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It is a great insult to women as well as men if we understand and measure masculinity in terms of money and other forms of mundane power. D. H. Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley's Lover" should have taught

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛us enough about the disconnection between money and masculinity.
masculinity is an intimate state of body and soul created and shared between a man and a woman.
a man experiences his masculinity when his woman screams from the very deep of her soul "I am yours". if you have had it you know when and how this could happen. if you have not had it then you have a lot homework to do with your manhood.
a man experiences his masculinity when the naked woman in his arms gently closes her eyes and let herself be put to sleep by his endless and caring kisses. at that moment his heart aches with the appreciation of the beautiful tenderness of the tender gender.
a man experiences his masculinity when a woman buries her face in his groin willingly and ecstatically without him ever uttering a single word, be it request, petition, command, etc. such transformation of fear of Phallus is always an indication of total female submission (and vice versa in the male case just to stay away from gender discrimination).
a man experiences his masculinity when he comes to terms with himself and feels safe and proud being naked body and soul in front of his woman. his self-confidence is now in his bones and he is neither embarassed nor ashamed of himself.
and, quite ironically, a man experiences his masculinity when he is least concerned with or aware of his very masculinity -- when he is more tender than his tender woman. when grateful tears fill his eyes with the thought of his loved one.

do we seriously believe money can buy any of the above for us?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 读老猪的男人气有感
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛前一阵,各文人在这里舞文弄墨的写词,我没敢吱声。好不容易告一段落,今天一看,又回到咱熟悉的男人女人主题,心里可真是高兴。












    实现男人的大气,一边要读读儒家的修身的书,一边搞一些韩剧来看看,可能算是正道。当然,最首要的是,别忘了挣钱~更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 默、、、
    • 老长老长的男同学学习贴、、、
    • 好久不见你的文字,今天算懂了你点哈。
    • 老婆狂笑不止,说里面很有几篇是我的写照! .... ho ho .. The wife are same in the world!!! ...
    • 写得真差。。。
    • 写得不错,很多男人女人的写照,大家对号入座吧!
    • 你是说,因为老猪掏钱买了门票,所以才写大气?
    • 喜欢这个版本的"男人气", 不同阶层, 不同时代的男人都有不同的男人气, 俺还是做个住家男, 经济适用男吧
    • 写这么多, 其实就一句话: 男人有钱就是气. 悠坛跟心坛的差別: 悠坛的人用一句话就能说清的, 心坛的人非得整出一篇文章来不可.
      • 所以我去吃2.99的半价餐就气短。。。
        • 有你这样不打自招的么? 人家都把话讲明了, 只有象老猪这样自买门票才是豪气, 你这6块饭钱都舍不得的人, 怕是以后在心坛再也抬不起头来了. 给MN发PM, 她肯定会说: 那谁谁, 吃半价餐的, 以后就不要PM了.
          • 我并不是总吃半价的,有时也去全价的猪骨汤, 3.99呢
            • 行, 给你升一级: 那谁谁, 吃半价餐喝全价汤的, 以后就不要PM了.
            • 哈哈,拿根葱下个馒头最便宜。
              • 煎饼果子也行
      • 心潭是前戏,悠悠是高潮
        • 前戏就是废话连篇假招一堆绕口令兜圈子曲里拐弯指东打西指鹿为马王顾左右而言他
          • 高潮是一句话说清?
            • 悠悠连一句话都用不了: OMG!
    • 所谓英雄不问出处,有情有义,敢做敢当。。。。算君子吧
      • 彼君子兮,不素餐兮
        • 这个~~褒贬皆有,不过,大丈夫,敢作敢为,有情有义,不光女人喜欢,男人也是欣赏的
        • 我给翻译一下: 就是那些称为君子的,都不是白蹭饭的
          • 都是吃白饭的
            • 都不是白吃饭的
    • 无价宝可得,有情郎难得亚。 尤其像老猪这样的。难得老猪,难得出大气的老猪哇。LOL.
      • 也不是大气,能吹罢了
        • 狠是会意呀,知己握手。
          • 不用握手,一个眼神足够
    • 哈哈, 我只关注 你是不是一边要读读儒家的修身的书,一边搞一些韩剧来看看。
    • 啊呸!你可真唐僧
    • 瘦弱真能侃,不愧第一八哥。喜欢此文。
      • 首席8哥
        • 晚会的事,多谢JF了
          • 谢阿苏吧
            • 当然
      • 7! 是首席,首席!俺金口玉封的
    • 小贝不愿借钱是对的, 毕竟他肩上承担的是他和海藻的未来 而不是海平的未来
      • Yes! ...
    • 首席8G!
    • It is a great insult to women as well as men if we understand and measure masculinity in terms of money and other forms of mundane power. D. H. Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley's Lover" should have taught
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛us enough about the disconnection between money and masculinity.
      masculinity is an intimate state of body and soul created and shared between a man and a woman.
      a man experiences his masculinity when his woman screams from the very deep of her soul "I am yours". if you have had it you know when and how this could happen. if you have not had it then you have a lot homework to do with your manhood.
      a man experiences his masculinity when the naked woman in his arms gently closes her eyes and let herself be put to sleep by his endless and caring kisses. at that moment his heart aches with the appreciation of the beautiful tenderness of the tender gender.
      a man experiences his masculinity when a woman buries her face in his groin willingly and ecstatically without him ever uttering a single word, be it request, petition, command, etc. such transformation of fear of Phallus is always an indication of total female submission (and vice versa in the male case just to stay away from gender discrimination).
      a man experiences his masculinity when he comes to terms with himself and feels safe and proud being naked body and soul in front of his woman. his self-confidence is now in his bones and he is neither embarassed nor ashamed of himself.
      and, quite ironically, a man experiences his masculinity when he is least concerned with or aware of his very masculinity -- when he is more tender than his tender woman. when grateful tears fill his eyes with the thought of his loved one.

      do we seriously believe money can buy any of the above for us?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这里的“大气”也不只是指钱,我想。不过,没有钱是万万不能滴。
        • #5799331@0
        • money may lead you to masculinity. but it is never a replacement or the equivalent of masculinity. you can buy a woman's body with money. but to reach
          the deepest bottom of her soul you need the genuine male "penetrating" power, which, unfortunately, has nothing to do with your wealth and does not care about your social rank. that explaines the difference between "owning" a woman and "winning" a woman
          • I c yr point. So what?
            • life is simple. be a man before you want or become a rich man or a man of power or a man of influence. and what is the simple truth of being a man? it is the guts to sacrifice. women does not care how much money you have. all they care
              is how much money you are willing to spend on them. assuming you only have 15 bucks in your bank account and you spend all of it to buy a CD a girl has wanted for a long time, then your chance of winning her is probably bigger than having 15000 in your bank account but still trying to split Burger King bill with her.
              • ok, this is also the way to be a true woman, isn't it?
                That's called love. This is touching way, but unfortunately you can only do it to one person.
                • if you are a guy I doubt you have ever spoiled a woman. if you are a woman I doubt you have ever been spoiled by a man. women are to be spoiled -- that is why your 15 bucks will lead you to
                  her bedroom faster than your 15000 dollars.
                  as a guy you should never expect a gril's material sacrifice.
                  as a girl you should always be alerted if a guy's eyes stay on your purse longer than your ass.
                  men sacrifice their material belongings (be it big or small) so they can be entitled to women's submission of tenderness.
                  what can be more beautiful and simple?
                  • en, I like this. Man is a buyer and woman is a seller. But you changed your points so quickly covering so many different things. But that's fine to me. Do you know milkway_galaxy?
                    • wrong. the most genuine thing between a man and a woman is far beyond a normal business deal of buying and selling. it is a transaction in which cost is not a concern as long as your sense of risk management
                      keeps it within your risk tolerance level
                    • yes, milkway_galaxy was once a dear friend of mine
                      • How is TA now?
                        • we lost contact long time ago.
              • when he has one buck left, I want him to spend it on me. How selfish am I?
              • when I have one buck left, I have to spend it on a selfish woman. Am I dumb or what?!
                • you are dumb if you cannot tell whether the woman is worth more than 1 buck.
                  • take it easy, it's just an example... it's funny that you started measuring women with money though : )
                    • sorry I did not mean to be offensive. I was just replying to your comment by quoting your own sentences.