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Don't worry, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/irpa/faq-resident.html.


Returning resident permit and permanent resident obligation

Q: Before June 28, 2002, I obtained a returning resident permit valid for two years to allow me to pursue my studies abroad. I was told that under the new law, I must be physically in Canada two years, every five-year period. Will my time spent abroad under a returning resident permit count for the calculation of the two years?

A: Any period spent outside Canada under a returning resident permit from June 28, 1997 to June 28, 2002 will count if that time is within the five-year period from the date of the examination by an immigration officer.

Any period spent outside Canada under a returning resident permit until June 28, 2004 will count if that time is within the five-year period from the date of the examination by an immigration officer

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 我该怎么办呢,眼看加拿大的移民泡汤了,大虾帮忙
    我和先生由于需要在欧洲读书,就在两年以前办理了返加证,期限是到去年7月份,返加证给了我们1年半的时间, 但是我们由于一些原因,7月份没有去加拿大,还是选择在这里继续读书,这样一来我们的加拿大签证就作废了。

    但是新的法律说可以5年之内只要有2年在加拿大就可以, 是不是说明我的签证还是有效的,我应该从什么时候算起5年,从去年7月份还是两年以前呢。



    • 说实话,真想去欧洲,这个地方无聊死了。
    • 从什么时候算起5年? after landing. my thought: you can't now since you never land in Canada,
      • think so
      • 这位大虾, 我们在加拿大落地过,2年以前
        是不是就要2年以前算,那么我只有在这里还可以呆一年, 好烦恼
        • If you want to make sure, better contact Canadian Consulate in your area.
    • 说实话,真想去中国,这个地方无聊死了。
      • Really?
        • no I'm just kidding:)
          • 一块石头落下地。。。嘿嘿。:-)
            • I'll go home soon for my vacation tho:-)
              • u got mail.
                • ok
        • Professional! Do you know if the days out of Canada under Return ing Resident permit can be count when I apply for Citizenship? Thanks
          • sorry don't know........
    • 你的身分应该是有效到今年年底。 烦恼嘛,来了加拿大也会有,性质程度不同而已。:)
    • Don't worry, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/irpa/faq-resident.html.

      Returning resident permit and permanent resident obligation

      Q: Before June 28, 2002, I obtained a returning resident permit valid for two years to allow me to pursue my studies abroad. I was told that under the new law, I must be physically in Canada two years, every five-year period. Will my time spent abroad under a returning resident permit count for the calculation of the two years?

      A: Any period spent outside Canada under a returning resident permit from June 28, 1997 to June 28, 2002 will count if that time is within the five-year period from the date of the examination by an immigration officer.

      Any period spent outside Canada under a returning resident permit until June 28, 2004 will count if that time is within the five-year period from the date of the examination by an immigration officer
    • 我从英国到加拿大的,我觉得欧洲比加拿大好多了. 来了你就知道
      • 说来听听,兴趣大大的有。
        • 我想主要是文化的问题。我和在英国的朋友聊天,我说在多伦多,一点都没有"出国"的感觉。她说她知道那种感觉。她出差来过几次北美,觉得都是些钢筋水泥的建筑,没有文化特色。欧洲就不同,路边的普通小屋也许就有一段故事。
    • if you want, go to Canada immidiatly. you can apply maple card this year.
    • If you can return to Canada, you can apply for the P. R. Card now. Just try.