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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Find this sentence from a thriller I've read lately: It occurred to me that she did not come from a family where high priority has been placed on attending to such details. Anybody wants to rewrite the sentence to make it more of a plain English?
    • I reckon her family does not care about such details.
    • I found out that she did not mind details.
    • I found that she came from a family where such details did not get much attention.
      • +1. 上面两个太走意思了。BTW,原文没有什么不好的。
        • 还没睡啊?
      • 不知道 CONTEXT 里面 FAMILY 的连贯性如何。但酱油哥的写法还是比我要高一筹的。
    • I realized that she came from a family that didn't care about such details.
      • 这个 care 是你们加的,原文没有这个意思。
        • -1. ATTEND, CARE, MIND 在我看来都差不多了,各有各传神的地方了。(没有打击报复心理的说)
          • "mind" has the same problem.
            • what IS the problem?
            • you are taking words way too literally.
        • when you place a "priority", you care. :-)
          • true, but you may still care even if it's not your priority.
            • refer to xiao C's post regarding attend, care, mind. As you pay attention to something, or something gets your attention, you start to care about it. LZ is asking for plain English, so do it as simply as you can.
              • but the original doesn't have a "don't care" connotation. To translate into "don't care" is wrong. there could be many reasons why they don't put priority. one reason is that it never occured to them.
                • 红卫兵治学挺严谨。
                  • 草和隶的区别吧
                    • 王小姐总是这么善用比喻。
                      • 我笨,大道理地讲不出。你在west coast 吧。晚安。
                • hehe, since there might be many reasons for not paying attention or setting up the priority, they did show they cared! They deliberately planned out with great care to set up the priorities.
    • 原来不止红卫兵没睡,真热闹!
    • 虽然不能否认原文是good English, 但我总觉得这么说话的人有点太端着了,看着来气,我自己是恨不得就写"She couldn't care less about details",不过看了各位的写法,确实很开眼界. 谢谢!
    • She never pays much attention to such details.
    • i bet she was not brought up to attend to such details. - very plain, and ruder!