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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

羽同学,最近在GB上买了一小米的camera,给我寄来一手机android微型摄像头,给他们发ticket, 怎么要求我去邮局开claim? 请指教正文内最后两项要求怎么满足。

Thank you for contacting Gearbest.

We are sorry for this inconvenience and empathize with your frustration.

Please follow these steps and kindly answer the following questions:

-Does the item show any signed that it has been opened?

-Please send us clear pictures of the box on all angles.

-Please tell us the outer weight indicating on the box.

-Please open a claim to your shippingagent stating the tracking number and the delivery date.

-Please open a claim at your local post office and ask them a letter of acceptance.

Once we receive all the above, we will arrange a compensation for you.

Once again we are sorry for all this trouble.

Thank you for cooperation and patience.

Best Regards


Gearbest Customer Servive


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 这种汽车手机支架现在USD1.79,确实挺好用
    • 一个月了,还没收到
      • wow
      • I bought it and rev'd it within a couple weeks.
      • Me too. Bought it in Nov. Not received yet. Open a ticket but they just reply with something like 10 - 40 business day shipment. Sh*t.
    • 确实好用,我买了两。
    • 请问去哪里买啊,可否给个链接
    • 刚跟风买了,看多久能收到。
      • 没把持住,买了,希望快快收到 :)
        • 忘了吧。这样收到的时候就有惊喜了。
          • 好吧,等待惊喜 :P
      • 我的是一个月到的,我现在买这些东西,都是买了就忘了,到最后都受到了
    • 为什么要把手机支在那里?放包里,也能接打电话呀
      • 当GPS用。
    • 宽度可调节吗?不同的phone size不一样啊
    • 的确挺好用的。 但有一个问题要注意,冬天开强暖风的时候手机非常烫。我用的是三星的手机,不知道苹果的是不是好点LOL
      • 用手机导航自己就会热, 再一烤估计会烫
        • 你潜水很久了。还以为你已经走了,原来你从未离去。。。。
          • 没有,,,我一直在犄角旮旯里默默地注视着天空,祝福着大家... :)
            • 现在是年轻人的天下了。。。
              • 是啊,月是千年不变的月,人已不是千天前的人了
            • 看成:”在天空默默地注视着大家“
      • 可以把挂手机的那个通风口关闭。不过也许不是所有的车都可以这么做。
        • 请教武大侠什么车中央出风口可以关闭?谢谢
          • 看图。我的车就可以,每个通风口底下都有调节风量的开关。我想当然认为很多车都可以。

            • 谢谢。看来我开的车都太老了,LOL
              • 不以物喜,不以己悲。话说坛子里大家都开奔驰宝马特斯拉,我照样该吃吃,该喝喝。
            • 哇!车这么干净
              • 难道我会告诉你照片是网上找的吗?不过我的车也还算干净。
      • CD 口的支架比较好, 稳定不容易晃动,也不挡出风口.
    • 羽同学,最近在GB上买了一小米的camera,给我寄来一手机android微型摄像头,给他们发ticket, 怎么要求我去邮局开claim? 请指教正文内最后两项要求怎么满足。
      Thank you for contacting Gearbest.

      We are sorry for this inconvenience and empathize with your frustration.

      Please follow these steps and kindly answer the following questions:

      -Does the item show any signed that it has been opened?

      -Please send us clear pictures of the box on all angles.

      -Please tell us the outer weight indicating on the box.

      -Please open a claim to your shippingagent stating the tracking number and the delivery date.

      -Please open a claim at your local post office and ask them a letter of acceptance.

      Once we receive all the above, we will arrange a compensation for you.

      Once again we are sorry for all this trouble.

      Thank you for cooperation and patience.

      Best Regards


      Gearbest Customer Servive

      • 买的时候要选那个可以tracking的送货公司才会有tracking#, 也可以再选加保险,几块钱的东西加到十几块,还好最后寄到了。贵的东西还是算了。 +1
        • 以后不能在GB买东西了,5次居然有2次出错,概率太高了。以前在Aliexpress买东西,好像还没出过差错,最多是质量不理想。 +1
    • 这是加元1.58.基本一样 +1
      • 谢谢提供连接,刚买了一个。 直接用Visa付的, 顺便问问你们都用什么方式付款? +1