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Usually your home router allows you to set port forwarding. So first you need to decide what service you want to expose, for example, if you want to use ssh(secure shell) to login to a server at home from outside,

you configure the router to forward external packets targeting ssh port(udp/tcp port 22) to your server ip, then you can ssh to your server. Other services are similar done.
To resolve the problem of dynamic ip, you can try dynamic dns, such as dyn.com, it also provides free service.
For ip location, ping is not a reliable way, many network device disable ping response.
Emule network setup is basically use a technics call NAT traversal, you can take a look at here:

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / 求助: 家庭计算机通过BELL ROUTER上网.如何在公共场所或单位访问家庭计算机的某个端口?使用TCP/IP协议.
    • 先要知道你的外网IP
    • 我想在PC的指定端口上提供某种专业服务。BELL提供的IP是ROUTER上显示的IP吗?除了PING外,大家用什么工具寻找某IP.
      • 不知道你要提供什么服务,不如去找个服务器托管。很便宜(1年100-200刀),又安全。
      • My application has received packages from PortForward.com, and it works in private networks.
        My application has received packages from PortForward.com, and it works in private networks.

        I tried to connect Public-IP:80 from my office, McDonald's, and even my home, but they all failed.
    • emule是如何建立起网络连接的?
    • Usually your home router allows you to set port forwarding. So first you need to decide what service you want to expose, for example, if you want to use ssh(secure shell) to login to a server at home from outside,
      you configure the router to forward external packets targeting ssh port(udp/tcp port 22) to your server ip, then you can ssh to your server. Other services are similar done.
      To resolve the problem of dynamic ip, you can try dynamic dns, such as dyn.com, it also provides free service.
      For ip location, ping is not a reliable way, many network device disable ping response.
      Emule network setup is basically use a technics call NAT traversal, you can take a look at here:
      • Thanks for your information. I can't connect to my application from my office.
        My application is listening to specific port of my private IP.
        Also I have set up port forwarding of my router (for example:
        I tested port forward at home through PortForward.com, and it works.

        But at my office/mcdonalds, I can't set up a connection to my application at home. What should I do next? Thanks.
        • your company is blocking out going port 5104. if you think you are safe in your company, you can try to forward public_ip:80 to private:5104.
      • I set PortForwarding on port 80 on router, then tried pub-ip:80 from my private network. It failed.
      • But how can PortForword.com connect my application successfully?
        • There are lots of firewalls between your office computer and you home computer: local, company, and ISP. Recommand to give up to access your home computer from your company computer.
        • 不能说“connect application successfully”
          PortForword.com 应该只是check你的IP和router的Port设定。不可能去connect your application.

    • My application has received packages from PortForward.com, and it works in private networks.
      My application has received packages from PortForward.com, and it works in private networks.

      I tried to connect Public-IP:80 from my office, McDonald's, and even my home, but they all failed.