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Members of the College of Chiropodists are prevented from using the title "doctor" in the course of providing, or offering to provide health care by section 33 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 states:

Except as allowed in the regulations under this Act, no person shall use the title "doctor", a variation or abbreviation or equivalent in another language in the course of providing or offering to provide, in Ontario, health care to individuals.

Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is a member of,

the College of Chiropractors of Ontario;
the College of Optometrists of Ontario;
the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario;
the College of Psychologists of Ontario; or
the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.

The aim of the legislation is to ensure that the public are not confused when seeking primary health care practitioners.
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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 上来为大家普及以下一个新的专业。Chiropodist/Podiatrist,很多人错把它当作做了足底按摩的。 将来大家用的着这个专业时,知道这是干什么的, 这个专业能干什么?.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Chiropodist是什么样一个职业?

    当人们第一次看到Chiropodist(正确的发音为 Shi-‘rao-po-dist)时,第一个问题就是什么是Chiropodist?它和整脊师(Chiropractor) 是一个专业吗?其实Chiropodist 是和物理治疗师,整脊师,注册按摩师并列的一个学科. 和整脊师(Chiropractor)一样,在中国Chiropodist也没有相对应的中文专业名称与之相对应,一般人们把它称作足科医生,足科治疗师,或足科治疗专家(Foot Specialist)。在美国从事足部疾病诊断治疗的医生被称为Podiatrist。从1993开始,加拿大安省沿用了英国的传统名称,只接受Chiropodist的注册,并且建立了自己的培训体系。Chiropodist需要4年大学本科再加3年的足部专业的系统学习,然后通过足科医生和足科治疗师管理局的理论和临床考试,才能在安省执业。


    Chiropodist可以治疗多种足部疾病。包括趾甲畸形,灰指甲,指甲内生,脚气/香港脚,足疣,脚鸡眼,足跟痛,糖尿病足病,各种原因造成的下肢及足部关节炎,下肢静脉曲张及运动损伤等等。Chiropodist可应用各种物理治疗的方法比如电疗,激光,超生波等手段治疗上述疾病。并且Chiropodist 有资格开处方口服抗生素,局部抗真菌及抗病毒药膏来治疗各种足部感染, 也可以处方口服或局部消炎镇痛药及激素类药膏用于下肢及足部的各种痛症及皮肤病的治疗。经过严格的临床培训后,Chiropodist可施行足部封闭注射治疗包括足根痛,Morton’s Neuroma在内的各种痛症。趾甲拔除及足部软组织手术也在其执业范围内。一般这些费用可由公司保险支付。在保险手册上一般会列在Chiropody 或Podiatry 项下。

    Chiropodist有资格从事足部矫形治疗吗(Orthotic Therapy)?

    足部矫形治疗(Orthotic Therapy)是足科医学重要的组成部分。Chiropody是安省唯一一个在法律上( Chiropody Act)把Orthotic Therapy (俗称功能矫形鞋垫/矫形鞋)列为其执业范围的专业.Chiropodist是应用Orthotic Therapy治疗足部畸形或功能障碍的专家。Chiropodist(足科治疗专家)经过大量的人体生物力学理论学习及下肢,足部精细的尸体解剖,对人体足部的结构和不同足部形态及步态对人体其它部位的影响有了详细全面的掌握,而且Chiropodist 必须完成在Orthotic Lab的实习并亲自参与Orthotics 的制作过程。一个称职的足科治疗专家(Chiropodist, Foot Specialist)能够结合自己的知识,经验和病人的具体情况制定出正确的Orthotic Therapy 处方, 并监督Orthotic Lab 生产出的Orthotics符合病人的真实情况. Orthotics (功能矫形鞋垫) 是一种治疗器具,合适的OrthoticInsert应当穿着舒适,能够纠正脚部的异常状况,而且还能防治由下肢足部异常导致的腰痛及上背部疼痛更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 对这个专业了解不多,谢谢你的信息。
    • Thanks for sharing!
      • 此贴的本意是为了让大家认识这个专业,至于人们(注意不是专业人士本身)怎么称呼它,和Chiropodist/podiatrist如何称呼他们自己无关.所以为了不误导大家,在本贴中采用了英文名称 Chiropodist 指代这个专业。
        另外,又如何翻译 Podiatrist 相对应的中文称呼。足科医生?治疗师?足科专家?
    • 有点误导。不能称为DOCTOR,因此也不能叫足科医生。
      Members of the College of Chiropodists are prevented from using the title "doctor" in the course of providing, or offering to provide health care by section 33 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 states:

      Except as allowed in the regulations under this Act, no person shall use the title "doctor", a variation or abbreviation or equivalent in another language in the course of providing or offering to provide, in Ontario, health care to individuals.

      Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is a member of,

      the College of Chiropractors of Ontario;
      the College of Optometrists of Ontario;
      the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario;
      the College of Psychologists of Ontario; or
      the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.

      The aim of the legislation is to ensure that the public are not confused when seeking primary health care practitioners.