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Assemble all your documents, when you are ready to submit your application, place them in a sealed envelope and
send them to the:
Consulate General of Canada
Immigration Section
Exchange Square
Tower 1, 12th Floor
8 Connaught Place
G.P.O. Box 11142
Hong Kong

Method of Payment
Payment must be in Canadian or Hong Kong dollars. No other currency will be accepted. Cash or personal cheques
are not accepted.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问香港现在是否接受亲自递交材料和现金?我准备托人把材料和现金带到香港使馆,是不是当场可以拿到FN?
    • 先生,您怎么还不明白领事馆从来不收现金?买成银行本票带过去投入十三楼门口的钱箱。至于材料,我想应该邮寄吧(委托DHL寄)。
    • 不行。可以当场交材料,但是香港使馆不接受现金申请费,其他付款方式,都有时间延迟。
      Assemble all your documents, when you are ready to submit your application, place them in a sealed envelope and
      send them to the:
      Consulate General of Canada
      Immigration Section
      Exchange Square
      Tower 1, 12th Floor
      8 Connaught Place
      G.P.O. Box 11142
      Hong Kong

      Method of Payment
      Payment must be in Canadian or Hong Kong dollars. No other currency will be accepted. Cash or personal cheques
      are not accepted.
    • 谢谢大家!这是否意味着香港投档肯定无法当场拿到FN? 我有朋友在北京投档是立即拿到的。
      • 北京和香港,工作方法不一样。