bod boy, future shop....都拿不下来的价格, 老板“痛心疾首”说是smoke deal! 而且,免费送货上门,又省40雪花银子!); 半年前买的digital camcord, panasonic dv400, only $1500, tax included! (future price: $1599+tax, watch the difference!!!),the store name is HIFI 2000! 不过,我曾经有$35在华人手中买了一个再普通不过的锅!(only worth $10, 在我刚刚landing的时候!挣点钱不容易呀,大家分享一下购物经验吧!)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 很久没有上rolia聊天, 最近心情不好, 不过过去的事不提了,朋友们都挺开心地生活, 奋斗, 让我也信心倍增. 现在想买台电视, 解解闷, 还能提高听力, 到哪儿买好呢? 谢谢.
    • 便宜就去WalMart
      • Thank you! Do you know any walmart near downtown?
        • Dufferin Mall
          • 谢谢小受! 嘻嘻,你的名字真好, 我天天盼着自己再瘦些呢.*_*
            • 不客气。你很胖吗?知道现在女性美的观念已经变了,看看Jannefer Lopez那样的,才是现在的潮流
              • Oops, typo. It should be Jannifer Lopez
            • BTW, you have the same name as my cousin
              • 和我那个名字一样啊? sisi? 那个字啊?
                • 思斯
    • Try future shop and the brick.
    • Good idea!买台电视巴,打发时间,看看新闻,练练听力,别想太多,开开心心,
      • Hi lumlum? Are you in Toronto now? How about your study? xixi *_*
        • hi, sisi, no, I am still in ottawa right now. It's almost midnight, good night.
    • 真开心又见到你上来。有时候可以在一些Mall的小店里碰碰,我家的就是在一个印度帅哥开的店里买的,还行。
      • 你是pasu领导把, 为什么对帅哥念念不忘? 现在在家干什么呢?
        • 那家帅哥小店确实不错,砍了差不多50元价并送货上门。最近本打算好好学习,争取秋季入学。可是自从上次和你腐败吃川菜后,我每天就守着rolia,也不知哪天才戒得掉她……好久不见你,昨天还和劳工说起你来呢,想你啦
          • 我也时, 现在天天上这儿, 两分钟刷新一次, 都是sailor惹的祸!
          • 对了, 我现在可以参加活动了, 什么时候有聚会叫我啊. 我还要向你学手艺呢. *_*
            • 果酱果酱。下次一定叫上你,我们都想你呢
    • 我现在没事就看肥皂剧,5:30 SPIN CITY, 7:00 SEINFELD, 7:30 FRIENDS, 10:00 SEINFELD。这几个是在广州看开的,到这里复习一下以前看过的,当是学习英语了。
      • Have you been to the English corner in Guangzhou library?
        Hi Fionah, you come from guangzhou. Have you been to the English corner in Guangzhou library? I used to go there.
        • Never.
        • I have been there before.
    • 打电话给我劳工,让他陪你去买。你现在一定要保持心情愉快。
    • 漏了写costco.
      • 谢谢大家! 不知道回那个好了...Xixi, 下午抓了E-GG和J-GG一起去FutureShop买了台19''的电视, 回来就忙着装, 买三通和K包线, 因为只有一条CABLE, 要和室友合用, 现在才舒舒服服地坐下看电视, 一边伤亡聊天, 太爽! *_*
      • Sorry, what is COSTCO? I am too ignorant...BTW, how are you in Shanghai? Now You can enjoy all the delicious food for quite some time, eat more for us. *_*
        • COSTCO类似很大的仓储销售吧,不过,需要club card, lots of "big" company will issue this kind card for their employees, 但好像里面的东东也不便宜到哪里去。比方说食品就不如以前的knob hill farm, 哎,好怀念牛头!
        • 乐不思蜀。
    • hi, SiluHuayu, Are you still on the net? I'll go to buy a TV set tomorrow. May we go together?
      • Sorry Sailor, busy in reading posts and missed yours. It is a pity i just bought it, but i would like to buy more small electrical appliances, when will you go and where? *_*
        • Good. In fact I have no idea where to buy. Where did you buy it?
          • Future shop at Eglinton.
            • How do you think about the price and service? Actually, I will go to eglinton to have my cellphone prepared. If you like, I can buy the applicances you need and do a free delivery.
              • Thank you, sailor! You are always so nice! I would like call you to talk more detail, ok? Or You can check for my number from your email box now...*_*
              • Well, concerning the price and service of Future Shop...
                cos it is my first time there, my impression is good only cos we met a friendly salesman and J-GG E-GG helped me to negociate with him, and then we got a good deal at last. Also they promise lowest price in the city, means if you can find any other lower price for the same model, you will get reimbursement.
              • Hi, sailor, are u online? Why not call me?*_*
    • 其实,买电器不一定非要到future shop or 大超市,这些地方几乎不能还价。
      我的32寸彩电是在一个小不及眼的dealer店中买的,经过一阵的bargaining,(呵呵,用蹩脚的english 讨价还价满有趣!^&^)最后连stander 一共才$1000(两年前, 是RCA的, 我在bod boy, future shop....都拿不下来的价格, 老板“痛心疾首”说是smoke deal! 而且,免费送货上门,又省40雪花银子!); 半年前买的digital camcord, panasonic dv400, only $1500, tax included! (future price: $1599+tax, watch the difference!!!),the store name is HIFI 2000! 不过,我曾经有$35在华人手中买了一个再普通不过的锅!(only worth $10, 在我刚刚landing的时候!挣点钱不容易呀,大家分享一下购物经验吧!)
      • Where is the HIFI 2000?
        • 心意网上介绍说有一家最便宜的,但不知是否真这样,我没去过,请进
          Electronic Liquidators Ltd. 电器价廉物

          Electronic Liquidators Ltd.位于949 Alness Stress和353 Opharmacy Ave.以及1790 Dundas St. E.等不同区域都有分店,六个月免付费不用付利息。只要您去各销售点看看,就会被琳琅满目的商品所吸引,更让您惊喜的是他们优惠的价格,店主许诺若在多市找到一家商店的同样商品价钱比他们低,店主将此商品赠送给您。当然质量与品牌也绝对让您放心。

          对于新移民来说,商店的一月劲减销售更是首选,各种尺寸不同品牌的电视、吸尘器、VCD、DVD应有尽有;SONY、Sanyo、Panasonic、Philips任您选购。只要您来Electronic Liquidators就有各种CD送您,买电视也有VCR、DVD送给您,买DVD送碟,不同的选择就有不同的礼品。

          Electronic Liquidators查询电话416-661-1033,416-773-1644,519-457-1100。
    • Keep in good mood for your baby. Take care.
      • Hi, cyt, long time no see you here. Do you and your leder want to join us to play tennis tomorrow? if yes, pls go into message # 41414, it will tell you time and place.
      • Thank you! You are so nice...*_*
        • 能讲讲你的电视吗?我也想买一部,想听听你的经验.
          • 我的电视是19"citizen, 为了节约的目的, 嘻嘻, 买了个最便宜的, 据GG们说是八十年代的款式. 但图像效果不错. 经GG们左右开弓, 侃晕了SALESMAN, 只花了两百两银子(税前). *_*
            • 咳!有Rolia两大名嘴在,那salesman想不晕都没门啦!
            • 我自己是在moving sale花了300元买了一个两年旧的东芝27寸彩电,带画中画,S-video端口,还免税耶!