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Nice to meet you. I graduated from Chengdu University of Science & Technology (CUST)in 1988, and decided to migrate to Canada only last month, desperately needing advices from those ...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Nice to meet you. I graduated from Chengdu University of Science & Technology (CUST)in 1988, and decided to migrate to Canada only last month, desperately needing advices from those who migrated recently. From your personal information, I know you are already there. Could you please answer my questions below:

1. For CCPE assessment: 1) the transcript in Chinese and English certified and sealed by the University Archives Office is Ok or should be rotarized?2) Is the Professional Title Certificate (职称证书) necessary? Or helpful?
2. To which visa office, HK or Beijing, should I submit my application?
3. In order to save time, I decide to take the IELTS test before submitting the application and then submit the results together with other documents. In this way I don’t have to wait for the test notice and, I hope, the interview requirement can be waived. I am not afraid of the interview, just hope that the application procedures can be finished soon. What’s your advice in this respect?
4. Are there any organizations of CUST/Sichuan University Graduates in Canada?
5. Is Toronto, also my intended destination, a good choice as residing place?

Your answers shall be highly appreciated.

Best wishes.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 有成都科技大/四川大学的校友在办移民? 咱联系联系?!互助互助?!
    • 有啥问题你说话,:P
      • 呵呵,俺从成科大毕业时, 科大还是科大, 响响的叫. 后来, 合成四川联大, 后又改叫川大. 咕噜几句,也就忘了. 现在移民材料问题是: 成绩单上的章都是"川大", 俺的毕业证和学位证都是科大的. 这个问题咋解决? 老外疑虑咋消除?
        还有一个问题是: 这次学校给开了毕业证和学位证的复印件证明和英文翻译件证明及中英文对照成绩单(盖有川大章), 请问这些材料中那些还需要公证?在次先谢过.
        • 还说呢,我入学的是川大,结果毕业的时候给我盖了个四川联合大学的章!!!TMD,早知如此,我就不读这个烂校了,感觉就和一民办大学一样。
          • 人民大学=人民监狱。
          • don't worry about it, These name all have been recorded in the university list of china for American usage, just write down different school name for every dilploma.
          • 这个问题easy,大学档案室已经为大家想好了,一张白纸加些打印的文字和四川大学的章,好像一张20元,然后拿去公证,每份120元,移民加上如果读书,这又出血了。:P
            • Thanks a lot, 聪聪& Heavy bear. The problem resolved, my worry dispelled.
    • 听说只要成绩单跟毕业证书,学位证书上的学校名称一致,就没有必要公证。
    • I am from Sichuan University. Any questions?
      • Nice to meet you. I graduated from Chengdu University of Science & Technology (CUST)in 1988, and decided to migrate to Canada only last month, desperately needing advices from those ...
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Nice to meet you. I graduated from Chengdu University of Science & Technology (CUST)in 1988, and decided to migrate to Canada only last month, desperately needing advices from those who migrated recently. From your personal information, I know you are already there. Could you please answer my questions below:

        1. For CCPE assessment: 1) the transcript in Chinese and English certified and sealed by the University Archives Office is Ok or should be rotarized?2) Is the Professional Title Certificate (职称证书) necessary? Or helpful?
        2. To which visa office, HK or Beijing, should I submit my application?
        3. In order to save time, I decide to take the IELTS test before submitting the application and then submit the results together with other documents. In this way I don’t have to wait for the test notice and, I hope, the interview requirement can be waived. I am not afraid of the interview, just hope that the application procedures can be finished soon. What’s your advice in this respect?
        4. Are there any organizations of CUST/Sichuan University Graduates in Canada?
        5. Is Toronto, also my intended destination, a good choice as residing place?

        Your answers shall be highly appreciated.

        Best wishes.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Regarding your questions, I don't know the correct answers for sure. I wish my experience might be helpful for you.
          1. I sent my notarized original copy to CCPE. But some people said it isn't necessary to be notarized if you send the original copy.
          2. I went to HK office. At that time, HK is 12months as well as Beijng is 18 months. ( more or less).
          3. I don't know if IELTS you take by yourself will be admited by visa officer now. It wasn't admin unless you got the notice before.
          4. What do you mean organizations?
          5. More opportunites in Toronto. And also more expensive for living.