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finally get the gas bill clear. the details are:

for one and a half month:
1. Water Heater rental: 40 plus (this is expensive because it's a concise one, to fit into our small small condo.)
2. New customer charge: 45
3. Gas bill: for 24 cube meter, the total charge is 21 plus dollars, which includes:
1) Customer charge: 15. (10 dollar / month)
2) delivery charge: 4.plus (this is the charge for the gas! oh, so little. :-( )
3) blah blah charge: xxx
4. GST

So the total is 95 something. In which the real gas charge is a little bit more than 4 dollars. (?? why the total is 95? I cannot do the maths... )

That's how they make money!

Is there any method I can lower my gas bill? BTW, I am using Enbridge.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 住房的Gas 公司(Mississauga,direct energy company) 要我签三年的固定价格合同(23.5c/m3), 听说不合算, 请DX 们指导
    • 我这怎么才0。11每立方,是不是我算错了?
      • 我想这取决于你住的城市,
      • 不要认为你现在的价格就是0。11/立方,这是煤气公司的典型TRICK,到冬天你再看。。
        你的0。11的价是浮动价格,且是在夏天,其实你根本很少用气,再便宜也没有用,冬天气价肯定回涨的,实际上你的气价这个月已涨31%(20。9)0。11的价格是煤气公司装模作样的在夏天三个月给你了所谓的STORAGE SURCHAGE CREDIT (0。1O),这是个典型的TRICK,在九月后他们又从新收取你的0。05/立方的STORAGE SURCHARGE,打个比方:实际上是他们在冬天收了你10元的STORAGE SURCHARGE,在夏天装模作样地还你1元,让你觉得你受惠了,且煤气价格更便宜了。这正是他们今冬涨价的前兆。我觉得你最好签个三年期的,价格在0。23左右的都不错。ENBRIDGE HOME SERVICE 和 DIRECT ENGERGY 都可以。
    • up
    • 昨天收到enbridge的账单,发现每立米gas几乎要我1刀,太贵了。除了气费,还有deliver, storage fee,等等。为什么呢?大家的都这样吗?
      • how come so expensive?
        • finally get the gas bill clear. the details are:
          for one and a half month:
          1. Water Heater rental: 40 plus (this is expensive because it's a concise one, to fit into our small small condo.)
          2. New customer charge: 45
          3. Gas bill: for 24 cube meter, the total charge is 21 plus dollars, which includes:
          1) Customer charge: 15. (10 dollar / month)
          2) delivery charge: 4.plus (this is the charge for the gas! oh, so little. :-( )
          3) blah blah charge: xxx
          4. GST

          So the total is 95 something. In which the real gas charge is a little bit more than 4 dollars. (?? why the total is 95? I cannot do the maths... )

          That's how they make money!

          Is there any method I can lower my gas bill? BTW, I am using Enbridge.
      • append with y bill, y can find one with the price!
    • 如果你没签任何计划,你的价格是0。209/立方,但是给你0。10/立方的STORAGE SURCHAGE 的 CREDIT,你实际付0。11/立方。
    • 安省煤气公司有好几家,各个提供不同的价格方案。有的公司只有一种方案,如果你不喜欢这种方案,你可以换到其它公司。
      各煤气公司中,CONSUMERS GAS 原是全省唯一的煤气公司。后来煤气供应私有化,原煤气公司专管供气服务,负责将煤气从销售公司处送到用户家中,并且收取送气费、贮气费、设备费等。

      此公司中衍生出一个 ENBRIDGE CONSUMERS GAS,是与其它私营公司竞争的煤气采购销售公司。这些煤气销售公司,包括你所说的 DIRECT ENERGY COMPANY 等,负责把煤气从原气生产者手中买回,然后用不同的价格方案转售给你。无论哪家公司卖给你煤气,你的煤气都是由ENBRIDGE COMSUMERS GAS 送到家中。

      • Hi, Rollor, If I have signed a contract already for 5 years, can I still change the company or cancell the contract? thanks.
        • NO YOU CAN'T
        • 在签字的7太内或者10天内有权利取消。 请看合同背后的详细条款
        • I just heard there may be a tricky way to get out of the contract. Give me a call if you have time.
          • ^ Likeplay: You can give ma a call (I can't find your number).
            • OK, How about tonight? thanks.
        • yes, y can. but be careful the penalty!
        • 我也有同样的问题,但因为对此了解太少,还请高手们指点:到底是保留5年的合同,还是应随市场的价格浮动好?研究了一下帐单,现在是0。209/m3,九月份后(合同)会涨到0。28/m3,并保证5年不便。
          • Mine is 0.325, more expensive than yours.
      • 多谢了,那如果是你,你会选哪种方案呢?我是说选择固定还是浮动?
        • 我不知道。那年冬天我推销煤气,当时市场价不到13分,我售出的方案是锁定五年16分。我现在没签定任何方案,因为刚刚收到帐单,还没研究明白。