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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛14. (1) This section applies with respect to an incident that occurs at an intersection with traffic signs.
(2) If the incident occurs when the driver of automobile "B" fails to obey a stop sign, yield sign or a similar sign or flares or other signals on the ground, the driver of automobile "A" is not at fault and the driver of automobile "B" is 100 per cent at fault for the incident.
(3) If the driver of each automobile fails to obey a stop sign, the driver of each automobile is 50 per cent at fault for the incident.
(4) If it cannot be established who failed to obey a stop sign, the driver of each automobile shall be deemed to be 50 per cent at fault for the incident.
(5) If, at an all-way stop intersection, automobile "A" arrives at the intersection first and stops, the driver of automobile "A" is not at fault and the driver of automobile "B" is 100 per cent at fault for the incident.
(6) If, at an all-way stop intersection, both automobiles arrive at the intersection at the same time and stop, with automobile "A" to the right of automobile "B", the driver of automobile "A" is not at fault and the driver of automobile "B" is 100 per cent at fault for the incident.
(7) If it cannot be established who arrived at the all-way stop intersection first, the driver of each automobile shall be deemed to be 50 per cent at fault for the incident.
O. Reg. 276/90, s. 14.

15. (1) This section applies with respect to an incident that occurs at an intersection with traffic signals.
(2) If the driver of automobile "B" fails to obey a traffic signal, the driver of automobile "A" is not at fault and the driver of automobile "B" is 100 per cent at fault for the incident.
(3) If it cannot be established whether the driver of either automobile failed to obey a traffic signal, the driver of each automobile shall be deemed to be 50 per cent at fault for the incident.
(4) If the traffic signals at the intersection are inoperative, the degree of fault of the drivers shall be determined as if the intersection were an all-way stop intersection.
O. Reg. 276/90, s. 15.
I will talk to you tomorrow. Now I can only say that you may go straight to across the line in a yellow light in some circumstance. If that is true, you are not at fault and you can claim the accident benefit from the other part's insurance company. But anything is possible now, so don't jump to a quick conclusion. Try to calm down and get more information. Don't state to any one that you were at fault. Maybe some one out there can help you as well. So much from me for now. I hope I will get some more info for your tomorrow.

Good night.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 伤痛焦虑, 数夜不眠. 渴望您的热心帮助!!
    本人近日骑自行车不慎在过路口时与汽车发生碰撞, 伤得不轻,对方的车也有损坏. 扪心自问大部分责任在我, 证人的观点也对我不利. 经估算对方的修车费用将高达5000元左右, 作为一位新移民,我甚至连健康卡都还未生效, 疗伤的费用也将十分惊人.这无疑是对我沉重的打击, 我将会铭记这次深刻的教训.
    由于对加国相关的保险法律法规的学习未深, 另对传统的该类个案处理方法把握不清, 故以此求助之贴, 恳请各位前辈指点迷津! 以您们的丰富经验, 我应该怎么着手处理? 如何与对方交涉? 如何最大程度地规避损失或争取权益? 若对方由保险公司赔偿, 该赔额是否是由保险公司向我追讨? 要上庭吗? ……
    伤痛焦虑, 数夜不眠. 渴望您的热心帮助!!

    • First, a person riding a bike is treated as a vehicle. Second, who is at fault is determined by a rule call "Fault Determination Rules" in Ontario. So, why don't you post the details and let's see who is at fault?
      • thank!
        the light was truning to red from yellow when i acrossing the road, and i was hitted by the car came from my right side, it was going through the green light. So it must be my fault.
        • 能想的出来的几点:
        • WHO'S AT FAULT?
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛14. (1) This section applies with respect to an incident that occurs at an intersection with traffic signs.
          (2) If the incident occurs when the driver of automobile "B" fails to obey a stop sign, yield sign or a similar sign or flares or other signals on the ground, the driver of automobile "A" is not at fault and the driver of automobile "B" is 100 per cent at fault for the incident.
          (3) If the driver of each automobile fails to obey a stop sign, the driver of each automobile is 50 per cent at fault for the incident.
          (4) If it cannot be established who failed to obey a stop sign, the driver of each automobile shall be deemed to be 50 per cent at fault for the incident.
          (5) If, at an all-way stop intersection, automobile "A" arrives at the intersection first and stops, the driver of automobile "A" is not at fault and the driver of automobile "B" is 100 per cent at fault for the incident.
          (6) If, at an all-way stop intersection, both automobiles arrive at the intersection at the same time and stop, with automobile "A" to the right of automobile "B", the driver of automobile "A" is not at fault and the driver of automobile "B" is 100 per cent at fault for the incident.
          (7) If it cannot be established who arrived at the all-way stop intersection first, the driver of each automobile shall be deemed to be 50 per cent at fault for the incident.
          O. Reg. 276/90, s. 14.

          15. (1) This section applies with respect to an incident that occurs at an intersection with traffic signals.
          (2) If the driver of automobile "B" fails to obey a traffic signal, the driver of automobile "A" is not at fault and the driver of automobile "B" is 100 per cent at fault for the incident.
          (3) If it cannot be established whether the driver of either automobile failed to obey a traffic signal, the driver of each automobile shall be deemed to be 50 per cent at fault for the incident.
          (4) If the traffic signals at the intersection are inoperative, the degree of fault of the drivers shall be determined as if the intersection were an all-way stop intersection.
          O. Reg. 276/90, s. 15.
          I will talk to you tomorrow. Now I can only say that you may go straight to across the line in a yellow light in some circumstance. If that is true, you are not at fault and you can claim the accident benefit from the other part's insurance company. But anything is possible now, so don't jump to a quick conclusion. Try to calm down and get more information. Don't state to any one that you were at fault. Maybe some one out there can help you as well. So much from me for now. I hope I will get some more info for your tomorrow.

          Good night.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 个人认为如果你骑出停车线时还是黄灯,你的责任应该不是很大。因为自行车也被认为是Vehicle的一种。那开车的过路口难道不左右看吗?
          • 好像不对吧,我记得这里要求自行车过红绿灯要下车的,还是应该找找别的理由
            • 没有这个要求
        • I don't think it's your 100% faut. Never say it's my faut, it's my 100% faut before the policmen say so. Only talking about what did you do to the policmen.
        • 不一定是你的责任。1,这里一个路口的灯变成红灯后,另一个方向不是向国内立刻变绿。有一个延迟,主要是防止有黄灯没来得及停车的。所以你说你的方向刚刚从黄灯变,那对方的灯一定还在红灯呢。等撞完了你看是绿灯,
          但撞的瞬间应该是红灯。那就是他闯红灯了。2。这里自行车一般都优先,所以退一步,就算你有一点违反,汽车应该也避让。因为路口刚刚变灯,所以不太可能存在是刹车不及的问题。很可能使对方当时走神了没看到你。这就是careless driving。
          he he ,应该担心的是他不是你,从你的说的看,你应该没责任。倒是他麻烦了。让他给你出钱养伤。
      • thank!!
        so it must be my fault.
        • 再说几点。

          • 警察当时没有...
            • I totally agree with -ilovewind(wind). Take a look at his post carefully.
            • 你怎么一个劲的说是你的责任。记住,只要你说"it is my fault",那就不是你的也是你的了。没有完全认清事实之前,不要什么都顶了。对你也没什么好不是。
            • 这个时候是没理也要讲三分。
    • 表示同情,不清楚,帮你up
      • thank!!
    • 同情,你最好先咨询律师。可惜我的亲戚是刑事案的出庭律师,要不就帮你问问了。先好好睡一觉,不睡觉也不能解决问题,再难的坎都会迈过去的,先恢复自己的身体才能应付以后的事,对不?
      • Thank you!!
    • 别郁闷了,吃一椠长一智吧.帮你推推, 请个明白人给指导指导吧
      • 你的银行问题解决了?这么精神?
        • 肯定是的
          • 嘿,MM,又见到你了:)
            • 是啊, 你也是夜猫子?
        • 没有呢,55555555555555555
          • 好好休息休息,理清思路,用足自已的权益。
            • 还是先帮上面那位吧,他比我郁闷多了
          • 你是不是寄回家钱,或者支票写错数额了?所以账号给冻住了?房东同意你晚付了吗?
            • 好心的GG,你帮帮她吧. ^_^
              • 俺觉得她每天那个大大咧咧的样子,写错支票数额的可能性很大:)
    • UP UP UP
    • 别着急了,没有过不去的坎。
      • Thank you!!
    • 好好休息休息,理清思路,用足自已的权益。大家说的好,没有过不去的坎
    • 老海,俺觉得你应该找一个专门处理交通事故得律师谘询一下,如果你经济收入不是很好,可以去legal aid去申请免费谘询
    • 赶紧找律师详细咨询,说不定他还得倒赔你很多钱呢.有朋友就是这样.
    • 如果能够让对方赔你钱就留下来,如果不能干脆回国算了。这里我感觉真的好不到那里去。
    • 我觉得是这样,你骑的是自行车,自行车车速慢。然而十字路口的变灯时间,无论是从黄灯变到红灯,还是从你方向的红灯到垂直你方向的绿灯的时间,都是为机动车设计的,所以把自行车看作机动车是有问题的。





      • 对不起,网站不对。
        • See here.
          • 警察当时没有给我任何书面或口头的adjudgement指定是我的错,这对我有利吗?
            • 警察的判断当然可以反驳的,你只要坚持我和下面Sailor的意见,即使是绿灯,那也不能想撞谁就撞谁,因为The road is not clear。
              • 但是,如果是在晚上,自行车又没安装小红灯,怎讲?
    • 帮不了你,但伴你顶一下。对了,前些日子有个自行车协会还是什么的,一直在张罗要多市为自行车划分专门的路线,保障自行车者的安全。
    • 是的,如果对方由保险公司赔偿了, 该赔额保险公司会向你追讨。上不上庭不一定。你这种情况可以跟楼上#734733说的那样,去找legal aid帮助你,就跟国内的“法律援助”一样,让专业人员指导你和帮助你。安省的legal aid系统从
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1967年开始就建立了,应该说是比较发达和完善的。
      它有两种运作模式,一种是judicare model,即律师同意为符合legal aid条件的顾客服务,然后根据政府制定的收费标准从政府报销费用。你先去这里http://www.legalaid.on.ca/en/getting/看一下怎么申请legal aid,得到一个证明你符合条件的certificate以后,你就可以挑选一个提供legal aid服务的律师帮助你了。

      或者,你可以去Community Legal Clinics 寻求帮助,直接从这里得到有关法律问题的建议和指导。

      多伦多的主要几个legal aid office地址如下,你可以挑一个离你最近的去找他们。不用太担心,一切都会过去的。祝你好运!

      375 University Avenue
      Suite 204
      Toronto M5G 2G1
      Telephone: (416) 598-0200
      Fax: (416) 598-0558

      Scarborough Legal Aid Office
      1921 Eglinton Avenue East
      Unit 1A
      Toronto M1L 2L6
      Telephone: (416) 750-7172
      Fax: (416) 750-7184

      Etobicoke Legal Aid Office
      5415 Dundas Street West, Suite 101
      Etobicoke M9B 1B5
      Telephone: (416) 237-1216
      Fax: (416) 237-0301

      North York Legal Aid Office
      45 Sheppard Avenue East
      Suite 106
      Toronto M2N 5W9
      Telephone: (416) 730-1588
      Fax: (416) 730-1625更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 1.打电话到东南亚法律援助中心,他们有法律顾问解答问题,甚至帮忙出面打点小官司什么的,说中文的,
      2.每星期二5-9PM在warden woods community centre ,74 Fir Valley Court(on warden ,between St.Clair Ave and Danforth Ave),,星期四5-9PM在2680 Lawrence Ave. East Suite 211(Lawrence Ave.East and Midland Ave.)有免费的,转为没Health coverage的人检查看病什么的clinic.我想你自己也该做一些检查和治疗吧.
      祝好运, 以后还是小心点,遵守交通规则对谁都好.
    • From what you said, it's not your fault at all and even you may get compensation.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1, The yellow light requires vehicle to stop WHEN it's safe to do so.
      As a bicycle, the braking system is not as good as automobile, thus it's absolutely legal and understandable that a bike run a yellow light at a relatively low speed ( compared to a car).

      2, For any car facing a green light, especially a light turns just from red to green, the car should: a. Make sure the road is clear; b. Go and cross the intersection. Obviously, the car which hit you did NOT follow this law, the driver did not pay attention to the road status. This is very serious for a driver.

      3, As a cyclist in your then situation, what you can do to avoid the collision is very very limited. In fact I don't think you should take even 1% of fault.

      Don't be afraid of facing the police and the court. I also suggest you to ask for compensation for your injury. You will WIN the case.

      Another important point is, your bicycle should be in good and legal status. Check this link for details. If necessary, repair you bike as soon as possible.

      Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Great argument!
        Again, as many people argued here, go to the court, and convince yourself that you are not at fault. This is important.
        Another point may help, that you are just in Canada for a short time, while the traffic rules are quite different in China. But be careful to use this because you may make things worse.
        • That's a very good point. In China, the bicycle has more priority than the car under the same condition.
          So you can tell the court that you thought the cars on the other two sides(both your left and your right) should not start until you past the intersection. This will make a big difference.

          Besides, don't admit you ran red light even the other driver and the witness said so.
    • I don't think it is 100% at your fault, perhaps 50-50.
    • 我认为是撞你的车错。因为有规则规定如果交叉路口中已经有车辆,应允许已经在路口中的车辆通过。
    • 1.It 's not the end of the world. 也许你能得到很多赔偿并改写加拿大交通法规。我同意 金字塔 的说法。一个教车教练的教练给我讲过这样一个故事:
      在一个很大的十字路口,一个闯黄灯的车辆 A 还没走出十字路口就遇到了变红灯,这时,与它相垂直的车 B 已经面对绿灯,启动,结果两车相撞,双方都没错。
      后来修改了变灯时间。并要求 :B车起步前要SCAN INTERSECTION AND MAKE SURE THE INTERSECTION IS CLEAR。A车即使不能及时停在线内,那就停在线外。虽然停的不漂亮但安全。

    • 对,找legal aid,可以打211问。 非常同情你,不过不要慌张,找个律师帮你很重要。
    • 如你所说,你是在黄灯变红灯时过马路,你的右边变灯理应没有那么迅速变绿灯。根据我开车的观察,,,
      You must not admit that you are at fault, even if you feel you were. You may not know all the facts.
    • 同情你的遭遇,这里是一些比较具体的建议:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一定咨询一下律师,注意是律师而不是多伦多遍地都是的法律中介。律师第一次往往不收费。但首先一点不要自己先说自己错,事故责任不是由你来判断。先养好伤再说谁对谁错。注意不要联系对方的司机以图私了,这里处理这类事情不象国内,不要私了,这里比较规矩,按规矩办事不会吃亏。在咨询律师前切记不要签任何有关事故的声明文件(我想你已经签了警察的记录文件),如果有任何人任何公司要你签任何东西,让对方先把文件留给你,等你心理有数后再决定签不签,再给对方答复。尽量记清楚事发经过细节,可能的话最好自己写一个记录,以免日后时间长了有所遗忘,比如事发时的路面情况,当时的视野和光线,双方的速度,具体撞到了什么地方,你是否昏迷?你是否带了头盔?你的自行车及对方的汽车的受损情况,你的衣物是否受损?到医院后立刻做了那些检查?有何结果?医生采取了什么措施?你当时有什么感觉?你什么时候离开的医院?等等。和保险公司或律师联系时都会问这些问题。出了交通事故按规定应该首先联系自己的保险公司,如果没有就联系配偶的,还没有就联系亲戚的,最后才是对方司机的保险公司。律师会建议你跟保险公司联系时注意些什么。交通事故的赔付是两个互连的部分,第一部分叫car accident benefit,这部分和你在交通事故中有无过错无关。这笔钱应该是你的保险公司出,既然你没有,就是对方的保险公司出。保险公司会支付你的医疗费用和其他一些“福利”,比如补偿你的收入损失(如果你合乎条件即在事发前52周工作超过26周或出事时你有工作或有工作offer,如果你刚登陆,估计不和条件,但如果你伤重到六个月后仍不能工作,保险公司也会支付一定的金额叫non-earing benefit,每周$185),比如支付你的修自行车费用和补衣服费用,按规定出事后保险公司要支付你后续十年的医疗费用,对方的保险公司也会支付对方的修车费用,我个人理解这笔费用保险公司是不会想你追讨的(不一定对,你要向律师核实);第二部分叫tort,即民事诉讼赔偿,如果你起诉对方司机对你造成了终身伤害(包括身体和心理),要求索赔,这部分是对方保险公司支付,赔偿额同你在事故中有无过错有关。当然你也可以不起诉,这和你的具体情况有关。本来如果你也有保险公司的话,对方保险公司在支付了给你的民事赔偿后会和你的保险公司就双方当事人的对错比例分摊赔偿费用,如果你有错,你的车险就会涨,但你的保险公司也不会再向你追讨(这一点是我理解的,不一定对)。即使你起诉对方司机,也不一定上庭,多是你的律师和保险公司就赔偿额达成协议你同意拿钱就完事了。因为你没有保险公司,我不知道如果对方起诉你会发生什么。但我觉得可能性不大。你骑车,他开车,你受伤比他严重,而且他也有责任,如果警察给了对方司机ticket,他就更处于不利地位,他有什么可起诉的?我建议你尽快找律师咨询然后尽快联系对方保险公司,这样可以减少损失和保护你的权益。要求保险公司支付你的医疗费用和交通费用。你不用担心医疗卡是否生效,但要注意保留所有的医药费收据及到医院往返的出租车收据(要写清楚从哪到哪,什么时候),你当时如果是坐急救车去的医院,急救车费保险公司也会出。如果你受伤严重,比如骨折,可能需要attendant care,就是雇人照顾你的生活,比如打扫卫生和做饭,保险公司也会支付这笔费用。如果需要保险公司还会出钱替你租轮椅。还有其他一些benefit你也可能符合条件享受。所以早联系保险公司对你恢复过程会有所帮助。但一定要先咨询律师心理有数后在联系保险公司,建议你雇一个律师,一般律师会在你拿到赔偿后再按比例收费,所以问题不大。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 灵芝草2002说的非常正确。冷静下来,找个律师,放心,绝对不会有事的。 一定要找一个律师。要相信自己没有错(非常非常重要!)。
    • 放宽心,不要怕! 你不会赔对方, 因为你不是机动车, 最坏的结果是对方不赔你, 他的保险公司会赔他的, 要是那样你还是回中国去养伤吧.