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How to apply toronto's computer science

I am a master candidate now.
TOFEL 610 TWE 5.0.
GRE 2200
several recommedation letters
and several research paper.
Since I know some prof. there, the chance became large.

In general, I think that its application is same as the one for
U.S.A.'s university.
My major is computer Science. I like one topics of U toronto.
For general Computer Science, U of Waterloo is better than U toronto.
The computer Science of these two university in Canada
are comparable to some excellent computer science in

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 本人有多伦多大学的全奖,多大9月4号注册。我马上将材料送到 使馆签证,来的及否?飞机票怎么办?等签证下来还是先订一下。
    • 谢谢
      • How to apply toronto's computer science
        I am a master candidate now.
        TOFEL 610 TWE 5.0.
        GRE 2200
        several recommedation letters
        and several research paper.
        Since I know some prof. there, the chance became large.

        In general, I think that its application is same as the one for
        U.S.A.'s university.
        My major is computer Science. I like one topics of U toronto.
        For general Computer Science, U of Waterloo is better than U toronto.
        The computer Science of these two university in Canada
        are comparable to some excellent computer science in
        • Thank you!!!
          • GRE is not compulsory if you apply for U of Toronto. 大胆地申请吧!
            • Every University says GRE is not compulsory, but suggested to submit
          • 大学成绩是很重要, 不过你可以把自己的工作经验吹嘘一下。
            要申请就快, 看看细胞的CREDENTIAL,多大跟93年左右NORTHWESTERN要求差不多了。但现在西北CS已经要GRE2300(对中国人〕,T640了, 还要GPA好。美国的现在大概就是多大的明天,竞争越来越利害,还是早申请的好。 记得93年的时候,多大根本不要GRE, TOEFL600就成,是个学CS的就可以去申请。。。。现在看来形式不妙,要是多大不行,试下YORK, CALERTON这些学校,要不没准过两年,这些学校都要打破头了
        • several research paper
    • 机票一定要预定.给航空公司打一个电话,预定好机票,航班日期前10天出票.7,8月是旺季,现在一定预定.建议大韩,国航,千万不要日航,全日空一般.
    • 好象来不及。试试吧。
    • 祝贺你! 我已拿到了皇后大学的offer, 但至今不知是否有奖学金?而Regina已给了全奖,但却还没收到正式的offer。真是心急如焚!
      • 没有奖的应该叫Admission吧,有奖才是offer
      • 请问你申请时是否有GRE成绩,什么专业?谢谢。
        • 不用gre, ielts 就行了
          • 谢谢!什么专业呢?