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2011.1.30: STAR: 对加拿大是否是警察国家的一个小测试结果证明加拿大是个警察国家,可以毫无理由的抓人。就在rusull警察万人游行时,有人举了个“No police state”的标语,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛警察上来就拷他,把他的头按在雪里,抓回警察局关了五个小时。放了他,没有罪证,


这帮西方人他们不是老是说中国警察如何如何吗,那加拿大警察呢?, 就因为一个标语就可以被抓吗?


结果呢。。。。加拿大是个警察国家!, 如果那天他举的是“安息主怀”的标语呢?,他也会被警察抓吗?


It’s not every day you see a protester at a funeral.

But as the funeral procession for Sgt. Ryan Russell went by Tuesday there was a man holding up a sign that stated “Soldier’s Die, Electricians Die and People Die” on one side and “No Police State” on the other.

This takes some serious gall. What the hell was he thinking?

He’s either the most heartless person in Toronto. Or someone who is earnest about Canada’s rights and freedoms.

But Eric Brazau says by making this point outside Tuesday’s massive police funeral at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, all he was doing was expressing his free speech.

For that he ended up in handcuffs.

As we reported Wednesday he was arrested and taken into custody, although there is no known charge for being tasteless.

“I wanted to test if it is a police state,” Brazau said. “And what happened to me for holding that sign is the kind of thing that would happen in one.”

In my Wednesday column I said if you hold up a such sign at a cop funeral 12,500 strong, you are on your own.

But Brazau called me on this.

“Would I, Joe, have been arrested if I had been holding a sign that said ‘Rest in Peace, Hero’?” If you say no, then you have to say what is the difference?”

It’s tasteless. That’s the difference.

“It may be to some people” said Brazau, 46. “Good taste or bad taste is not the issue. Is what I did illegal? I had the right to be on that public space, expressing any view I want, just as the police were.”

One thing that was not right is what Brazau says happened to him next.

“Somebody started yelling at me, then tripped me to the ground,” he said.

From there Toronto Police swooped in and removed him from the scene in a scout car.

“They were saying stop resisting arrest but I wasn’t. I had my face rubbed in the snow and I couldn’t breath for a second,” he said. “Tell me what law I broke to deserve that?”

For the record Toronto Police say he was arrested on a “breach of the peace” citation and “because of an altercation with a bystander.”

He was removed from the area “for his own safety” and later released without charge.

Brazau said he was taken to 51 Division, held in an interview room for several hours, where he said police were very respectful before saying he was free to go.

However he is considering making a complaint on the original arrest and also urges police to look at video to consider laying an assault charge on the person who attacked him, he said.

“If I can be arrested for that sign, so can that person,” he said.

For a little context Brazau is a self-employed consultant who admits he gets stuck in trying to make fine points on issues such as freedom of speech in a public place. He even ran for city council in Ward 28 last year, garnering 526 votes on a platform with this kind of message. He insists he was not a G20 protester and has no major qualms with Toronto Police.

“I am not looking for my 15 minutes. My feeling is that was a public event and I was just expressing myself,” he said. “I lost my father when I was 10 so I do have great sympathy for the widow and the little boy. I promise this was not intended toward them.”

But Brazau feels if police are free to have an “over the top” funeral, he should be free to protest it.

“I was speaking out against the show of force,” Brazau said. “I mean this was something you might see for an emperor or something. It was an extravaganza. It was a public display and yet I was not allowed, without being arrested, to express my thoughts on it.”

Clearly, he has the right to do it.

But was it the right thing to do?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 2011.1.30: STAR: 对加拿大是否是警察国家的一个小测试结果证明加拿大是个警察国家,可以毫无理由的抓人。就在rusull警察万人游行时,有人举了个“No police state”的标语,
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛警察上来就拷他,把他的头按在雪里,抓回警察局关了五个小时。放了他,没有罪证,


    这帮西方人他们不是老是说中国警察如何如何吗,那加拿大警察呢?, 就因为一个标语就可以被抓吗?


    结果呢。。。。加拿大是个警察国家!, 如果那天他举的是“安息主怀”的标语呢?,他也会被警察抓吗?


    It’s not every day you see a protester at a funeral.

    But as the funeral procession for Sgt. Ryan Russell went by Tuesday there was a man holding up a sign that stated “Soldier’s Die, Electricians Die and People Die” on one side and “No Police State” on the other.

    This takes some serious gall. What the hell was he thinking?

    He’s either the most heartless person in Toronto. Or someone who is earnest about Canada’s rights and freedoms.

    But Eric Brazau says by making this point outside Tuesday’s massive police funeral at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, all he was doing was expressing his free speech.

    For that he ended up in handcuffs.

    As we reported Wednesday he was arrested and taken into custody, although there is no known charge for being tasteless.

    “I wanted to test if it is a police state,” Brazau said. “And what happened to me for holding that sign is the kind of thing that would happen in one.”

    In my Wednesday column I said if you hold up a such sign at a cop funeral 12,500 strong, you are on your own.

    But Brazau called me on this.

    “Would I, Joe, have been arrested if I had been holding a sign that said ‘Rest in Peace, Hero’?” If you say no, then you have to say what is the difference?”

    It’s tasteless. That’s the difference.

    “It may be to some people” said Brazau, 46. “Good taste or bad taste is not the issue. Is what I did illegal? I had the right to be on that public space, expressing any view I want, just as the police were.”

    One thing that was not right is what Brazau says happened to him next.

    “Somebody started yelling at me, then tripped me to the ground,” he said.

    From there Toronto Police swooped in and removed him from the scene in a scout car.

    “They were saying stop resisting arrest but I wasn’t. I had my face rubbed in the snow and I couldn’t breath for a second,” he said. “Tell me what law I broke to deserve that?”

    For the record Toronto Police say he was arrested on a “breach of the peace” citation and “because of an altercation with a bystander.”

    He was removed from the area “for his own safety” and later released without charge.

    Brazau said he was taken to 51 Division, held in an interview room for several hours, where he said police were very respectful before saying he was free to go.

    However he is considering making a complaint on the original arrest and also urges police to look at video to consider laying an assault charge on the person who attacked him, he said.

    “If I can be arrested for that sign, so can that person,” he said.

    For a little context Brazau is a self-employed consultant who admits he gets stuck in trying to make fine points on issues such as freedom of speech in a public place. He even ran for city council in Ward 28 last year, garnering 526 votes on a platform with this kind of message. He insists he was not a G20 protester and has no major qualms with Toronto Police.

    “I am not looking for my 15 minutes. My feeling is that was a public event and I was just expressing myself,” he said. “I lost my father when I was 10 so I do have great sympathy for the widow and the little boy. I promise this was not intended toward them.”

    But Brazau feels if police are free to have an “over the top” funeral, he should be free to protest it.

    “I was speaking out against the show of force,” Brazau said. “I mean this was something you might see for an emperor or something. It was an extravaganza. It was a public display and yet I was not allowed, without being arrested, to express my thoughts on it.”

    Clearly, he has the right to do it.

    But was it the right thing to do?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Good job, man! I support your point.
    • 警察不可以随便抓人么?看香港影视,好象警察可以无端扣留民众24小时进行调查。
      • 警察抓人是一定当面要讲理由的:“怀疑你犯下。。。。”, 然后还要念:“你有权保持。。。”。 这是手续,否则警察就是非法侵犯他人。 次人就是在测试,他是在exercise他的公民权利,如果他手上拿的是“永垂不朽”, 那他会被捕吗?,

        多伦多警察,你们比大陆的警察还差。 是随时都可以抓人,侵犯人权,只要你们喜欢就行。
        • 哪个国家的警察遇到这样的情况会不抓人?
          • 不是这样的人或者那样的人,不是会不会的问题,是警察有没有法理基础“按本子(法律)办事”去执行公务。这次可以这样抓人,那下次警察看谁不顺眼,就可以随便抓呀?。警察是纳税人付钱让他们按法律做事的,不是让他们按他们的个人喜好随便抓人的!!!