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I really know this Company

和你一样, 他们让我去面试. 当我得知他们在Pickering, 我觉太远, 而且他们给我发email连公司的email都没有, 忧郁再三决定不去. 写了email给他们并流了言, 第二个星期一, 他们就打电话来, 确定不去的真实原因, 并说可以安排在Toronto办公. 他们有很多office. 当时真有些疑惑, 这年头还有这事? 劳工当时就猜不会让你去干推销吧? 可我觉得不应该, 我在网上post 的简历写明找的是程序员. 想想那就去吧. 那天天格外冷, 坐车到Scarborough TownCenter转乘go bus, 没想提前到了一个多小时. 寒风中四处寻觅, 好不容易找了一个Coffee time. 到了他们办公室, 作在门口等, 从里间传出的片言就赶到有些不对. 安慰自己,金融机构总是也需要IT人的. 何况他们的网站不怎么地, 可见他们技术人才短缺. 一个白人帅哥面试我, 头几个general问题问出后, 便觉不对, 赶紧问什么职位, 结果果然让我家劳工不幸言中. 我说我要找IT工作, 人家说你可以change career, 立刻反出一本相册, 谁谁如何如何. 我说我语言能力不适合作, 他有翻出某Chinese guy. 我当时真是气的腸子都青了. 不过想想, 还不是自己stupid, 为什么不提前问问什么职位? 写出来给你借鉴借鉴吧.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 有谁知道 Primerica吗?
    该公司让我去面试,但我听说这是一家 Financial consultant 公司。
    我的简历上明明写着应聘IT的工作,怎么 PRIMERICA 会来找我?
    • Financial companies also need lots of IT professions. In my former mutual fund company in toronto, IT department occupies the whole floor. See, how big the dept is! Some of them are doing programming, and some of them
      are doing technical support, for financial transactions. You can imagine how big the database is. BTW, the company also has a website to maintain.

      Hope you could have a rough idea on this. And good luck.

      lumlum ^_^
      • 3x! But they told me that the main resposibility of this position is to help people how to plan their money. They don't care if I have a financial backgroud, they will train me. But
        since this is not my specialty, I don't know if I can handle it. Besides, if I leave the lines of IT, maybe I will never pick it up. It is developing too fast. I love it. I don't know whether should I change my line.
        • Well, if you are interested in IT area instead of personal financial consultant, I strongly suggest that
          you should cling to seek a job in IT field. Because:

          1. it's your interest
          2. you won't start a career from the very beginning, as you said, you don't have similiar financial background before
          3. the pay will be better, for IT guys, especially you are among those senior guys

          Just some personal suggestions. for your reference.

          lumlum ^_^
          • thanks again!
    • Hi, 是在KINGSTON ROAD 上吗?
    • This company is looking for Chinese to be its member of the financial service sales team. They search from Internet, identify you're a Chinese, then invite you to take an interview and try to convincing to join them.
      The person who contact with you will get reward if you join and make deals with your customers.
    • I really know this Company
      和你一样, 他们让我去面试. 当我得知他们在Pickering, 我觉太远, 而且他们给我发email连公司的email都没有, 忧郁再三决定不去. 写了email给他们并流了言, 第二个星期一, 他们就打电话来, 确定不去的真实原因, 并说可以安排在Toronto办公. 他们有很多office. 当时真有些疑惑, 这年头还有这事? 劳工当时就猜不会让你去干推销吧? 可我觉得不应该, 我在网上post 的简历写明找的是程序员. 想想那就去吧. 那天天格外冷, 坐车到Scarborough TownCenter转乘go bus, 没想提前到了一个多小时. 寒风中四处寻觅, 好不容易找了一个Coffee time. 到了他们办公室, 作在门口等, 从里间传出的片言就赶到有些不对. 安慰自己,金融机构总是也需要IT人的. 何况他们的网站不怎么地, 可见他们技术人才短缺. 一个白人帅哥面试我, 头几个general问题问出后, 便觉不对, 赶紧问什么职位, 结果果然让我家劳工不幸言中. 我说我要找IT工作, 人家说你可以change career, 立刻反出一本相册, 谁谁如何如何. 我说我语言能力不适合作, 他有翻出某Chinese guy. 我当时真是气的腸子都青了. 不过想想, 还不是自己stupid, 为什么不提前问问什么职位? 写出来给你借鉴借鉴吧.
      • O.K. thank you. I will refuse them.
    • How about the salary? Or they do not pay unless you get some clients.
    • Why no one answer my question?
      • Yes, it is in Kingston rd. But not in toronto, it the kingston rd of pickering town, east neighbor of scarborough.
    • 这是家黑店,请大家注意,它是美国花旗的一个分支小公司,主要手段 是骗取中国移民的培训费,但是答应给你种种手段,包扩让你再去骗!! 加拿大很多公司的广告是骗人的,80%的公司骗培训费(100-340元)
      • GOD! 原来如彼!
        • 我就差点儿被骗。当时这家公司的人给我打电话说有好职位,好在当时我已经有工作了,我听人说是黑店但还是按耐不住好奇心去看了一下,就在Kingston,确实是黑店。