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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Independent Category

Some persons applying in the independent class at the immigration offices in London, Hong Kong and New Delhi may have their applications randomly selected for processing at a new immigration office in Ottawa, Canada.

Persons whose applications will be assessed in Ottawa will be informed at the time the file is transferred. For straightforward cases that meet all requirements visas will be issued in Canada. More complex cases will be forwarded to the appropriate visa office overseas for interview or additional review.

This new application process designed to help Citizenship and Immigration Canada handle cases faster and more efficiently. The immigration criteria remain the same for persons processed in Canada and at offices abroad.

For more information on this new application process, go to Frequently Asked Questions/Pilot Project.

Frequently Asked Questions
Centralized Processing Pilot Project

Applicants and Sponsors

What is the Centralized Processing Pilot Project?
This is a small-scale test to see whether it would be more efficient to process routine family class and independent category immigrant applications from a central location in Canada rather than at Canadian missions abroad. Participation in the pilot will be limited to 7,000 family class applicants and 14,000 independent applicants from designated countries.

How long will the pilot project last?
The pilot began its first phase in July 2000 with the distribution of new joint sponsorship-application kits for family class applicants. The centralized processing phase will run from October 16, 2000 to June 2001. An evaluation of the pilot should be ready by October 2001.

Whose applications will be processed under the pilot project?
Family class applicants living in the following countries or territories will be participating in the project:

India Indonesia
Nepal Singapore

Applicants in the independent will be chosen for participation in the project on a random basis by the following Canadian immigration offices:

Hong Kong London New Delhi

Why has CIC singled out some countries for this test and not others?
We tried to choose countries that would make up the best representative sample of Canada's current immigration movement. The countries chosen for this test will generate enough cases to allow us to gather meaningful data in a relatively short time.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 听说香港的check list改了?你们看到了吗?我到香港的网站上去看,怎么没有找到啊?
    • It's true.
      • 请问你在哪儿看到的啊?能给个网址或详细的清单吗?谢谢了!
        • 我费事去查,告诉我油箱,我MAIL给你
          • 谢谢谢谢!joycewu77@hotmail.com,是最新的吧?
            • 当然,我已经发给你了,请查收
              • 你真是一个最热(心)的干面(xixi),已经收到了,谢谢你!不过我觉得好象只多了一个“税单”,这个单子不好拿,因为我们都是集体交的,没有、即使有也不可能给个人一份自己的个人所得税税单,你有什么好办法吗?
                • 好像不止吧?户口需要翻译公证,工作经历需要公证,好像还有。。。我也没有好办法,也许公司财务出个证明到税务局去开证明可以试一试
          • 能不能也给我发一个?谢谢! alphen2000@yahoo.com.cn
            • OK。pls check ur mailbox
    • 从香港网上摘的,不知是不是你要的
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Independent Category

      Some persons applying in the independent class at the immigration offices in London, Hong Kong and New Delhi may have their applications randomly selected for processing at a new immigration office in Ottawa, Canada.

      Persons whose applications will be assessed in Ottawa will be informed at the time the file is transferred. For straightforward cases that meet all requirements visas will be issued in Canada. More complex cases will be forwarded to the appropriate visa office overseas for interview or additional review.

      This new application process designed to help Citizenship and Immigration Canada handle cases faster and more efficiently. The immigration criteria remain the same for persons processed in Canada and at offices abroad.

      For more information on this new application process, go to Frequently Asked Questions/Pilot Project.

      Frequently Asked Questions
      Centralized Processing Pilot Project

      Applicants and Sponsors

      What is the Centralized Processing Pilot Project?
      This is a small-scale test to see whether it would be more efficient to process routine family class and independent category immigrant applications from a central location in Canada rather than at Canadian missions abroad. Participation in the pilot will be limited to 7,000 family class applicants and 14,000 independent applicants from designated countries.

      How long will the pilot project last?
      The pilot began its first phase in July 2000 with the distribution of new joint sponsorship-application kits for family class applicants. The centralized processing phase will run from October 16, 2000 to June 2001. An evaluation of the pilot should be ready by October 2001.

      Whose applications will be processed under the pilot project?
      Family class applicants living in the following countries or territories will be participating in the project:

      India Indonesia
      Nepal Singapore

      Applicants in the independent will be chosen for participation in the project on a random basis by the following Canadian immigration offices:

      Hong Kong London New Delhi

      Why has CIC singled out some countries for this test and not others?
      We tried to choose countries that would make up the best representative sample of Canada's current immigration movement. The countries chosen for this test will generate enough cases to allow us to gather meaningful data in a relatively short time.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 的确是改了。我的网站最近有问题,无法上传,等两天可以去我网站当!
    • 到www.cic.gc.ca查immigration的independant的application kit的specific instructions 的hong kong栏. 你指的"改了"不知是什么, 但该网站上的资料应是最新的. 没找着的话,告我, 服务到底.
    • 我的网站已经增加了香港新的CHECKLIST的下载,链接见后面--