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在手册上说:Tire Pressure
The Tire-Loading Information label, which is located on the driver's side rear passenger door, shows the correct inflation presures for your tires when they're cold. "Code" means your vehicle has been sitting for at least three hours or driven no more than 1 mile(1.6km).
Don't let anyone tell you that underinflation or overinflation is all right. It's not.
If your tires don't have enough air(underinflation), you can get the following: 1.Too much flexing; 2.Too much heat; 3.Tire overloading; 4.Bad wear; 5.Bad handling; 6.Bad fuel econamy.
If your tires have too much air(overinflation), you can get the following: 1.Unusual wear; 2.Bad handling; 3.Rough ride; 4.Needless damage from road hazards.

***Checkyour tires once a month or more. Don't forget your spare tire. It should be at 60psi(420kPa)***


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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 想起我第一次打气的可笑经历 --- 谈谈胎压
    • 有理,建议大家买个气压表.我第一次打气时,凭眼睛观察,第二天买了一气压表,一量,哇!!左右差7psi,赶快去加油站再打气.
      • 嗯,7psi太多了。
        • UP一下,可能大家都是老司机,很清楚了吧。
          • where was the reading of the tire coming out? if i can got it, do i need my own tester? thanks
            • Definately you need you own tester and it is very cheap.
        • 见笑,个位说的psi与加油站充气压力表上的 kg是不是一回事?
          • 不是。32 PSI 是 220 kPa,2.2 kgf/cm2,或者2.2 bar。
    • 谢谢你的文章!我的车两个月了没查过胎压,这就去查一下。另外,请教我的新车有两次没放手刹行驶了加起来不到10公里,没有糊味,要不要换什么东东?
      • 与我的经历一样,没有什么大问题。接着开吧。永远不要用手刹了!自动档的车在PARK位是刹住的。即使在很斜的DRIVE WAY上PARK也没有必要手刹。
        • 在斜坡上泊车, 手刹一定要用.
        • if you don't use 手刹, it will hurt your transmission badly.
    • 塔兄!周五我就PARK在你的车边上,看得出你的气嘴比轮胎磨损得都厉害:-D。 对了,提醒大家一下,车上还是要备一个2$的气压笔(足够用了)。因为“油站的气泵指示一般都不准”。
      • 是吗?下次再到我公司到楼上看看我,没有中国人,在工作时感到很寂寞。:))
        • 又显摆什么? 行, 就你厉害, 我干活的地方全是中国人,
          • Hi, buddy, don't be too sensitive. I cannot see how he showed off. More chinese or less chinese means something?
      • Where can i get 2$的气压笔? I find some of $20 in Canadian Tire. tks.
        • ask sales rep in canadian tire about "Tire Gauge", 5-50 P.S.I.
        • Warl-mart. I am not very sure It is 1.79 or 1.99. But I bought at CanadianTire,4.99.
    • GOOD!
    • 请看我买的轮胎气压表,$6.99 Canadian Tire:
      • canadian tire pressure gauge is $10.99, not $6.99. I went there on boxing day.is there any other type?thanks
    • 某医生在城边经常看见“打胎补气”字样,心想:这些地方到处都是灰尘油污,工作人员个个脏的要命,怎么给妇女打胎?又拿什么给人家补气?
      • 真是搞笑, 数年前在公交车上就亲耳听一小女孩对她母亲念修自行车的招牌:' 补充胎气'
    • 刚打足了气回来!
      • :))
    • 我的轮胎压力应该多少?轮胎上好象没印标,我的轮胎是215宽胎,现在胎压是加油站气泵标尺刻度30,它的单位是psi吗?
      在手册上说:Tire Pressure
      The Tire-Loading Information label, which is located on the driver's side rear passenger door, shows the correct inflation presures for your tires when they're cold. "Code" means your vehicle has been sitting for at least three hours or driven no more than 1 mile(1.6km).
      Don't let anyone tell you that underinflation or overinflation is all right. It's not.
      If your tires don't have enough air(underinflation), you can get the following: 1.Too much flexing; 2.Too much heat; 3.Tire overloading; 4.Bad wear; 5.Bad handling; 6.Bad fuel econamy.
      If your tires have too much air(overinflation), you can get the following: 1.Unusual wear; 2.Bad handling; 3.Rough ride; 4.Needless damage from road hazards.

      ***Checkyour tires once a month or more. Don't forget your spare tire. It should be at 60psi(420kPa)***


      • 一般都是32PSI,你说的60PSI,很可能是备胎的胎压,千万别打错了。备胎因为皮薄,所以产生同样的压力需要很大的气压。手册上有两种压力,好好看看。
        • 谢谢!我知道了.