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office politics is relatively simple than in china---but still there is the time that you have to CONFRONT (i mean, do not swallow it without a say) some os them---you cannot make everyone happy everytime.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛one of my office guy left town, i, in his place, follow the instructions to present the resutls to customers and a project manager (other group) with 100% confidence, however, the project manager may be not fully satisfied, i can feel and he said nothing---when my office guy came back days later, the manager talked this to the guy, he dared not to blame my colleague, instead, he focused on my presentation for complain, and even used word such as "dog crappy" when describing what i have done.

unfortunately at this very moment I got into the office, so naturally i heard everything, i insisted a say from him, why you didnt point out when i presented (in fact it was my office guy's fault), and customers said nothing bad, while YOU look so fault-finding (tiao ci er)? he wanted to give me xiMaWei, i know, but i wont give a damn.

he refused to answer, and took a rapid leave, i FILED A FORMAL complain to the upper director, telling that this guy is not coorporative, and this dosn't help for solidarity (tuan jie). meeting, same-day meeting---everyone esp. the manager was required to assure this kind thing will not happen again---from then onward, he never dare use any slightly impolite words when talking to me.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位朋友, wjiang,yellow,在洋人的公司里工作在说话办事人际关系方面有什么忠告?
    • 多交谈, 不要不声不响坐一边。每天洗头,剃须,换村衫,裤子, 香水和gel。 帮办别人, 不说他人不好。 有问题大胆求教。没搞懂不能说yes. 还要让别人知道你的强项。
      • 还要让别人知道你的强项?
    • 忘了一点:不再洋人面前说中国和中国人的不好。
    • 还有,好好刷牙,用漱口水,定期洗牙。
    • BE CONFIDENT, NOT MODEST ! take an active part in such as lunchtime smalltalk, etc..
    • 说how are you?的时候一定要有笑容。
    • office politics is relatively simple than in china---but still there is the time that you have to CONFRONT (i mean, do not swallow it without a say) some os them---you cannot make everyone happy everytime.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛one of my office guy left town, i, in his place, follow the instructions to present the resutls to customers and a project manager (other group) with 100% confidence, however, the project manager may be not fully satisfied, i can feel and he said nothing---when my office guy came back days later, the manager talked this to the guy, he dared not to blame my colleague, instead, he focused on my presentation for complain, and even used word such as "dog crappy" when describing what i have done.

      unfortunately at this very moment I got into the office, so naturally i heard everything, i insisted a say from him, why you didnt point out when i presented (in fact it was my office guy's fault), and customers said nothing bad, while YOU look so fault-finding (tiao ci er)? he wanted to give me xiMaWei, i know, but i wont give a damn.

      he refused to answer, and took a rapid leave, i FILED A FORMAL complain to the upper director, telling that this guy is not coorporative, and this dosn't help for solidarity (tuan jie). meeting, same-day meeting---everyone esp. the manager was required to assure this kind thing will not happen again---from then onward, he never dare use any slightly impolite words when talking to me.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Speak out, but it is a truth not to conflict with to your boss on the public, He will hate you for losting face. It is the same story everywhere. I was given some lessons for arguing against the stupidity of manager too often.
      • will you go to play soccer this afternoon?
        • yeh, buddy, see u then
          • see u ,buddy.
      • 其实这是最重要的。其他方面开始时过得去就行了,但是boss这头绝对忽视不得,到哪里都一样。
    • 忘了说:我面谈了两次,问的极刁极细。如:(随便找了一个建立上的项目)你这个项目有几个数据库?几个表?你离开时这个表有多少条纪录?多少用户共享你的程序?如何加快查询?你的join query连接了几个表?。。。。。。
      • 被假简历搞怕了!
      • In fact, if the company want to know if you ae lying, there is a very easy way to handle it.
        The company can check the domain name(your project) on whois or other domain search engine, then they can find the administrator e-mail address and the client company name. Your future boss just call them or mail them, and can check if your project is true.
        Is that right?
        • Hi, Buddy, you are smart. And are you lying on bed?
          • what do you mean by that?
      • How do you answer them? In your post, you said you found a e-commerce project from www, right?
        • 如果你做过的话,问题不大。实在记不清了,可以告诉面试人。反正我的感觉是他们对实际经验非常看重:你是否有知识,你是否有用这些知识解决问题的能力。
        • Hi, buddy, you are so smart. And how are you lying on bed?
          • I can not understand " how are you lying ob bed" in your post.
    • 别忘了经常赞美别人,领带呀,衬衣什么的。。。但记得别问价钱,否则他要生气了