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Here you are.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛不是高人,试着用http://translate.google.com/ 翻译成英语。

Transfer from: Hong Kong radio host known to give his son a memorandum Liangji Zhang ----

I have children:

Writing this memo to you, based on three principles:

(A) Life is unpredictable, who did not know could be much longer, said earlier that some things better.

(B) I am your father, I can not tell you, no one will tell you.

(C) The memo recorded, all I have to come back through the painful experience of failure, you can save a lot of the growth of costly mistakes.

The following is the life you do need to remember:

(A) Bad for you, you do not mind this too much in your life, no one is obligated to be nice, but me and your mother. For those who are nice to you, treasure, of gratitude, be extra cautious, because everyone does everything for a reason, he nice to you, does not mean they like you, please You have to figure out, without having to fast to each other as true friends.

(B) No one is irreplaceable, nothing is indispensable. Seen through this point in the future you no longer want you around, perhaps lost in all the world loves, they should understand that this is not a big deal.

(C) Life is short, you are still a waste of life today, tomorrow will find life far away from you. Therefore, the sooner cherish life, you have more time to enjoy life, instead of hoping for longevity, it is better to enjoy breakfast.

(D) The world does not love this thing, love is just an instant feeling, and this will definitely feel over time, mood change. If you leave the so-called love you, please be patient and let time wash slowly, making my mind slowly settling, your pain will gradually Dan of. Do not over look forward to the beauty of love, do not over-exaggerate the sadness of lost love.

(E) While many successful people have not received much education, but it does not mean it does not study hard, to be a success. You have learned is that you have a weapon. Who can scratch, but not unarmed, remember!

(F) I will not ask you to support my rest of my life, again I will not support you either, when you grow up to be independent of the time, my responsibility has ended. After you take the bus or Benz (Mercedes), eating shark fin or fan, to be themselves.

(G) You can ask yourself trustworthy, but you can not ask others trustworthy, you can ask yourself to be nice, but you can not expect others to you. How do you human, does not mean that others what you will, if see through this, you will only add unnecessary trouble.

(H) I bought a lottery for almost two years, or poor and white, not even the third prize, which proved that people want to become rich, or have to work hard for the world and there is no free lunch.

(I) The fate of their loved ones only once, regardless of this life you will get along with me and how long, please cherish copolymerization time, next life, whether love and not love, not goodbye更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 转自:香港电台知名主持人梁继璋----送给儿子的备忘录
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转自:香港电台知名主持人梁继璋----送给儿子的备忘录



    (一) 人生福祸无常,谁也不知可以活多久,有些事情还是早一点说好。


    (三)这备忘录记载的, 都是我经历惨痛失败得回来的体验, 可以为你的成长 省回不少冤枉路。


    (一)对你不好的人,你不要太介怀,在你一生中,没有人有义务要对你好,除了我和你妈妈。至于那些对你好的人,你除了要珍惜、感恩外,也请多防备一点 ,因为,每个人做每件事,总有一个原因,他对你好,未必真的是因为喜欢你,请你必须搞清楚,而不必太快将对方看作真朋友。

    (二)没有人是不可代替,没有东西是必须拥有。看透了这一点,将来你身边的人不再要你,或许失去了世间上最爱的一切时,也应该明白,这并不是什麽大不 了的事。


    (四)世界上并没有最爱这回事,爱情只是一种霎时的感觉,而这感觉绝对会随时日、心境而改变。如果你的所谓最爱离开你,请耐心地等候一下,让时日慢慢 冲洗,让心灵慢慢沉淀,你的苦就会慢慢澹化。不要过分憧憬爱情的美,不要过分夸大失恋的悲。

    (五)虽然很多有成就的人士都没有受过很多教育,但并不等于不用功读书,就一定可以成功。你学到的知识,就是你拥有的武器。人,可以白手兴家,但不可 以手无寸铁,谨记!


    (七)你可以要求自己守信,但不能要求别人守信,你可以要求自己对人好,但不能期待人家对你好。你怎样对人,并不代表人家就会怎样对你,如果看不透这 一点,你只会徒添不必要的烦恼。


    (九)亲人只有一次的缘分,无论这辈子我和你会相处多久,也请好好珍惜共聚的时光,下辈子,无论爱与不爱,都不会再见更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • I like this: 愈早珍惜生命,你享受生命的日子也愈多,与其盼望长寿,倒不如早点享受。
      • 看Google翻译的这句: Therefore, the sooner cherish life, you have more time to enjoy life, instead of hoping for longevity, it is better to enjoy breakfast.
        早点享受 = enjoy breakfast ?
        • enjoy a break first?
    • “世界上并没有最爱这回事,爱情只是一种霎时的感觉,而这感觉绝对会随时日、心境而改变。”nod nod ~~~ 最爱这回事,老公觉得有,我觉得没有~~~ sometimes觉得挺对不住他的:P
      • 最爱这回事,你老公当然会觉得有,因为
    • 有请高人翻译成英语
      • Here you are.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛不是高人,试着用http://translate.google.com/ 翻译成英语。

        Transfer from: Hong Kong radio host known to give his son a memorandum Liangji Zhang ----

        I have children:

        Writing this memo to you, based on three principles:

        (A) Life is unpredictable, who did not know could be much longer, said earlier that some things better.

        (B) I am your father, I can not tell you, no one will tell you.

        (C) The memo recorded, all I have to come back through the painful experience of failure, you can save a lot of the growth of costly mistakes.

        The following is the life you do need to remember:

        (A) Bad for you, you do not mind this too much in your life, no one is obligated to be nice, but me and your mother. For those who are nice to you, treasure, of gratitude, be extra cautious, because everyone does everything for a reason, he nice to you, does not mean they like you, please You have to figure out, without having to fast to each other as true friends.

        (B) No one is irreplaceable, nothing is indispensable. Seen through this point in the future you no longer want you around, perhaps lost in all the world loves, they should understand that this is not a big deal.

        (C) Life is short, you are still a waste of life today, tomorrow will find life far away from you. Therefore, the sooner cherish life, you have more time to enjoy life, instead of hoping for longevity, it is better to enjoy breakfast.

        (D) The world does not love this thing, love is just an instant feeling, and this will definitely feel over time, mood change. If you leave the so-called love you, please be patient and let time wash slowly, making my mind slowly settling, your pain will gradually Dan of. Do not over look forward to the beauty of love, do not over-exaggerate the sadness of lost love.

        (E) While many successful people have not received much education, but it does not mean it does not study hard, to be a success. You have learned is that you have a weapon. Who can scratch, but not unarmed, remember!

        (F) I will not ask you to support my rest of my life, again I will not support you either, when you grow up to be independent of the time, my responsibility has ended. After you take the bus or Benz (Mercedes), eating shark fin or fan, to be themselves.

        (G) You can ask yourself trustworthy, but you can not ask others trustworthy, you can ask yourself to be nice, but you can not expect others to you. How do you human, does not mean that others what you will, if see through this, you will only add unnecessary trouble.

        (H) I bought a lottery for almost two years, or poor and white, not even the third prize, which proved that people want to become rich, or have to work hard for the world and there is no free lunch.

        (I) The fate of their loved ones only once, regardless of this life you will get along with me and how long, please cherish copolymerization time, next life, whether love and not love, not goodbye更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • N年前就看过,但名字是“一位父亲给女儿的九条人生忠告(受用一生)”,但看后,觉得不只给女儿,其实可以适合所有人看! LZ新年快乐!
    • "与其盼望长寿,倒不如早点享受" - 说得多好。
    • 不要过分憧憬爱情的美,不要过分夸大失恋的悲