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So The senior couple can be the 3rd party. You and your husband may talk through them. In addition, you guys may arrange the child care through them too. Maybe one day for dad, the kid goes to this seniors couple's house then go to another side.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The reason is, you are going through the hard time with responsibility of work and home. We are human beings, not metal, we need rest to regain energy to handle it.

In addition, you may want to arrange some part time nanny to clean the house, do cooking to release you from the frustration house work in order to take care of kid well.

I have to warn you that you need to think about it clearly before your bring your husband back to you and kid's life. Only a father who love his kids, or "打了LP耳光" is just because of "冲动", not because of his violence trance. A violent family is not good to all sides. As a mother. you have to make sure your kid is safe under your husband care before giving kid to him.

Hopefully, after this, you may understand that you may need to lower your expectation to him and minimum the complains, and he may learn to control himself more and contribute more to family. Life is sometimes just compromises. And most of the family go through hard time when kids are little. Hope you all the best.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 紧急求救!!!! 打了911, LG 被拘后释放(因为打人,无人受伤),现在 住在外面等待 开庭 。双方不能通话。现在 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY 打电话, 要来看孩子(一岁)和LP。
    紧急求救!!!!最担心剥夺父母对孩子的监护权。请有经验或有法律知识的人帮忙 ,闲话者请绕道 。 多谢多谢!

    请问, 他们来回问些什么问题? LP 应该 注意什么?一般会有什么程序,以及相应的什么结果。是否需要找律师陪同见面?在什么情况下会同时剥夺父母的监护权?
    • 打的是谁?
      • 补充一下:LG打了LP耳光,LP回了手。LP冲动拨了电话,但马上挂了,但人家又打回来了。结果就没反应过来,直说了。
        • 唉,人一老实,就是这样了。接着就说自己语言不好,表达不清。有些词不知道什么意思,紧张就说了。事实不是这样的,等等的 ... 总之都都得归结到“意外”,“语言不好”上。只有这样你的干系才能拖得快。
          • 多谢多谢所有你的帮助!
        • 续问: 有一个什么CROWN OFFICE 留言要我给会电话, 这是什么? 另外,看帖子说Lp可以找检查官申请撤诉,这要就可以撤销案子。 想问这个的可行性和怎么操作? 再谢!
          • 政府介入后,你 LP 是受害人,你是 DEFENDANT,PUBLIC 是 PLAINTIFF 了。我也不知道。你回个电话,只问,不答,探探风吧。
          • CROWN office是你的敌人。。。记住,楼主的脑子残废了。。要特别强调。。从现在起,所有政府来的人(检察官,crown office, 受害人中心, CAS,警察,这条食物链上的人)都是你们的敌人,她们会想方设法的套对你老公不力的证据,想尽办法多判。。


            首先要把老公的case搞完,把屎查干净, 把CAS的那群“狼”赶走。。。!!!
            • 只有你的律师。。才是你的朋友。。
              • 呵呵,律师是你的朋友? 等账单来了就知道了 :))))
    • 没经验,但是帖子看多了,有点心得。把家里收拾好,让孩子睡好,穿上漂亮的衣服,多些礼物。当着对方面,多抱孩子,多凝视孩子。(咳,本来就应该这样的啊。)
      强调是一时从动,双方都爱孩子,没有当着孩子面争吵。 强调经济方面,时间方面,体力方面,情绪方面照顾孩子都完全没问题。 ----孩子那么小,叹.....也好有个教训。
      • 果果,不能说“一时冲动”啊。只能说没有当着孩子的面。孩子当时不在场。就算是有痕迹,也得说是 ACCIDENT。如果真不是原则问题的吵架。如果这个家不想要了,想把对方整死,有啥说啥。
        • 你够狠的,夫妻一场,一日夫妻百日恩,怎么也不能提到“想把对方整死”啊。
          • 所以我说:什么都得 DENY。不能说“一时冲动”。都是“意外”。最好的是,律师不在场的时候,不能 MAKE ANY STATEMENTS。
            • 我把反语正读了,误会误会。
            • 如何才算make a statement? 没有律师在场,可以拒绝回答问题吗?LP说的话是否要作为LG上庭的证词?
              • "I can't make any statements without legal representative being present."。我也不知道什么可以用,什么不可以用。小心就是了。
      • 好像和孩子要对好口供才行,反复练习强化记忆好些。也别让孩子说“是我妈/爸让我这么说的。”,要不就坏菜了。
        • 忍不住,回你,才一岁......
          • 误会误会,我真老了,看3不看4的,你说说。
          • 多谢果果!
            • 不谢,有时候会擦枪走火,如果对方平时不是有暴力的话,好好把这件事先扛过去,两个人make a deal. 然后找找Marriage counseling, 刚才我才推荐了 http://www.cffc.ca/ 可以参加他们的活动,五百块,三天包括吃住饮食和辅导员的费用,非营利的,很好。
      • "强调经济方面,时间方面,体力方面,情绪方面照顾孩子都完全没问题" +1. My opinion,
        1. 经济方面, show that you have the financial plan with the suport of Dad or without it. Do some research how to get support from government as the post pregenency program.
        2.时间方面. If you are a working mom, I recommend to get a full time nanny right away regardless of $.
        3. 体力方面, be fully energized when you take care of kid, if you are uncapible, find a nanny or bring some relative or friends in regulally.
        4. 情绪方面, be positive, as a mother you are the best one to take care of your kids, be strong and confident.

        If you get all these, nobody can take over your kid.
        • Thanks a lot! So the situation is; I have a full time job with decent income; kid goes to daycare and i can drive; Also have a senior couple in the neighbourhood to provide me help anytime.
          • So The senior couple can be the 3rd party. You and your husband may talk through them. In addition, you guys may arrange the child care through them too. Maybe one day for dad, the kid goes to this seniors couple's house then go to another side.
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The reason is, you are going through the hard time with responsibility of work and home. We are human beings, not metal, we need rest to regain energy to handle it.

            In addition, you may want to arrange some part time nanny to clean the house, do cooking to release you from the frustration house work in order to take care of kid well.

            I have to warn you that you need to think about it clearly before your bring your husband back to you and kid's life. Only a father who love his kids, or "打了LP耳光" is just because of "冲动", not because of his violence trance. A violent family is not good to all sides. As a mother. you have to make sure your kid is safe under your husband care before giving kid to him.

            Hopefully, after this, you may understand that you may need to lower your expectation to him and minimum the complains, and he may learn to control himself more and contribute more to family. Life is sometimes just compromises. And most of the family go through hard time when kids are little. Hope you all the best.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 就说孩子在楼上睡觉,你们俩在楼下,和孩子一点关系都没有。。,但是CAS的人是不会放过这么好的生意机会的。。,她们还会像苍蝇一样的盯着你六个月一年的。。不要给这帮靠其他家庭不幸而发财的人有可趁之机。。
    • 海之子,你怎么看?
      • 此事定有蹊跷。。。
        • 没有任何蹊跷。 没料到警察会逮人,因为LP也回手了。 多谢!
          • 开个玩笑。希望你们能顺利度过这一关。
      • 谢谢所有人的帮助!
        • 你的情况很简单,不需要律师。只要你不出庭,就没有证人,检控官根本没有办法,法官就不能判。别被律师忽悠了,花冤枉钱。你们可以pm我。
          • 给你发私信了。 多谢!
          • 请律师是一定要的。。如果都像你说的这样,那这么多律师吃啥。。动动脑子。。如果没有律师,你的case赔定了, 而且要请好的律师,大概五千吧。。。在加上其他的损失,大概一万出头。。

            她不是很想帮你吗?, 把你的孩子也可以送给她,

      • 到 幸福家庭 栏目历史里 search 海之子的帖子,里面有讲如何对付CAS的人。。。

      • 掂脚尖看
    • 现在"双方不能通话" 记住。 不能撒谎,他们分开你们并分别问你们同样的问题,如果答案不一样就麻烦了
    • 多听听有经验和专业人士的意见. 网上不是所有人的话都是对的, 要注意筛选, GOOD LUCK!!
    • 如果孩子能有一个安全温暖的去处,为什么不让孩子走?还有什么比暴力的父母更糟的吗?
      • You might be right in some certain point, this is the reason why CAS exist. However too early to define "暴力的父母", and generally speaking, Mother's chest is the most "安全温暖的去处" to a child.
        There is still possibility here heading to a happy family conditioning on both of them work together on this..
      • 你结婚了吗?结婚多久了?,他们夫妇又虐待孩子吗?(没有!!!!),你定义一下啥叫暴力?,就情绪激动相互推搡打个耳光就要把人抓到牢里,还要把人家的孩子抢走。你这不是破坏拆散人家的家庭吗?。。。你是“蛇工”吧?, 你干啥不好。。专门做这种。。。。
        你们拆散了多少中国家庭了?, 还没够吗?!!!!

    • Please check your PM
    • 很少剥夺孩子抚养权的。。。除非你们打骂给孩子造成身体伤害了,孩子缺衣少食了。。网上都是夸大的。CAS介入没必要那么害怕。
      • 别信这个贴,CAS机构是民间机构,每收一个孩子一年可以从政府那里拿三万八。这还不包括从孩子父母那里拿的钱(大约两千),在利益驱动下啥事都做得出来。。

        看到太多的case了, CAS的人非常无耻。。

        • 你不懂呢就不要在这儿装懂。CAS就是政府的机构。 社工拉什么客人?!如果不是有人举报,或者法庭判决,根本不会介入。又不是私人企业。
          • CAS是政府授权的民间机构。。自己去查吗,ontario一共有五十三家。。 狼多肉少。。。
            • 懒得跟你讲。
            • 看你们俩辩论,我去Google了一下...
              The Children's Aid Societies (CAS) of Ontario, Canada, are independent organizations empowered by the Ontario government to perform child protection services. The declared goal is to "promote the best interests, protection and well being of children".....
              The societies receive funding from, and are under the supervision of the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services. However, they are regarded as a Non-governmental organization (NGO), which allows the CAS a large degree of autonomy from interference or direction in the day-to-day running of CAS by the Ministry. The Child and Family Services Review Board exists to investigate complaints against CAS and maintains authority to act against the societies.
              • CAS 是隶属于PUBLIC SECTOR 的服务,跟一般的社区机构不一样。
              • 由于一些CAS人员的素质问题, CAS 经常会给不配合的家长一点"color CC", 把孩子带走, 上庭, 让你花钱,让孩子受罪, 一个印巴朋友最后花钱雇了律师,律师逼着CAS 社工辞职否则告种族歧视, 结果社工辞职,孩子返回。这事发生在YorkRegion.
    • 1,很少剥夺孩子抚养权的。2,最担心的应该是给LG弄个犯罪纪录背着,或者案子拖个二年不准回家。3,你的此举对婚姻伤害非常大,弄不好会感情破裂,离婚。必须速战速决。
      • 必须请一个有经验的律师,为你LG争取到PEACE BOND。你自己不可以再在警察,检查官面前乱讲话。say absolutely nothing!
        • 对。。
    • 最大的挑战不是司法问题,小事一件。家庭是否再稳定,影响深远。
      • 先把这些当务之急,先解决完了,在说“影响深远”的事吧。。