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how to educate our kids to have more manners (jiao yang - chinese phonetics)

See so many teenagers who are very good at study, but very careless about manners (table, sanitary, how to dress (no need to be expensive at all), hair.................. Actually, your manners decide your future too (it is not exaggerating, but play a role).
If you go to chinese-centered mall, the washroom is very dirty, toilet paper everywhere,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? For next generation, all mom, please educate your kids in this aspect. They are as important as study, study and study.......... . From my heart.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 估计老帖会成为热点,另起一帖,大家都对家庭厨房感兴趣,所以,我们要做的第一件事是建立家庭厨房,住世家宝的给我发PM,如果可以,我们这周日就可以聚一下,住西边的请在后面跟帖,希望西面的姐妹也很快组织起来.
    • 聚会讨论更好,最好不是周六,孩子不是学琴就是补习的加采购的,估计主妇都很忙,时间也是家庭烧煮收拾完毕的8点后最好
    • 周日时间不错,下午3-5点钟,对好多姐妹们都适合,不影响家庭生活安排
      • 我也觉得周日不错,家里的事情基本都处理好了,可以分些时间聚会~
    • Please count me in. You can send email to info@travelgis.com
    • 是组织学习烹饪吗?我有兴趣的。住scarborough. 算我一个
    • 本周日,在世家堡举行第一次活动,2点到4点,我会给所有给我PM 的姐妹PM聚会地点,谢谢大家.
      • 对家庭厨房及您的聚会倡议很有兴趣的, 请PM聚会地点, 谢谢你这么热心.
    • PM 已发,请姐妹们查收.谢谢大家.
      • 跟了另一个贴说加入,没收到你的pm.
    • 谢谢今天到场的姐妹们,大家聊的很开心,也交流了很多有共鸣的话题,希望大家继续努力,争取把这个组织越办越好,也需要更多的姐妹给予更多的支持.再次谢谢大家.
      • 昨天去聚会了,很高兴认识大家,特别敬佩召集人大姐的精神和心态,希望以后有更多的活动。刚刚给你们大家寄了一个email,希望你们笑一笑十年少!
      • 非常高兴见到各位姐妹,感觉很放松很开心。衷心感谢Happymomyahoo组织这个聚会。
    • how to educate our kids to have more manners (jiao yang - chinese phonetics)
      See so many teenagers who are very good at study, but very careless about manners (table, sanitary, how to dress (no need to be expensive at all), hair.................. Actually, your manners decide your future too (it is not exaggerating, but play a role).
      If you go to chinese-centered mall, the washroom is very dirty, toilet paper everywhere,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? For next generation, all mom, please educate your kids in this aspect. They are as important as study, study and study.......... . From my heart.