高级语义由其存在的道理,分层设计才能scale. portability的重要意义就是在各种平台上全能跑。RISC, CISC, (or MISC, I meant Macro ISC, I was part of the original design group), 汇编怎能一样? 就算是一种机器,想想10年之后,万一咱编的source code还活着,那时候的机器结构也许和现今完全不同,为今天某种机器编译优化而考虑设计的源码,和为解决某个商业用途而设计的源码,哪个生命力更强? Of course, it is a different story if you are writing code for system or embedded.
Bjarne Stroustrup said "code for the use of others is key".
Bjarne Stroustrup said "code for the use of others is key".