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Actually, the employers don't care about what is the trends, they only care about whether their system still can support their business with lower expense.

I'm using as/400 also, maybe we can discuss it if you are interested in. Although I don't think as/400 has a bright future. The competitor used to be Unix , now even Windows is aslo one. Many advantage of As/400 in 5 or 10 years ago don't exist anymore. The Unix and Windows are also reliable and highly available. So my point is there won't be many company move from other platform to as/400, the big company who has many platforms will try to consolidate it and as/400 will be the victim to be merged into windows or Unix. The company who has as/400 as their main platform and has their core application system ruuning on as/400 will still stay on as/400 for a long time. To sum up, there is less and less new as/400 users.
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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 我为什么买Universal Life?
    • 你的key point是tax shelter
      你要是象UL一样做长线投资,若不realize capital Gain,何来交税一说?
      • 不仅仅是capital gain的问题,还有Interest, distribution。
        那么,是否可以自己买入指数基金并实施买入、持有的战略呢?问题还是税。因为,指数基金是通过购买和underying的市场指数一样的股票组合来实现指数模拟的,所以同样有分红,distribution等,而在市场指数调整股票的时候,指数基金也要调整,就不可避免地产生了capital gain 和 earning的问题。
        至于自己去买长期企业债券、优先股等,就远不如保险公司的地位有利了,而且,所有的利息、红利是要交税的。(如是加拿大企业,红利有tax credit的,这是很多老年人买优先股的原因)
        • 多谢你的资讯,俺会认真学习研究~
          俺还真不知道过买S&P 等index基金后,如不卖出,会有多少tax要交?你很专业,该不是化妆了的业界人士吧。:-)
          • 取决于你买的指数基金的投资方法。
            一是使用Equity basket策略的,就是使所持有的所有的股票和所跟踪的市场指数保持同样的比例。就是“模拟指数”,这时的情况和我前问说的一样,(capital gain 有,但不多,主要是income earing)
            二是使用衍生金融工具,主要是买卖相应指数的指数期货。(实际由于期货交易的杠杆作用,所用资金很少,大部分资金头寸会都投在money market上,不会闲置的)。这时,大部分是capital gain(期货交易所得),少量是income earning。

            我前面说过,我不是做保险的,是IT从业人员。有兴趣的朋友可以和我讨论AS/400上的web develop。但我在国内的学历中包括有金融学位,所以对加拿大的金融运作有兴趣。我觉得,在中国可以不懂金融、税法,但在加拿大,不弄明白会很吃亏的。
            • 太好了, 请教几个关于400的问题...
              1. 哪些公司用400做WEB SERVER? 和历史有关?
              2. 一般用CGI还是JAVA?
              3. PERFORMANCE如何?

              • 现在用as/400的少了
                主要还是RPG/cobol做后台,web上用LANSA for web
                • Thanks. Lansa for Web uses CGI, doesn't it?
                  • Actually, everything in LNSA for web is intergrated.
                    HTML, XML, Javascript,
            • 不好意思, 先睡了. 我也搞400, 很想和你探讨一下400的发展方向. 明天再聊.
              • 抱歉,光顾看电视了。总的来说,AS/400是要逐渐消亡的东西了吧?
                • 请教你买哪家保险公司的UL(30万/900)?交多少年?如果带了一大笔钱到加拿大,怎样投资避税?指数基金怎么买?
                  • 请进
                    2, 如果一直只交900/年,一直交到100岁(如果可能的话。:))
              • I agree with you, though I see no sign that my employer is going to abandon AS/400 in the next several years. So, what do you think we can do to keep ourselves valuable when AS/400 fades away?
                • My Employer is aslo focusing on AS/400
                  Actually, nobody has clear mind of it.
                • Actually, the employers don't care about what is the trends, they only care about whether their system still can support their business with lower expense.
                  I'm using as/400 also, maybe we can discuss it if you are interested in. Although I don't think as/400 has a bright future. The competitor used to be Unix , now even Windows is aslo one. Many advantage of As/400 in 5 or 10 years ago don't exist anymore. The Unix and Windows are also reliable and highly available. So my point is there won't be many company move from other platform to as/400, the big company who has many platforms will try to consolidate it and as/400 will be the victim to be merged into windows or Unix. The company who has as/400 as their main platform and has their core application system ruuning on as/400 will still stay on as/400 for a long time. To sum up, there is less and less new as/400 users.
      • 我的经验,不愿意realize capital Gain,很少(当然也有)能真正赚钱。当然,每人投资策略不同,投资也不是我的长处,就不多说了。但是,不懂投资或没时间管理的人,不管是在UL里投资,还是UL外投资,都会有一样的挑战。

        对这样的人(不懂投资或没时间管理, 我自己就是一个),WHOLE LIFE(分红式保险)也许比UL更合适. 当然也有风险,但风险小,也不用自己打理。

        对有些愿意投资,但害怕血本无归的人,还可以试一试 MANULIFE 具有保本条款的UL。



    • 买UL,我的理解是,如果你年轻发生意外,是为一个你不认识的人(配偶的新配偶)或未成年子女留一笔钱——与其UL,不如TERM,如果你老了才死,是为你已经有家有业的儿女锦上添花(或许他们已经是百万富翁)。
    • 所谓投资是以获得回报为目的的一种挣钱的行为。 UL 生前不能受益,实质是一笔遗产。 我们年幼时生不逢时,受尽苦难,年轻时自力更生,南争北战,来到这战场一般的大洋彼岸,还没有站稳脚跟,又要勒紧裤腰带给别人准备遗产。
      • 是啊是啊,老婆如衣裳,不用考虑太多,反正她还可以找另外的长期饭票,考虑她太多干嘛,把钱便宜你不认识的人(配偶的新配偶)。

      • Actually, UL is only one of the solutions.You can consider other solutions like Critical Illness,Disability Insurance which will protect yourself for income losing.
      • 如果你有孩子和年迈的父母,如果你愿意尽一点责任的话,万一你有意外
      • sorry,误发了email........
    • 兄弟我对保险是个大外行,但是很油兴趣. 恳请大家多多讨论.
      • 楼上的讨论似乎都集中在受益者一方面, 仅仅maple2000一人提及避税问题. (but i think his point is not right, though). 今天有一投资理财顾问来我家,对我介绍的UL, 听起来简直这个UL是加拿大最好的投资方式了.
        • 考虑两点。1。推销人自然会极力突出他的产品的优点 2。他说的优点你是不是真正感兴趣?有什么顾虑尽管问他,是一个挺好的增长理财知识的机会。
        • 寻常寂客,这里还有一个UL的thread, 里面有些意见,你可以参考
        • Actually,Insurance is not for the purpose of investment.It provides protection against income losing in the case of death and disability.
        • 看你的需求怎么样,如果你是投资高手,能承担高风险投资,你绝对没必要从保险投资。但是如果你对投资不是很精通,想一定的投资回报,风险又不很高,利用保险投资还是不错的,事实上这一群体很大。
      • 人寿保险存在是有其意义的,但是否必要引人而异。Universal Life Insurance在给你生命保险的同时提供了一种延税投资的手段。对于年老时候的保障有一定意义。但不要指望Universal Life Insurance会让你快速致富。
        • 然也! Rollor 说: "你买的这个投资型的人寿保险,是给高薪人士投资的。即使是高收入家庭,用不用这种方式投资,也很有争议". #752321 but I think what the consultant told me was also right, that
          we are making more and more money. The UL provide us a place that we can get tax free income. So I think it should be a good place, as long as you are considering buying bonds funds and even stocks.

          He said that the money is not lock in the UL, as oppose to RRSP. You can get your investment out any time.
          • But 看到"我的保险专家"这样的高手都对UL敬而远之, 因为"不用自己打理"更让我觉得听到的和看到的不能对上号. 所以恳请高手指点一二.
          • 确实是对的。如果你有余钱去买Mutual Fund, Bond什么的,UL的延税作用还是挺不错的。问题是,你愿意每年花1000多元去得到这个好处吗?如果单纯为投资,这么做可能不值。如果确实有保险的需求,再加上这个好处就比较满意了。
            • This tax shelter can account for 3~4% of the "income". So a tax free gain of %6 would be about 10% gain pre-tax... at least this is what I was told. Yeah, I think you are right, 1000+ a year is a bit more, but
              as I hope, we will make more and more money, as time go by, especially after 5 or 6 years after our immigration, that we can totally fit into the 主流社会... We should be able to make some money, and worry about tax sheltering by then.

              I'm just estimation, or dreaming :-). I'm still looking for the job now though. :-)
              • 有件事不知道保险经纪和没和你说,你每年放入UL的钱是有限制的,根据你投保的保额,每年可放入几千获上万元。但UL基本不允许投资股票,所以年回报率基本不会超过10%,所以单从投资来看,前多少年是不会有好处的
                • 错了,UL的好处就是你自己能选择投资方式,全投股票都可以。而whole life才限制股票投资的份额。
                  • 真的吗?帮我推荐一家吧。 我的RBC只有几只基金可以选择。谢谢啦...
                    • My suggestion
                      Insurance is for the purpose of protection against risk.Stock has high risk.If you like stock,you can go to invest in stock market.Otherwise maybe your investment account inside insurance policy will be negative.
                  • yes,保险公司不同,投资可选择的范围也不同
                  • 但是你要对各基金有一定的认识,才不会被误导,选择范围太大也不一定好
    • 很高兴看到还有人愿意买UL.


      • 惨!我也买了Universal life 保险,lay off 了,怎么退出?
      • UL和TERM的保险有很多的不同,UL其实因其具有的储蓄性质以及其终身性加之付费的灵活性而具一定吸引力.....什么时候买,怎样买,买多少,与规划有关而与工作无关.
      • 如果一个月可以挤出50元以上(长期考虑),还是应该买life insurance. 卖的越早保费越便宜,收益越大。。。也可以多买一个term,增加保障,在你觉得责任尽的差不多了,或适当的时机结束term.
    • 你说的有一定道理,但是要提醒一句:回报越大风险也越大.这是UL的长处(如果你有风险意识),也是它的短处(如果你只想赚不想赔).ANYWAY,很高兴看到你对保险的中肯分析.
    • Something more about UL
      UL is a kind of insurance with investment portion inside.The death benefit includes face amount and cash value(investment return). The premiun is depended on your age,gender,smoking status and level for life. You can use it for enhancing your retirement income,protecting your estate and leave a capital to your child and relatives. If you apply for a UL policy,you will find minimum and maximum premium listed on the policy.The minimum premium is the lowest limit to hold the policy in force. The maximum is the tax exempt line.Both of these are depended on the face amount of the policy. If you do not want to have a permanent insurance or not interested in investment because of risk,you can choose Term insurance. The Term 10 is only one of the Term product.
    • In your term insurance, how many years for the term that cost $290 per year.
      • 10 years term
      • term 有10年20年,term100
      • 看你±£额是多少
      • »¹ÓÐ年龄,身体状况\,,$290可以给一个30岁健康正常的人买31Íò10年term
        • $290可 以 买 $310k,10 年 term(male 30岁 ). $230k,20年 term
          • Term Life Insurance 哪家公司的好?
            • As to Term, choose the cheapest one. Price is the prime consideration as there is no investmt, no saving as UL. Big company doesn't mean they are good at Term.
              • Term 是否可以随时取消?我看到都是10年或20年的TERM。
                • yes, you can if you pay monthly. there are a lot kind of term, 1, 5, 10,20,100 years term.
                • 可以随时取消。Term年头越长,对你的价格保护越长,对你越有利,且没有任何约束力。