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Several problems about a small web site project. If you want add a project on your resume, you can work with me together in spear time.

I am working on a small web site project in this summer holiday, but I am not an IT guy, I need your help. Thank you in advance. The project involves:
1. Fill out a score sheet, then submit.
2. Process the data in the sheet by server side or client side program, and the processing includes sum the score, draw a iregular circle according to the score and pick up an Answer from 4 answers.
3. Save the visitor's information into a database.
4. sent back the result above to browser.
I have several questions here:
1. can Javascript or VBscript realizen the function of sum?
2. What program can be used draw a irregular circle according to the sum?
3. What kind of database is easy to learn ? And the traffic of the site is only 600 hits per day. The people flling out the score sheet even much less than the #.
I know my problems may be too stupid for you IT guys, but I really hope to hear from you. Thanks

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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / Several problems about a small web site project. If you want add a project on your resume, you can work with me together in spear time.
    I am working on a small web site project in this summer holiday, but I am not an IT guy, I need your help. Thank you in advance. The project involves:
    1. Fill out a score sheet, then submit.
    2. Process the data in the sheet by server side or client side program, and the processing includes sum the score, draw a iregular circle according to the score and pick up an Answer from 4 answers.
    3. Save the visitor's information into a database.
    4. sent back the result above to browser.
    I have several questions here:
    1. can Javascript or VBscript realizen the function of sum?
    2. What program can be used draw a irregular circle according to the sum?
    3. What kind of database is easy to learn ? And the traffic of the site is only 600 hits per day. The people flling out the score sheet even much less than the #.
    I know my problems may be too stupid for you IT guys, but I really hope to hear from you. Thanks
    • use ASP.net +sql server ?
      • Can Access be OK for the project?It is said Access can only be accessed by 20 people simultaneously. Does that mean only 20 people can submit the request at the same time?
        • Yes, base on your need and description. Access should be the most appropriate one.