我也在2012.12的时候将去美国的灰狗车票(2013.1中旬的行程)发给了他们并申请了加急处理,但到现在还没有处理结果。 他们当时针对我的加急处理回的邮件中说,我的这种情况不接受加急处理。不清楚我的情况是指什么情况。而且我的case居然从sydney的总部于2012.8转到一个local office (hamilton)后,又于2012.12月份从hamilton的office转到windsor的local office. 真是搞不明白!答复我加急处理的申请,他们答覆的内容如下:
This message is to inform you that we have received your request asking us to process your Permanent Resident card (PR card) urgently. We have verified your file and noticed that it was referred to the local office for further assessment, causing a delay in the processing of your application.
We added a note to your file to notify the responsible office of your request. However, in these cases, there is no urgent processing. For any other inquiries or updates, contact our Call Centre.