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you will get it.

don't give up. you can start from Altera, there software is free and easy to learn. you can learn it within 1 month and claim you have designed before.
In fact, there are very few people could do hardware design here. If you really good, you could get it finally. Don't only look at toronto. Look at waterloo and kitchener area.
when they ask my reference, I just give them my labour agency's name. It doesn't matter.
Prepare basic concept. they will really want to know you can do that job. can you tell me what level you have done?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 跟井底的青蛙一样,每天就只能看到头顶上的那片天。想得到offer必须要有经验,但需要经验又必须有谁先提供offer,这不是死循环吗?
    来加三个月。这几天就看到火姐、yellow、steven等等都得到了offer,似乎我的就业形势越来越糟,很多和telecom有关的公司停止了招人,就算有hardware engineer的位置大部分都需要有FPGA的经验。我原来是做system design的,侧重于hardware architecture,当然做过好几年的board level design,当然只是用ASIC,还定义过ASIC,就是没设计过FPGA或ASIC。晕倒!现在发现high level的位置鬼子不放心给我做不说,我也不奢望,low level的电路设计由于使用的工具不同等方面的原因,鬼子也不放心给我做。我觉得不管是telecom,datacom或wireless,做hardware都是相通的,关键是要有system的概念。想得到offer必须要有经验,但需要经验又必须有谁先提供offer,这不是死循环吗?现在想自己学习设计FPG/ASIC,比较难,没有环境。真希望能与这方面的高手、engineer 交流一下,wen2000@myrealbox.com。或各位GGJJ认识这方面的朋友,给介绍一下,在此先谢了。
    • I remember there are a computer scholl of chinese which teach ASIC. PLs chech the ad. in the newspaper.
      • Chinese newspaper?
        • 薪到日报。
          • 谢谢!
    • try ATI, they are hiring people.
      • I sent resume one and half months ago, but like the stone sinking into the sea. Can I send once more? They forbid calling for asking about the information. Thank you!
    • 看看稍微改改行行不行
      , 你有硬件经验,改做做驱动程序应该很容易, 我以前是搞软件的,后来写过一些SOLARIS的驱动(给逼的,当时硅谷些DRIVER的人早给人抢光了〕,感觉对硬件的理解很重要, DEVICE DRIVER的工作应该很好找,只要有自己平台的公司都要雇佣。你可以看看SUN的ANSWER BOOK,教你怎么写DEVICE DRIVER,不是很难,,这有连接
      • 谢谢!
      • terrific!
    • 我也是做BOARD LEVEL的,以前在国内民企做了很多年,给你一点个人意见:
      1)技术水平差异不大, 没有必要沮丧,应该对自己有信心.但是不要指望鬼子会给你HIGH LEVEL 的职位, 首先英语过关就很困难.
      2)工具确实不同,而且国内不太重视TIMING ANALYSIS/SIGNAL INTEGRITY这一环节, 建议你看一看这方面的书.
      3) 我不知道你在哪个城市,但是在OTTAWA, 虽然形势不好, 但是BOARD LEVEL 还是有一些职位的.
      • 谢谢!我住在Toronto。但是我很愿意relocate to Ottawa。
        早就知道Ottawa是个High-Tech Area。我发现很多board level engineer的位置都需要有FPGA等相关经验,所以现在都不敢发简历了,就是怕失去更多的机会。另外Ottawa现在是不是竞争更激烈,有那么多被layoff的人。不怕是假的,害怕又没用。唉!
    • me too. 是RESUME 的问题吗?还是市场的确不好?Anyway, upset and disappointed.
      本人作board design/ low level SW多年, weaknss is FPGA too.
      不同的是,我后来在外企用的HW design工具是北美流行的,并且write device driver on RTOS-vxWorks. But, no use.
      我的感觉:Resume出去好象石沉大海,反应寥寥(代理除外) - Toronto 的telephone interview, 表现一般(english issue), silicon vally 的机会又不太感冒(family issue), no interview from ottawa - my current location.
      Oh, my godness! where is my fault? - Resume?
      • 这方面职位比较重要,虽然竞争者少,但位置也少。这方面算是比较关键的,牵涉到整个产品的发展。所以估计一般公司一般不太敢招新移民,建议先降低要求,做一个JUNIOR的,跟人家打打下手,有经验后就好了。
        • i can not find any company need junior , where to look for
          • yes, numnum is right. most such positios require good experience, but, Even if I want downgrade, they don't give me chance too.Even the junior - no way.
            • 小多,这种情况,你应该耐心点,做这方面,虽然打入比较难,但一旦打入,那是凭真本事吃饭的,投机不得,基本是铁饭碗。这方面什么短训班,包括CS刚毕业两年的小青年都做不了,所以你该看清处境,现在付出点痛苦不会白费的,得到了就是大福大贵,以后不用再担心。
              • Thanks, numnum. I feel a little better now. But -
                But I still doubt if there are some issues in my resume, if you have time, could you kind enough have a look of my resume and give some opinion? It seems that you know very well about the RT embedded technology and market.
                • Hey, xiaoduo, just sent your email to: lumlumq@yahoo.com. He would give some suggestions on it. Good luck. ^_^
                  • Thanks very much! numnum & lumlum, you all are so kind.
                    1 offer is very close to me now, I hope needn't modify my resume again.
                  • BTW, I'm confused: is lumlum the leader of nu...??
      • 奇怪了,不是有大虾说real time programming和ASIC很好找工作吗?而且薪水高。我还正准备往这方面转呢。这下我又糊涂了。各位讨论讨论,给个准信吧。
        • 哥们,做RTOS也有好多种啊
          , 做APPLICATION的一般来说比较容易, 尤其是写protocol的,比如你要是写过什么OSPF, BGP,H323, MGCP。。。工作应该很好找,因为要的人多。 写DRIVER呢,因为每个公司做BASE的人就那么几个,一般不大招新人,但会这行的人不多,如果技术过硬,也应该没问题
    • 几乎所有新移民都抱怨这个死循环,但随着时间的推移,经验的增长,慢慢就会发现这个死循环有解。从小事做起,逐步积累加拿大经验,最终可以水到渠成。
      • Kind of like " You don't get a job without experience, but you cannot get experience without a job"
        • In fact, you can't get a permenant job without experience, but you gather experiences through small jobs, including co-op, volunteer, part-time, on call, etc.
    • 谢谢各位的指点。看来真要做好打持久战的准备,不管是稍微改改行也好,还是弥补自己缺少的经验也好,都需要不少时间。不过我还是有个疑问,因为Canada很看中experience,我这些后天补上去的skill怕是人家一样没兴趣。
      • VIKI,我的感觉是,只要是知识,学了总会有用,尤其是搞高数据这方面,你懂得越广越好,不一定各方面都要非常通。 我现在每天晚上回家,就在网上看一些我工作时接触不到的东西,这样时间久了,会有融汇贯通的感觉,所以,活到老,学到老,绝对没错
        • You always right!
        • 你讲的很在理。只是现在找工作时,我发现他们需要很专的人,而且越专越好,如果十年就做一件事,他们最欢迎。
    • 你也太不走运了,要不就是你从前没做过象样的项目,水平不行。或者语言能力的问题。 我的师姐也是做ASIC设计的,曾经在一周内拿了4 个8万以上的offer. 总之,不要老报怨别人,看看自己有什么不足之处,这里不是从前在学校和研究所里混,觉得自己牛就行。
      • if we talk about this last year, for sure. but now, market is different. people need a place to say something, you want them back to complain to their wife?
      • 谢谢!遗憾的是....
        我没有做过ASIC设计,只定义过ASIC,就是告诉ASIC designer新的ASIC的功能和要求是什么。公司能让一个没有ASIC经验的人去定义新ASIC,我想我有一定水平;项目不小,是与荷兰和丹佛合作的;公司世界有名,只是现在日子比Nortel还不好过;从前真的在学校和研究所干过,混得个副教授;至于语言问题,倒是我的最弱点。现在虽然抱怨形势不好,但更多的是在弥补所缺经验,争取早点给自己在加拿大定个位。
    • Vick, how comfortable do you feel about the position description inside? Maybe you already seen this. If yuo feel pretty confident I don't think you should worry too much.
      Senior ASIC Designer
      Location: Toronto
      Salary $100,000

      · Assume a leadership role in the design management of video ASICs
      · Utilizing advances compression technologies such as MPEG, JPEG and DVD
      · 2 years experience in ASIC design with HDL experience such as Verilog/VHDL
      · C++ modeling with video processing technology, standards and synopsis

      **Position requires a BS/MS in Electrical Engineering
      • senior asic designer价钱都掉到10,000 了, 去年还至少要12,000呢.
        • 不是100000吗?怎么变成10000了?:)
          • sorry, 少了个0.我的一些朋友, intermediate, 都有100,000.
      • To be honest, I am dream of being an ASIC Designer, even I would like to be a volunteer. That is the problem! Because:
        I feel the ASIC becomes more and more important in system design. But I have no experience in REAL ASIC design, and never use any tools (synthsis tools or simulation tools). You may feel confused. Actually I feel I am strange. My strength is in hardware system design, providing hardware architecture, including specifying new ASICs. How can one do this if he has no experience of ASIC design? Learning from ASIC designer while doing, but from the system point of view. With regret, no any chance for me to try real ASIC design. I have the concept of VHDL. and know video compression, I don't think the experience I had can help me get the position. Would you like to help me analyse? Thanks a lot.
        • I heard you that you were an associate professor before. You must know HDL well but not the specific vendor/VHDL. So you may want to focus on your academic background and high level architecting of ASIC design.
          For technolosies I don't think the listed you do not know well.
          • You are right. I would like to focus on high level architecture. But things often go against one's wishes;
            especially for the new comers who have no any Canadian experience. Actually, I have gotten ready to start from a junior engineer, but there also seems few chance. Anyway, I won't give up. Thanks a lot for your concerns.
            • Do not dream about it! There is no way you can get a position as ASIC design manager position without 5 years ASIC design experience. It is too difficult and complex. Defining the specification of ASIC here is the job of the marketing people.
    • you will get it.
      don't give up. you can start from Altera, there software is free and easy to learn. you can learn it within 1 month and claim you have designed before.
      In fact, there are very few people could do hardware design here. If you really good, you could get it finally. Don't only look at toronto. Look at waterloo and kitchener area.
      when they ask my reference, I just give them my labour agency's name. It doesn't matter.
      Prepare basic concept. they will really want to know you can do that job. can you tell me what level you have done?
      • Thank you very much!
        I worked on hardware system level design, of course before that I worked on board level design, schematic and layout. Only the tools I used are different from here. I don't think that's the problem, but it seems the employers care.

        I also looked for Altera, but now it also needs licence. Now what I do is learning from the tutor courses.
        • Know what you can do!
          I don't think you can learn ASIC design again. From
          what you said, your experise is on system level
          design and mabye integration. FPGA is just one optional
          knowledge, not very important.

          As a senior engineer like you, you have to find the position
          matched to your background pretty well. It will
          help your career a lot. Do what you know best. There is
          a lot of positions on hardware on system level. I suggest to
          find the postions from startup. They don't care your English
          level, they don't care your background, they just care what you
          can do for them.

          Get a senior position, it will be your only choice!
          • Good and reasonable suggestion. I also think he could get a system level or board level senior position if what he said is true.
    • Thank all for your attention. If you happen to have any suggestions or information, please don't hesitate to tell me.
      Most of the positions I have applied for are senior ones, but I have not gotten any responses yet. I need to get ready for all levels of hardware positions. Thanks again.
      • license is free, you just email your machine hard drive number and get it. also, you can get it from many china website. they have crack. full license.
        If you don't get any interview. You'd better look at your resume and cover letter. I think because you never look for job in china, you don't familier it.
        • Thanks! I will try again. I once tried from one of Chinese websites, but unfortunately, I couldn't connect it before I finished, it was almost 90%! By the way,
          how can you conclude I never looked for job in china? I did although not many. However, I also think I need to polish my resume and cover letter.
          • 做过这么多东西,还愁什么?真是杞人忧天啊。