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Do NOT plea quilty, neither sign PEACE BOND before call me

very important! They will push you to get a lawyer which maybe the way how they keep that industry running well, and they will push you to sign peace bond.

Peace Bond = plea guilty and agree to enter a program which cause you time and money to be educated how to be a normal person. And your criminal record depends on how the program report says.

once you plead guilty, it will be a mark with you even after there is not criminal record/charge after peace bond. Which means if you'd better do not apply for any job that needs a criminal back ground check.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 打了911之后...
    911我打了, 警察也来了, 回首这六个月, 身心疲惫。但我挺过来了。老公不能回家, 我一个人带两个孩子还要上班养活一家人。

    庭上了, 法官说”NO CASE". 老公没案底, 我们也没花钱请律师。

    类似情况需要咨询(益早不宜迟), IM我或(416) 500-8968. 我的手机号, 晚上周末免费。


    求助可以找我。 不一定能帮上, 但我会尽力。
    • mark, who knows, it may be life saver.
    • 能认错说明你不会再玩911了,好好过日子吧。
    • Do NOT plea quilty, neither sign PEACE BOND before call me
      very important! They will push you to get a lawyer which maybe the way how they keep that industry running well, and they will push you to sign peace bond.

      Peace Bond = plea guilty and agree to enter a program which cause you time and money to be educated how to be a normal person. And your criminal record depends on how the program report says.

      once you plead guilty, it will be a mark with you even after there is not criminal record/charge after peace bond. Which means if you'd better do not apply for any job that needs a criminal back ground check.
      • I believe Peace Bond resolution normally means case withdrawn after PAR program. If case withdrawn by crown, there is no record of whatever at all after approved by the judge.
        • 您的判断是对的。撤销案底,或者临时性纪录不会影响就业
      • 您这广告拉得太赤裸裸,其实家庭出了一些问题,接受教育培训是合理以及必要的。再说,这些小案子也就顶多临时性犯罪记录,不会影响就业,只要不再犯。
        • 对不起,误解楼住了
    • 离了吗?
    • 没离 - 不经历风雨怎么见彩虹 :-)
      我能带给大家的是我个人的经历, 每个人的具体你情况是不同的。正如我们都知道的, 幸福的理由只有一个, 而不幸则各有各自不同的故事。
      但有一点是肯定的, 是分是和, 无论将来的路会怎么走, 我们都从这一事件中成熟, 长大。 我祝愿没有这种经历的朋友们永远不要有, 有的朋友也不要紧张, 已经发生了, 就面对吧, 尽自己的力量让事件走出最好的结果。 还是那句话, 我不一定能帮上你, 但如果需要, 我会在这里尽我的能力给你建议。
      人生不总是平坦的大路, 有颠簸时, 相爱的人更要互相扶持,“人”字的结构就是这样, 一撇是男人, 一捺是女人。
      • 嗬嗬,俺们是宁愿不见彩虹也不去经那个风雨,既难受又难堪的。
    • 急就CALL我, 不急就PM. 不好意思, 一周七天时间排得都很紧, 不老查PM....
      • mark