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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I think this is a good idea and very practical. Of course you need to get a license. A license will not only show your qualification, but also will protect your rights in case. As to how to getting a license, at least it should be no harder than getting a degree in CS; Plus, the atmosphere in daycare is so pleasant, kids' happiness can bring you happiness too. As for the space, find parners, get a loan and buy a house. You can live upstairs and use the downstairs as the classroom. This small business will save you enormous amount of tax money

The only obstacle I see is if you really love kids and enjoy teaching youngsters. Before you start your own, you need to get some experience and learn how the daycare is running in Canada. If you see this as a business opportinity, not just to earn some income for your food and shelter, if you keep trying to learn new curriculums, learn new activities, learn from other daycare center, go to conferences.., you will success. Child education is a big field, if you really want to improve yourself, you can even pursue a Master and higher degree in child education.

Depending on what you want to do for your life, I see this as a good alternative than studying CS which may not be your cake.

I know many examples of how people succeed from openning a daycare, especially those blacks and hispanics. There is no racial discrimination here, I just want to say as a new immigrant, adjust yourself to the new country and focus on develop your lifelong career is the most important.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 在温哥华,很多新移民的孩子需要有DAY CARE,看来,申请开一个小DAY CARE 也是可以的。如果两个家庭主妇一起,照顾4,5 个孩子,似乎也可行。
    • 得有场地和经验吧.
      • 队,有场地就行。我认识的一对香港人,自己3个孩子,另外照看6-7个小孩。为此那个男的还辞了原来的工作呢。不过如果有什么事,比如小孩受伤啦,打起官司来也够麻烦的。
        • 别忘了,看5个以上小孩的要申请执照的,要想有执照的话,还需要证书的哟!还有保险等问题, 不是那么简单的。
          • 是个好主意
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I think this is a good idea and very practical. Of course you need to get a license. A license will not only show your qualification, but also will protect your rights in case. As to how to getting a license, at least it should be no harder than getting a degree in CS; Plus, the atmosphere in daycare is so pleasant, kids' happiness can bring you happiness too. As for the space, find parners, get a loan and buy a house. You can live upstairs and use the downstairs as the classroom. This small business will save you enormous amount of tax money

            The only obstacle I see is if you really love kids and enjoy teaching youngsters. Before you start your own, you need to get some experience and learn how the daycare is running in Canada. If you see this as a business opportinity, not just to earn some income for your food and shelter, if you keep trying to learn new curriculums, learn new activities, learn from other daycare center, go to conferences.., you will success. Child education is a big field, if you really want to improve yourself, you can even pursue a Master and higher degree in child education.

            Depending on what you want to do for your life, I see this as a good alternative than studying CS which may not be your cake.

            I know many examples of how people succeed from openning a daycare, especially those blacks and hispanics. There is no racial discrimination here, I just want to say as a new immigrant, adjust yourself to the new country and focus on develop your lifelong career is the most important.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 我的意思就是这样,见好多的家庭,妈妈就因为孩子而不能工作。这样反正带多一两个孩子。应该不太费事。而且可以两家合起来带四五个孩子。那么这四五个孩子的妈妈说不定可以轮流做PART TIME 工作,或读书。费用分摊,那DAY CARE 就不贵了。
              • 同意。 我更倾向于将它发展成一个home business.That is, it not only give you some spare time to study or to do chores, but also bring you income, business profit.
                • Right, if you can find partner, and you all enjoy it, then you will earn it.