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yeah, I definitely agree with you. .

I went to BJ three times last year for the company's business. Although there are a lot of dark spots in China economic system. The opportunities are definitely more aboundant and more attractive . My feeling is that if you can throw away the American way of doing business and if you are willing to network important people, that is , if you are flexible enough, you can do amazing business in BJ. I had very good relationship with those key people last year, the trick is to be humble and to be able to flatter them whenever possible.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / Toronto Star: 加拿大经济目前正处于good shape中。真的吗?看来有人并不认为现在形势很糟。
    • Those ppl can always find some nice words for bad things, like consolidation for bear market; stragetic for lieing, win-win for doing so so and much more ahead..
    • Economic in canada is bad, and job market in canada is much worse!!!
      • 你说的是跟什么时候相比呢??
        • since this year, the ecnomic in here is getting worse and worse
          , many companies don't dare to employee new staff, causing job market owrse. I know a guy, who have expert-level profesional skills in a hot field and ever served in largest computer company in mainland many years, but still can't get job up to now. Too terrible!
      • I would say job market is bad, economy is worse.
    • I'm thinking of going back to BJ. Who have similar idea? May we have a talk here?
      • me!!me!!me!! But I have to stay here for at least another year in order to get my stock options worth. You go ahead and I'm gonna join you latter.
        • You go, and I stay
        • u work here or not?
          • I have been working here for many years.
            The longer I have worked, the better I know that this is not the place where we chinese can do something really really big, there are too many obstacles on your way, they are not language barriers, or culture differences, but something else that I can't find words to express, maybe it has something to do with trust and group credit, something Japanese have while we don't.
            • great idea! then u r really think ing of going back BJ?
              I don't know whether i can say it's a mistake for me to com here. I really have nice life in BJ and Beijing is my favorite city in china although I was born in South China. Among my friends, maybe I'm the last person who come into Canada. There are many opportunities in China. Do u think so?
              What do u do in here? if u don't mind it.
              • yeah, I definitely agree with you. .
                I went to BJ three times last year for the company's business. Although there are a lot of dark spots in China economic system. The opportunities are definitely more aboundant and more attractive . My feeling is that if you can throw away the American way of doing business and if you are willing to network important people, that is , if you are flexible enough, you can do amazing business in BJ. I had very good relationship with those key people last year, the trick is to be humble and to be able to flatter them whenever possible.
                • wow, that's it! But seems we are in different field. some of my friends run their software company in BJ very well. But in here, so many immigrants can't find even a job. I didn't believe the terrible job market here before i left BJ. But now, I do!
      • i've worked in IT field 6 years in China, but can't find job here. What can I do? go back?
        • are you thinking of going back China?
        • How many months have you tried ?? which field are you in , in China ??