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Looking to buy a new TV during Black Friday sales (if not too late already). 50-60in smart TV preferred,

will mainly be using it for watching video's on the internet (drama, YouTube) via laptop and occasionally TV via antenna. Any recommendations that are the best bang for the buck? Thanks!

I have seen this Visio one at Costco: http://www.costco.ca/.product.744260.html


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / Looking to buy a new TV during Black Friday sales (if not too late already). 50-60in smart TV preferred,
    will mainly be using it for watching video's on the internet (drama, YouTube) via laptop and occasionally TV via antenna. Any recommendations that are the best bang for the buck? Thanks!

    I have seen this Visio one at Costco: http://www.costco.ca/.product.744260.html

    • i just order one
    • Best Buy Cyber Monday sales! 55" on sale!
      • 2 left 12pm today, Dundas & Bay Best Buy
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      • 我的LG Plasma 已经用了9年了,还工作完美。 期间,买了一台SONY,两年半, 屏幕就很多竖条,最后送人。 SONY电视的成功在于特丽珑显像管,在平板时代,SONY就没有特别之处了。而且,N年前,SONY已经把所有电视工厂出售,所有产品都是代工生产。 +1
      • 看过一个今年的 LED电视排行。。。。索尼第一。三星第二。然后是一些小牌子譬如vizio。
      • 2005年底,三千加元购三星超大屏幕(40寸)超薄(厚度 ≥ 25 mm)1080i (720p) HDTV,现如今完好如初。入地下室在走步机锻炼身体时,接个海美迪看戏用
        • 和我家的有的拼。。。42寸,3000多刀。。。也是三星的。。。好像是06年买的
          • 现在也还是好好的。。。不过我们不是每天都看电视
          • 2011年, 买的二手三星42寸等离子720p, 200刀。天天看也不坏,现在还在看。
      • 不能信大品牌了,推荐Vizio +2
    • 我原本准备花2000刀弄台Sony 60寸LCD。 结果不到2000刀弄了3台BustBuy的Dynex (32(厨房), 46(跑步机), 60寸(客厅)各一台)。已经3 - 5 年了, 一切正常,效果极佳。俺的最佳花销!