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That's a really bad news. But I guess you have seen the worst, so nothing to fear. We all have to face challenges like that in this dynamic society. Now what you need to do is to calm down and take a couple of days off.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Then you'd better file an application for EI, which can provide your a temporary shelter from any potential financial crisis. With this setting down, you can plan your new goal with more comfort. I am not sure whether you are still intereted in being employed as before. Many good advices are already there. My feeling is you better reevaluate yourself and see what kind of person you are and want to be. If you just want to enjoy life like normal people, being employed by a large company will give you much better chance to do so. If you are aiming at making more money than most people or you are looking for other achievements, you need to start your own bussiness right now. From this point, your being laidoff is not so bad.
Now many people have give your tons of suggestion of how to start your own bussiness. What I am going to say is if you want to enter the job market again, there are still lots of opportunitie there. Believe me, at any time they lack the people who can get the job done and I think it wont take you long to find a good job, if you like.

Smile to yourself and be confident you can do whatever you want.
Good luck to you ,Buddy!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我下岗了。
    今天下午被老板叫去谈话,公司现在处境艰难,把1/3的programmer 给 lay off 了,我是其中之一。


    哪位朋友知道有空位的,请帮忙引荐一下,谢谢!我做的是非Microsoft路线的Internet开发,Java, Oracle, Sybase, php之类的, 9 years of programming experience.

    btw, including me, there're only 3 programmers in our company. :-)
    • Faint! Sailor...which is your most strong tool?
      • For coding, java servlet, JSP, and PHP.
    • 你有这么好的专业背景,一定会很快再就业的。
    • BTW, 快看CityTV,在播一个关于解决下岗问题的片子。now!
      • 名字是‘脱衣舞男’,领导正在看,hehe
        • 恩?怎么不是〈光猪六壮士〉吗?
          • 一样,翻译不同。
            • 不是这么惨吧?IT人士卖艺不卖身!饿死事小,失节为大!
              • 其实是一个讲英国失业的产业工人生产自救的故事。虽然为了搞笑,安排了他们去组建男士舞蹈团,不过他们搞多种经营不在一棵树上掉死的应对策略值得参考。
      • O, sailor...I just want to send you a smiling relax night...And It seems that it's going on the other way...sorry at it...
      • 呵呵,看完了。
    • 暂时休息一下,放松放松。
      • 我同意,你今年太忙了,这里很少看到你,再说刚好借这个机会去度度假,调整一下你一直以来紧张的神经,回来后没准儿工作自会找上你
    • sorry to hear that..seems this is the 2nd wave of bad economic...some companies react sorta slow.. I am in the same situation...try some other companies while having a short rest
      • shake hands!
    • 小公司就是这点不好。我也是因为公司小,一共也没几个雇员,遇到recession没活干被lay off的。
      • comrade!
        • //hand. never mind. it's just the time to enjoy life now. after a relax, you can find a better job.
    • Even our Da Ban got laid off, who can survive?
    • 祝你好运!
    • So sorry to hear that. Take care!
    • 先休息几天,再去准备新的战斗,您会找到更好的。
    • 别泄气,在这里下岗是为了更好的上岗。
    • Cold spring...
      I dare to say, It is not the hardest time, it is the beginning for IT industry's nightmare. There are not much programms left to be coded in the North America. Come to China! We should think in global.... A Canadian Passport is nothing for us we will find early or late , but the experiences in Canada will be a fortune to us. Sometimes we need to learn to give up.But it is easy to say hard to do
    • You'll get a better job very soon for sure! Now time to enjoy your life
      Let's party!
    • 可以先回家转转。现在国内很多公司需要好的programmer,但很难找到,因为他们都移民了。山不转水转。
    • 相信你会很快找到新的职位的,我们都很喜欢你的论坛,这是最好的reference!
    • 份特,加拿大真破啊!这么好的程序员让下岗????不过相信站长会在几周之内上个更好的岗的!!!
    • Sailor, it's time to look for sth better. A friend was terminated a couple of months ago, but got much better offers. You must be under paid now, so another place with more $ must be waiting for you.:-) Looking forward to your "new job banquet".
      • At last, you come back. Welcome!
        • Yellow, thanks! Kinda busy these days, miss you guys... . Anyway, Sailor, since you are not getting paychecks for the time being. Please let us know if ROLIA needs any financial help. There are so many ROLIA lovers ...
          • raise hand!
    • sailor,查信。
    • Hi, don't give up and there should be other opportunities and please go to the library and find out this Tuesday "s Toronto Star and i remember that some big companies are still recruiting IT guys.
    • Please do not worry, everything will be OK. Never give up, keep smile
    • 呵呵,你是其中的1。
    • Sailor, 我会帮你留意的。
    • 老大要挺住啊
    • 你应该主动和本地华人社团,华人公司联系拉一点广告。还有装一个计数器显示你每日的客流量。ROLIA的还是能吸引一些眼球的。
      • 对呀,干脆你把我们给卖了得了。
        • 你也卖不了几个钱,不过还要积累一段。就象猪要养肥一点找个好日子卖个好价钱!
          • We are fat enough!
          • 那我们这些猪现在努力的FB吧,争取以后一个好价钱
      • 不用计数器,那也太业余了,我可以帮你用webtrends全面分析你的站点,出个完整的报告。我认为rolia现在应该能够拉到一些赞助的。
        • Very good professional idea. As a popular website for new immigrant from China. Rolia deserve a full time network administrator. To make it alive U can sell Rolia, be sure for a good price, hehe...
    • 恭喜恭喜! 请看饺子的歪招儿
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛下岗了? 恭喜恭喜!

      这是许多加拿大人求之不得的机会. 可以领EI了.

      1. 如果你经济尚不成问题, 索性就歇上一阵子. 一边领EI, 一边找工作.

      2. 考虑做个CONTRACTOR, 钱多, 税少. 当然要MARKETING自己. 但编程高手, EVALUATION很好做, 是不是行家, 一出手就知道了. 俺知道几个CONTRACTOR的WEBSITE, 你要, 俺找找. 这样的经济形势, 许多公司倒愿意按PROJECT找CONTRACTOR.

      3. I HATE TO COMMERCIALIZE ROLIA. 千万别把ROLIA商业化. 但有几个可能性可以探讨.
      1) 注册ROLIA为NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, 这样我们可以DONATE,同时也可减税.我第一个DONATE. $100不多, $5不少. 你干脆全职管理ROLIA算了.

      2) 还有个更好的途径. CIC(加拿大移民局)的IMMIGRATION SETTLEMENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM, 提供资金给为帮助移民融入社会的ORG. 如温哥华的中侨SUCCESS就是使用的FEDERAL GOVERNMENT的资金. 如果你有意, 我可以RESEARCH一下. 记得每个LANDING的移民的$975的LANDING FEE吗, 就是这个用途, 包括免费的ESL课程.

      3) 我一直酝酿出本书, 你有类似兴趣, 我们可以探讨.

      4) 开个ROLIA饺子店, 哈哈 (其实不是玩笑. 俺在认真地考虑BUSINESS, 受不了加拿大高额税率, 俺不准备做没有多少DEDUCTION的EMPLOYEE, 听起来不少, 拿回家没多少)


      放弃了一份工作, 其实却打开了无数的机会. THINK OUT OF BOX!

      饺子是认真的.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 好招. 我发现越来越喜欢饺子了. u are truly full of talent
    • everything will be ok
    • 1. Don't worry to be laid off; 2. Get some EI first to servive; 3. Start your own business
      -- thinking about to have a company named as "rolia.com Inc";
      u will be CEO and everything. Mnay volunteers will be willing to join.

      The only problem now for rolia.com is about those topics. Most of them are very good. But don't try to get everything in your pocket. u have to select 3-5 best topics from them. It 'll be more attractive for some companies to advertise here.-- that's the one of income sources;

      After that, try to introduce some good stuff to Rolia.com community, pls refer to Yahoo Shopping. The only thing they do is to get reference fee from vendors. u can do this too.

      ....more and more;

      It's a chance for u to have your own business. It's better and u will never be laid off.

      Good luck.
    • sailor,衷心祝愿你早日再就业!
    • Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. Take a little break, and good luck!
    • You can find a better job. Believe me! I got a job after 2 weeks I was laid off.
    • Don't be afraid, just believe :)
    • Sailor, relax for a while. I don't see a problem for you to get another better job. Your work is brilliant.
      If there is any issue in continuing Rolia's services please let us know. I would like to contribute if it is needed.
    • That's a really bad news. But I guess you have seen the worst, so nothing to fear. We all have to face challenges like that in this dynamic society. Now what you need to do is to calm down and take a couple of days off.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Then you'd better file an application for EI, which can provide your a temporary shelter from any potential financial crisis. With this setting down, you can plan your new goal with more comfort. I am not sure whether you are still intereted in being employed as before. Many good advices are already there. My feeling is you better reevaluate yourself and see what kind of person you are and want to be. If you just want to enjoy life like normal people, being employed by a large company will give you much better chance to do so. If you are aiming at making more money than most people or you are looking for other achievements, you need to start your own bussiness right now. From this point, your being laidoff is not so bad.
      Now many people have give your tons of suggestion of how to start your own bussiness. What I am going to say is if you want to enter the job market again, there are still lots of opportunitie there. Believe me, at any time they lack the people who can get the job done and I think it wont take you long to find a good job, if you like.

      Smile to yourself and be confident you can do whatever you want.
      Good luck to you ,Buddy!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Maybe this is not bad news, one should have some special experience in his life for the further heart's robust. Good luck!
    • Oh, dear, so sorry to hear that. Take care!
    • 你已有了加国经验,歇一歇,之后相信很快就会上岗再就业的。感谢你为大家建立了rolia家园。
    • Don't worry , be happy! 车到山前必有路 ...
    • Me too. If somebody has any job opportunity please let me know. Thanks very much in advance.