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try the following steps:

The problem can be your monitor, video card, video card driver and your motherboard, try the following step and identify possilble problems.

1. bring your monitor to any fried who has a PC, if it does not work on your friend's computer, then your monitor is not working, buy a new one.
2. if your monitor is working fine at your friend's PC, then depends if your video card is a dedicated video card. If it is a dedicated video card, install it to your friend's computer again. If it is not working, then buy a new video card. If it is working, then it can be quite complicated. Try step 3.
3. if you video card is not a dedicated video card and has a free video card slot, try to borrow a cheap video card from your friend. If it is working, then buy a new video card.
4. if everything fails, then it may be your motherboard which has problem.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / 电脑黑屏都解决不了, 这个坛子上混子太多了。
    我买一新电脑, HP的, 过了保修期, 电脑出现了黑屏现象。
    花了200 快钱了, 找了六个Rolia 上所谓的的高手, 没有一个人能修好。
    我发现, 这上边的都是一些吹NB的, 没有真懂电脑的。
    • more software guys here than hardware guys. BTW, what's your PC's model?
    • ask for refund from those 高手, and list their IDs here for the sake of other rolians .
    • 大哥,过了保修期的电脑就不能叫新电脑了。
    • Don't wasting your money trying to fix it, sell it on ebay and get a few bucks back.
    • 黑屏 大多是主板出问题了。 如果显卡是集成的。 你的 电脑可以扔了。
    • 如果是软件问题,重装系统就应该搞定了,如果是硬件问题,你再找6个高手也没用,别怪人家技术不好。主板上爆个电容什么的,虽然也还能启动,但会很不稳定譬如黑平。唯一的方法就是换电脑,找高手也没用。
    • 我能帮你修好。
    • try the following steps:
      The problem can be your monitor, video card, video card driver and your motherboard, try the following step and identify possilble problems.

      1. bring your monitor to any fried who has a PC, if it does not work on your friend's computer, then your monitor is not working, buy a new one.
      2. if your monitor is working fine at your friend's PC, then depends if your video card is a dedicated video card. If it is a dedicated video card, install it to your friend's computer again. If it is not working, then buy a new video card. If it is working, then it can be quite complicated. Try step 3.
      3. if you video card is not a dedicated video card and has a free video card slot, try to borrow a cheap video card from your friend. If it is working, then buy a new video card.
      4. if everything fails, then it may be your motherboard which has problem.
    • 黑屏电脑还能修?除非有另一台电脑,一个部分一个部分的替换测试,否则谁都没折, 当然电源坏了,最容易判断
      • 术业有专攻
    • 不是坛子上混子太多了,而是来加拿大的都是混子。俺是个头号的大混子。
      • 蓝屏见过,你这黑屏是怎么搞出来的?
    • 翻版XP黑屏
    • HP笔记本?LCD的灯管或者inverter报销拉,ebay上去买零件,不超过30块
    • Because most guys here are contractors. They got used to getting paid and doing nothing. And of course need a client who has a project like this.
    • 花了200 快钱,是请六大高手吃饭了吧。说说朝廷这六大高手都让你干了啥。
    • 楼主你算是说对了,真正的高手能整天在坛子泡着吗?在坛子里泡得越久水份岂不是越大?