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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PROCESSING TIMES AND SERVICE STANDARDSUpdated on June 4, 2001
Independent Category Applications
Hong Kong, Macau, and PRC Residents
Within 4 months of the date we receive your properly completed application, we will make one of four decisions, and notify you accordingly:
1. You will be required to attend an interview at this office with a Visa Officer; or
2. You will be given the option to undertake an English language testing procedure which may enable us, on receipt and assessment of the results, to make a positive decision in your case without the need for an interview; or
3. A positive decision can be made in your case without the need for an interview or language testing; or
4. A negative decision is appropriate in your case. No interview will be held .
 Note 1 : If an interview is required, we will send you a letter notifying you of the time and date of your interview at this office, approximately 2-3 months prior to the interview appointment.Because our priorities, resources and workload are subject to change, we can not predict when your interview will take place.
We can advise you that independent category applicants from Hong Kong, Macau and the PRC who submitted their applications to this office up to and including 05 September 1999 are currently being scheduled for interview appointments in the first week of August 2001.We update this website at the beginning of each month. We suggest that you consult this location regularly to monitor the progress of the interview queues, and to get an indication as to when you may expect your own interview to take place.
You should be aware that it may take us 2-4 months of interviews to deal with all the applications received within a certain month. This is especially true at the present time, as we deal with applications received during a very high intake period in the second, third and fourth quarters of 1999. The time gaps between receipt of application and scheduling of interview are, accordingly, expected to lengthen through 2001. Note : A very limited interview schedule will be followed in August and September 2001 as we focus on other processing priorities. Normal scheduling will resume in October 2001.
Please be reminded that we will only respond to interview scheduling enquiries if the time frames
indicated above have passed and you or your designated representative have received no notice from this office of an interview appointment date. You should therefore contact your representative in this regard before you contact this office.
If your application is accepted at interview, procedures and time frames set forth in Notes 3 ,4 and 6 below will apply. If your application is refused at interview, procedures set forth in Note 5 below will apply.
Note 2 : In many instances, our initial review of a case indicates that the interview requirement can be waived if professional independent testing confirms an applicant’s self-assessment on his/her immigration application form of his/her English language abilities. If yours is one of these cases, we will write to you to advise you of this and will provide details as to where, when and how to arrange for your language abilities to be tested. Testing procedures are conducted regularly in several Chinese cities by local offices of the British Council. Results of these tests (known as "IELTS") are sent by the British Council directly to this office.
If you choose to take the IELTS test, we will, within 8 months of receipt of your results, review your results in association with your immigration application. If this review indicates that the interview requirement can be waived, we will proceed directly to procedures leading to the finalization of your case (see note #3 below). If we do not receive your IELTS results, or if they are provided but our review does not justify a waiver decision, your file will be placed in our interview queue, and the procedures and time frames set forth in Note 1 above will apply.There is no requirement that applicants invited to undertake language testing do so. However, we strongly recommend it. Application processing times can be significantly shortened, and those wishing to immigrate to Canada can get there sooner than those whose applications must wait in interview queues. In addition, if a waiver decision is made on your application, you may avoid the time, expense and trouble associated with arranging travel to Hong Kong to attend an interview. Finally, independent language testing can provide an early indication of your language proficiency, allowing you to plan ahead for the upgrading (if any) you may require to improve your marketability in and adaptation to Canada.
You do not require an invitation from the Consulate General to undertake language testing. We encourage you to undergo testing on your own initiative immediately prior to submitting your immigration application, and to submit your test results with your application. Following this procedure can allow your application to proceed even more quickly through the assessment process.
Please note that a good IELTS score does not guarantee that your interview will be waived. There may be any number of reasons why an applicant with strong IELTS results is nevertheless required to attend a personal interview.
Note 3 : If your interview is waived, or if an interview is held and you are determined at its conclusion to meet selection standards in the Independent category of immigration, you and your dependants will be provided instructions to contact one of a list of doctors designated to conduct Canadian immigration medical examinations to undergo a medical examination within 45 days.
At this time, we will initiate background checks for you and your dependants (no action on your part is necessary in this regard) and inform you of any other outstanding requirements that must be attended to before your application can be finalized. Such requirements might include payment of Right of Landing Fees, or submission of police clearance certificates, passport information, proof of current employment, etc. Any such requests we make will specifically identify the documentation and/or information required and will set forth a time frame within which it must be sent.
Note 4 : If there are no complications with your medical examinations or background checks, and if you have responded promptly to any request we have made for further documentation or information, we should within 2-4 months of your successful completion of all outstanding requirements be able to finalize your case and issue the visa(s). Please be reminded that we will only respond to visa issuance enquiries once this time frame has passed.Note 5 : If you have been assessed at interview as not meeting selection standards in the Independent category of immigration, if you or any dependant is assessed by our Medical Officer to be medically inadmissible to Canada, if you do not pass your background check, or if you do not comply with our requests for further documentation or information within the deadlines set forth, your application will be refused. A letter explaining the grounds for refusal of the application will be sent to you.
Note 6 : Visas will be issued and sent to your mailing address. Visas are usually valid for 12 months from the earliest date you or one of your dependants began the medical examination procedures. You and each of your dependants must land in Canada prior to the visa’s expiry date. There are no extensions to visa validity. If your visa expires, we will require that you submit a new application and pay new processing fees before we will consider your situation.
 NON -HONG KONG, MACAU OR PRC RESIDENTSWithin 4 months of the date we receive your properly completed application, we will make one of three decisions, and notify you accordingly:
1. You will be required to attend an interview at this office with a Visa Officer.
2. A positive selection decision has been made in your case. No interview is required.
3. A negative decision has been made in your case. No interview will be held.
Note 1 : If an interview is required, we will send you a letter notifying you of the time and date of your interview at this office, approximately 2-3 months prior to the interview appointment.
Because our priorities, resources and workload are subject to change, we can not predict when your interview will take place.
We can advise you that independent category applicants from non-residents of Hong Kong, Macau and the PRC who submitted their applications to this office up to and including 29 March 1999 are currently being scheduled for interview appointments in July 2001.We update this website at the beginning of each month. We suggest that you consult this location regularly to monitor the progress of the interview queues, and to get an indication as to when you may expect your own interview to take place.
You should be aware that it may take us 2-4 months of interviews to deal with all the applications received within a certain month. This is especially true at the present time, as we deal with applications received during a very high intake period in the second, third and fourth quarters of 1999. The time gaps between receipt of application and scheduling of interview are, accordingly, expected to lengthen through 2001.
Please be reminded that we will only respond to interview scheduling enquiries if the time frames indicated above have passed and you or your designated representative have received no notice from this office of an interview appointment date. You should therefore contact your representative in this regard before you contact this office.
If your application is accepted at interview, procedures and time frames set forth in Notes 2 ,3 and 5 below will apply. If your application is refused at interview, procedures set forth in Note 4 below will apply.
Note 2 : If your interview is waived, or if an interview is held and you are determined at its conclusion to meet selection standards in the Independent category of immigration, you and your dependants will be provided instructions to contact one of a list of doctors designated to conduct Canadian immigration medical examinations to undergo a medical examination within 45 days.
At this time, we will initiate background checks for you and any dependants (no action on your part is necessary in this regard) and inform you of any other outstanding requirements that must be attended to before your application can be finalized. Such requirements might include payment of Right of Landing Fees or provision by you of police clearance certificates, passport information, proof of current employment, etc. Any such requests we make will specifically identify the documentation and/or information required and set forth a time frame within which it is to be sent.
Note 3 : If there are no complications with your medical examinations or background, and if you have responded promptly to our requests for further documentation or information, we should within 2-4 months of your successful completion of the medical examination be able to finalize your case and issue the visa(s).
Note 4 : If you or one of your dependants is determined by our Medical Officer to be medically inadmissible to Canada; if you do not pass your background check; or if you do not comply with our requests for further documentation or information within the deadlines set forth, your application will be refused. A letter explaining the grounds for refusal of the application will be sent to you.
Note 5 : Visas will be issued and sent to your mailing address. Visas are usually valid for 12 months from the earliest date you or one of your dependants began the medical examination procedures. You and each of your dependants must land in Canada prior to the visa’s expiry date. There are no extensions to visa validity. If your visa expires, we will require that you submit a new application and pay new processing fees before we will consider your situation.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net