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1. 生活费用:房租、交通、饮食、购物和打工就业方面,多市、渥市和MONTREAL有何区别?目前北美经济不景气,渥市的失业率是否很高?

2.语言学习: 在MONTREAL参加新移民的法语培训是否真的有CAN$500/月的政府补助?这对我们钱包不太暖和的人来说是个不小的诱惑


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位兄弟姐妹,请给我们意见、建议、信息。。。我们打算登陆后的第一年在多伦多或渥太华或蒙特利尔中的一个城市,但是到底是哪一个考虑很多也没有头绪,请大家帮忙参考。

    1. 生活费用:房租、交通、饮食、购物和打工就业方面,多市、渥市和MONTREAL有何区别?目前北美经济不景气,渥市的失业率是否很高?

    2.语言学习: 在MONTREAL参加新移民的法语培训是否真的有CAN$500/月的政府补助?这对我们钱包不太暖和的人来说是个不小的诱惑

    • 呜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 为什么没有人理我????????????????
      • It largely depends on what plan you have, If you have decided to study one of two English universitis in Montreal, you should defintely go there. Studying a new language is no joke. $500 is
        true as I confirmed with friend, but you will have to wait a couple of months to get it and you will have to attend full-time course. so this is easy money unless you are really interested in studying French. AS for Ottawa, it is betwween English Canada and French Canada, you are expected to speak some French if you want to do well. However you can be still considered Quebec resident if you stay more than three months inthe province and less than two months in other provinces and still be eligible for everythings. So why do not you have have a look at other places? If you are just rich enough, you can stop over at Vancouver and Toronto to have a look.
      • thanks a lot. We've heard living in Montreal is cheaper and there are a lot of high-tec job opputinities too. but since 80 percent people there speak french,
        is it possible to find any labour or casher job there with only english? otherwise, how could we survive! and since there are only two english universities, and it is said not easy to apply, if we choose to study Ontario, could we still have the Quebec provincial finacial aid or can we enjoy the Ontario aid? thanks
        • By and large, chosing what place to stay also depends on your background.
          However you should decide what kind of job if you have will defer your study. Having decided this you will be able to decide where to land. According to what you have said I think you should try first to find jobs inIT area in Montreal( but be prepared if you fail) . If you want to find labour jobs or positions like cashier i believe it will be relatively easier to find one in Toronto because the economy here as a combination of all sectors is apparently more vigious than other areas. However if you intend to study, Montreal is still a good choice, because tuition fees are cheaper more than 50% in this two universities than in rest of Canada.To answer your questions,you will not be eligible to benifits of Quebec if you are not in Quebec and there is not much benifits in form of money provided by Ontario government.