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Our washing machine calculates a time that an optimum load will take at the start of the selected programme. The actual time taken is dependent on a number of factors e.g. water pressure, amount of soilage, laundry weight and amount of detergent used. These factors can affect the length of time taken but do not affect the performance of the appliance as your own test has shown.
Sometimes unbalanced load also can make the time countdown problem, An unbalanced load is often caused by a heavy item sticking to one side of the drum. Many modern machines will detect this, pause the timer and try to readjust the load along with repeating parts of the cycle. The countdown timer will only begin again once this has finished.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 洗衣机问题请教。新洗衣机,电子control。Normal wash是从58分钟开始count down。最终洗完要take 70-90分钟。Express wash是从38分钟开始count down,最终洗完要take 55分钟。有些1分钟的count down要take 5 or 6 分钟。count down很不规律。请问这是否正常?thanks.
    • 是不是进水的时候没有计算时间?你真仔细,我一般都丢进去,洗完了就行,管它几分钟呢。
      • 进水时间算进去了。count down是从按start button开始的。由于count down很不规律,所以不sure是不是机器有问题。
        • 我的意思是“58分钟开始count down。最终洗完要take 70-90分钟”,是不是实际洗确实58分钟,但是中间加水的时间又12 分钟多?所以共70多分钟?
    • 转贴:
      Our washing machine calculates a time that an optimum load will take at the start of the selected programme. The actual time taken is dependent on a number of factors e.g. water pressure, amount of soilage, laundry weight and amount of detergent used. These factors can affect the length of time taken but do not affect the performance of the appliance as your own test has shown.
      Sometimes unbalanced load also can make the time countdown problem, An unbalanced load is often caused by a heavy item sticking to one side of the drum. Many modern machines will detect this, pause the timer and try to readjust the load along with repeating parts of the cycle. The countdown timer will only begin again once this has finished.