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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


overtime pay 来自纳税人,家长白白被关几个小时。

only sorry is not enough.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 为什么多伦多警察收入高?孩子画枪,警察不经调查就直接抓家长。
    overtime pay 来自纳税人,家长白白被关几个小时。

    only sorry is not enough.
    • Speechless. Some of them are indeed bad apples and very often abuse their power / authority. There are craps out there for sure. When you really need them they are nowhere or don't help anyways. Corrupted.
      • Think in a positive way. At least you can slap the police's face online and don't worry about being seized away by them.
        • Oh yes. Whenever things like this happen it is always SIU to do the investigation. Of course nothing will happen to their wrong doing thereafter.
          • SIU只管警察执行任务时死人了或者性骚扰;前几天一个警察被SIU起诉2级谋杀,那警察在执行任务时开枪杀人了
    • 曾经很天真,现在发现加拿大的某些政府部门官僚作风比中国还厉害.仅仅怀疑,没有证据就抓人,难怪警察年收入那么高, 故意找事情做
      • 问问他们交通警察每人每天罚单指标是多少吧。 知道了更是吓死你。滥用权利, 浪费钱财。
        • 楼上是没在中国开过车吧?成天被伏击,罚款就算了,还要扣车,学习班。没有钱疏通,一次都不一定“学习”通过。