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Java maybe not as hot as it use to be

However, for a computer naive, I think Java is not bad to learn all sorts of programming skills, thinkg, and habits. My wife is still on going with Java.

As per job, it is very hard to tell how to get one in the quickst time. Different people has different approach. I suggest you not only study computer, but also imrpove English skills and interview techniques.

My wife is a special case though, because her speaking is much better than the average. I guess she will have much less problem finding a job than many of us.

I also recommand search Jabber's posts. He has many very good insights towards computer learning as well as interview techniques.

Good luck.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 有学生物学或环境保护的吗?能介绍一下移民的经历和现在的工作状况吗?谢谢!!!
    • 靠这个养家湖口很难。
    • 难呵,
      • 那请教一下,如果是学生物工程,基因这方面的情况也是一样吗?谢谢!
    • 我一朋友,南大环境工程PH.D,打工一年,曾试图进入安省环保机构,未果,死心学Java,于去年寻得Java程序员工作。
      • 哪一个南大?南开,南京,还是南洋?
        • Nan King University. Does it matter?
          • 呵呵,怕错过了校友,不用理我了。:P
      • 这么快就收到各位的答复,谢谢了!我还想再请教各位,那么以biologist申请容易通过面试吗?谢谢!
        • 也许我明年能够回答你这个问题,呵呵。。。因为我刚刚递表,我也是学生物学的。在加拿大移民潮中我们是典型的“少数民族”,大家可要自强啊!
          • 我现在在读大学,感觉加拿大对这种边缘和高科技的学科用外人很少。除非你来了重新拿这里的学历。
          • 热干面,你现在在哪,介绍一下自己好吗?我已经申请了!
            • 我在深圳,武大生物系的,你呢?
              • 热干面,你是武大生物系哪一级的啊?
                • 老了,81级的。。。:(
                  • 前辈前辈。看来我认识的人你一定不认识了。
                    • 呵呵。。,什么前辈后辈的,拜个把子怎么样?
                      • 没问题啊!怎么称呼?热大哥,干大哥,还是面哥哥?
                      • 天啊,你不会是个女的吧?
                        • 呵呵。。。,MM有我笑得这么豪爽么?
                  • 武大: 郑义 胡向群
                    • 生物系的?握握手//hand....,哪一级的?
        • 你是今年递表的吗?听说今年递表的等面试要20个月左右(在北京面试) ,是真的吗?
          • 不是吓你,可能不止20个月哦!香港是26个月。
          • 哦!是吗?看来等我考完GT去都来的及了。不过等书读出来,年纪就大了一些了!哎!
      • Why didn't he go for the post doctor? at least he can have a well-paid job for a couple of year. Java looks like Basic. How can everybody in this forum make a living on that?!
    • 我老婆是学食品的, 属于生化类, 现正式地, 隆重地, 学电脑。
      • 学找挖。:)
        • 怎么找?如何挖?
          • 找你的缺点,挖你的短处,是为JAVA
            • 太逗了!我简直要笑死掉了!
      • wjiang please come in
        How far did your LD go with Java? Beside JAVA, what other Computer knowledge she is learning? Is she going to take any exam?
        How do you think she can find an IT job without related experience? Make up some skillful resume?

        I'm also a non-CS but learning Computer now. I'm kind of confused with the direction recently.
        • Java maybe not as hot as it use to be
          However, for a computer naive, I think Java is not bad to learn all sorts of programming skills, thinkg, and habits. My wife is still on going with Java.

          As per job, it is very hard to tell how to get one in the quickst time. Different people has different approach. I suggest you not only study computer, but also imrpove English skills and interview techniques.

          My wife is a special case though, because her speaking is much better than the average. I guess she will have much less problem finding a job than many of us.

          I also recommand search Jabber's posts. He has many very good insights towards computer learning as well as interview techniques.

          Good luck.
      • I was told the bio-informatics is kinds of good choice, or bio-statistics
        • I believe this is going to be hot soon. Bio-informatics & ANN are good choices for doctors if they want to change to IT.
          • please, what is ANN ?
            • Artifical Neural Network
          • in Canada?
      • 现在电脑不是很难找工作吗?还有人学!我都想转行学其他的了!!
        • 你的感觉主要是因为目前的大气候,但是其它的专业就更难了,别身在福中不知福啊。
      • 我老公学经济的,本科。准备到加之后正式地,隆重地,学电脑。请问激昂兄,上UNI还是上COLLEAGE?
        • Please refer to my old post #7004.
          • got it !Thank you!
      • 再问各位大侠,搞园林的如何?
    • 学生化的是不是读完master再去好一点呢?我也是学环境的,愁啊!
      • 生化的好找一些。
        • Please tell me why?I means the major of biochemistry is really useful in canada, anyway, I like hear your messaga, because I am a pity biochemistry master.
    • 学什么专业的都有找到工作的可能。要做好多手准备,提高自己的可变性,你的机会总是有的。
      • 非常感谢各位热心的大侠!
        • 有学医学检验的吗?情况怎麽样?
          • 我知道有正在做医学检验的,原来好像学的是医学专业。
            • 能更详细一点吗?他/她是到加之后考了什麽证书, 还是又继续读了学位?学士or硕士?
      • 大家好,我是武汉地大毕业的,不知在加拿大怎么个混法?有校友已移或者正在移民的吗?讨论讨论!