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工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 向Linux高手请教:
你用的什么OS loader?你用的什么OS loader? 如果是lilo, 那么你装完你编译好的新内核后,一定要再运行一遍lilo. kernel panic多半是这个原因. make modules出错后, make modules-install当然会出错. make modules出错与你在make menuconfig时的选项有关. 但是出错的可能性很小.
我用的是lilo. 修该完lilo.conf后,我用命令 #lilo 更新系统引导映象。另你说“make modules出错与你在make menuconfig时的选项有关”能说具体点吗?谢谢!
老兄啊, make menuconfig选项太多, 没法再具体了. 你下载解包后, 缺省的选项应该是没问题的.
The linked library is not found in runtime. To solve it, check the Makefile and find the libraries it links. And their path to file /etc/ and run command ldconfig.
再次请教!According to what you said, I check the Makefile and find the libraries it links --i.e. /usr/local/lib (I am not sure whether it’s correct.), add “/usr/local/lib” to the file /etc/ , and run command “idconfig”. Then run command “depmod”, but It still doesn’t work. Could you please give me more detail?
Thank you very much.